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JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ, MEX., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1916. Eighteenth day. Jockey Club Juarez. Winter Meet- ing of 100 or more days. Weather clear. Stewards, Charles F. Price, AV. H. Fenchler and M. J. AVinn. Placing Judges. AV. II. Shelley, II. F. Breivogel and J. T. Ireland. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary, AV. 11. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 3:15 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. QO7 n I,"1I"sL "ACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. March 8, 1914 1:03 0150. Purse S300. 3-year-OU IIO olds and upward. Maidens. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Index Horses AAVtSt 4 V2 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 30729 2CERTAIN POINT w 3 309 5 21 2 3 1 C Hunt K Spence 50-100 "0729s MAJOR BELL wn 4 105 1 5: 4 2 21 M Garner AVoodsworth and Shields 3GQ-ino S941SALVADO QUEEN w 4 105 2 Gnk Gi 5 33 AV A CarllJ Green 1150-100 30693 JACK HARRISON W 4 109 4 33 31 Sl 4i J Howard Hall Bros 1050-300 30654 BOB NAIL v 3 30G 7 7 G G 54 N Taylor B H Harnbrick 2000-100 IDOL STAR ws 3 331 3 11 11 41 Gs F Smith C L Benbrook 1780-1CO 30747 LUP1E L. wsn 3 309 G 4 7 7 7 C AVhite D A Stevens 70GO-100 Time, 23, 48, 1:01, 1:07. Track fast. mutuels paid. Certain Point, .00 straight, .20 place, .20 show; Major Bell, .00 place, .40 show; Salvado Queen; .S0 show. Euuivalent booking odds Certain Point. 50 to 100 straight, 10 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Major Bell. 30 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Salvado Queen. 40 to 100 show. Winner 15. g, by Abe Frank Sainvoke trained by K. Spence; bred by Mr. J. F. Newman. AAent to post at 2:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CERTAIN POINT was taken back and saved for the first half, then took the lead 011 the stretch turn and won going away. MAJOR BELL was outpaced in the early running, but finished with a rush next to the rail after saving ground on the turns. SALAADO QUEEN closed a gap and made a game final effort. IDOL STAR set the early pace and tired. JACK HARRISON showed early speed. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 30543Zudora, 109. Overweights Salvado Queen, 1 pound; Bob Nail, 2; Idol Star, 2. f rj rj f SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. March 8, 1914 1:03 0 150. Iurse 00. J i j O 2-year-olds. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. 0; third. 5. Index Horses AAVtSt U j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 30036 HONDO wn 112 1 ll 1 1 P M Garner AA E Applegate lfin-JM 30680 iMISS TIPPERARY w 107 2 2 21 21 2l AV A Car HP M Civill 170-100 3074GF. C. COLE wn 107 3 3 3s 33 3 R Troise E J OConnell 650-100 30694RED DEER wn 112 5 4 4 4 4" G AAarren I E Clark 370-100 30727TUFFY wsi: 107 4 5 5 5 5 N Taylor C I Crippen 43GO-10O Time, 24, 48, 1:07. Track fast. mutuels paid, Hondo, .20 straight, .80 place, .40 show; Miss Tipperary, .00 place. .20 show: F. C. Cole, .80 show. Equivalent booking odds Hondo, 1G0 to 100 straight. 40 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Miss Tipperary. 30 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show; F. C. Cole.- 40 to 100 show. Winner Blk. g, by Plaudit Blue Jacket trained by F. D. AVeir; bred by Estate of Mr. B. M. Cole. AVent to post at 2:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AAon cantering: second and third driving. HONDO ran as if he outclassed the others and won in a canter. MISS TIPPERARY raced in closest pursuit throughout, but could never get near the winner. F. O. COLE raced well and finished gamely. RED DEER was unable to keep up. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. QurT nr rT THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. March 8, 1914--1:03 6 150. Purse 00. 3-year- f3 J III olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second, 0 ; third, 5. "index Horses AAVtSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 30691 MILTON-ROBLEE w 5 114 5 3"k 3 3 11 J Howard .1 Stephenson 910-100 30750 PETER GRIMM wn 6 111 3 2i 21 21 2" G AAarren T S Parker 280-100 30750 JOSEF. ZARATE wit 4 109 2 1 1 11 3n AV A CarllHayes and Kessinger 110-100 30691 3IOLET w 3 109 4 51 Is 4 4 G Molcstn.l C Ferriss SGO-100 300! I RALPH S. w n 3 101 1 4l 5 5 5J T Hunt J Griffin 430-100 30649 WAXEMALL w 5 107 0 7 7 7 G" L Bailey M Doyle 4520-100 30758 MINERAL JIM wit 5 107 7 d Gk GI 7 F Smith King and Fausett 2830-100 Time, 23, 48, 1:00, 1:06. Track fast. mutuels paid, Milton Roblee, 0.20 straight, 0.40 place, .20 show; Peter Grimm, .40 place, .80 show; Josefina Zarate. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Milton Roblee. 910 to 100 straight, 420 to 100 place, GO to 100 show; Peter i Grimm, 170 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Josefina Zarate. 20 to 100 show. AVinner Ch. g, by Radford Determination trained by J. Stephenson; bred by Mr. R. Gatewood. , AVent to post at 3:14. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. MILTON ROBLEE. showing sudden improvement over his previous nice, ran in close pursuit of the leaders and. responding well to urging, wore them down in the final eighth and won drawing clear. PETER GRIMM raced JOSEFINA ZARATE into defeat, but could not withstand the winners rush. JOSEFINA ZARATE showed the most early speed and hung on gamely to the end. VIOLET ran well. i The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 30709Grays Favorite, 102; 30757 York Lad, 105. Overweights Mineral Jim, 5 pounds. : Q f "7 rT Q FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. March S, 1911 1:03 0150. Purse 00. yU I O 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5 . Index Horses AAVtSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 307ai CLINT TUCKER w 10 106. 1 3"- 4t 3t 1 M Garner B Monahan 540-100 30757 "TEMPY DUNCAN w 5 105 1 11 Is 1 2l J McCabe T OBrien 500-101 ; 30679 HELEN THOMPSON w 3 302 5 9 8 51 3 C Hunt K Spence 1G20-100 : 30572VIONA NAIL w 4 102 G 2l 31 41 4n H Gibson B H Harnbrick 6S1O-10O 30748 CUARA JAMES ws 4 306 3 5l 2 2i 5 C AVhite D A Stevens 4610-100 ; 2810CHAR1TY AVARD wu 4 105 9 G G G" G3 AV A CarllT S Parker 140-100 ; 30748BULA WELSH ws G 106 2 7 7 7 71 N Taylor II H Fausett 990-100 ; 30709 MISS AVELLS wit 4 107 7 4nt 53 S3 S G AVarren A P Dickey 206:-llH : 29080 UNCLE MUN s5 10G 8 8999L Bailey M Doyle 5SO-10O Time, 23, 47. 1:01, 1:07. Track fast. mutuels paid. Clint Tucker. 2.is0 straight, .20 place, .U0 show; Tempy Duncan, .00 place. ; S4.20 show; Helen Thompson, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Clint Tucker, 540 to 100 straight, 110 to 100 place, SO to 100 show; Tempy Duncan, ISO to 100 place. 110 to 100 show; Helen Thompson. ISO to 100 show. AVinner 11. g, by Brigade Mary Pease trained by T. J. Strong; bred by Mr. II. T. Batchler. AVent to post at 3:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CLINT TUCKER moved up fast while coming around the lower turn and, wearing the leaders down in the stretch, won going away. TEMPY DUNCAN set a fast pace, but tired when challenged. HELEN THOMPSON closed a big gap and came fast through the final eighth. AlONA NAIL and CLARA JAMES ran well. CHARITY AVARD was never prominent. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 30745Bermudian. 104 : 30745 Blacksheep, 109. Overweights Helen Thompson, 1 pound; Aiona Nail, 2; Charity Ward, 1; Bula Welsh, 2; Miss AVells, 1. Q f 7 "7Q FIFTH RACE 1 Milo. March 11, 1914 1:36. 3 102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds QVy I j and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. 0; third, 5. Index Horses AAVtSt M V2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 30728 TYPE wn 4 112 G 5s 5 5 3 11 M Garner F D AAeir 120-100 30762 BARNARD w C 112 1 11 11 1 1 23 G AVarren Rice and Clements 250-100 30712 3SMILING MAG w 4 105 2 4 4 41 41 3i L Bailey AV T Studebaker 650-100 307G1 ORBICULATION w 7 10S 3 31 33 3l 21 4 R Feeney Buchanan Bros 410-100 . 30732 ENDURANCE wn 4 100 4 6 G G G 53 G MolesthJ H McCarren 1730-100 30732 AIRLINE ws 4 100 5 2 2 21 5S G R Trolse E J OConnell 10160-100 Time, 23, 48, 1:14, 1:41. Track fast. mutuels paid, Type, .40 straight, .40 place, .00 show; Barnard, .20 place, .00 show; Smiling Mag, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Type. 120 to 100 straight, 70 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Barnard, 00 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Smiling Mag, 50 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Singleton Typical trained by F. D. Weir; bred by Mr. August Belmont. AVent to post at 4:13. At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won easily; second and third driving. TYPE was reserved well back for tiie first three-quarters, then came with a rush and wou easing up. BARNARD set a good pace to the lust eighth and finished gamely. SMILING MAG ran well and made a resolute finish. ORBICULATION tired. AIRLINE ran a good three-quarters. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. ; Overweights Orbiculatiori. 3 pounds. . I Q f H Q i SIXTH RACErr-1 Mile. March 11, 1914 1:36 3 102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds QJ OVJ and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. 0; third. 5. Index Horses AAVtSt Ij. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ! 307322MARJORIE D. w 4 100 4 3 2h 21 2 11 T Hunt. N F Dortch 130-100 30571 HASTENA w 5 308 3 ll ll 1 lh 21 J McCabe A C Mackenzie 210 100 SO 7 143 BUCK NAIL w 4 107 G 2 3 3 3 31 II Gibson B H Harnbrick 1020-100 0760 BOBOLINK w 3 91 5 5 5 5 43 4i R Troise F Johnson 1900-1O 30714VIRGIEDOT wsu 4 107 1 6 G G 5 55 AV A CarllAV M Cain GSO-100 30695 AV. AV. CLARK wu S 332 .2 4 41 4" 6 G D Stirling Vail and Ramsey 970-100 Time, 24, 43, 1:13, 1:40. Track fast. mutuels paid, Marjorie D., .00 straight? .60 place, .S0 show; tlastena, .20 place, .80 : show; Buck Nail, .00 show. . . - , Equivalent booking odds Marjorie D., 130 to 100 straight, 30 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Hastena, 110 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Buck Nail. 50 to 100 show. AVinner Ch. f, by Cyclades Diplomacy trained by K. Spence; bred by Mr. Nat Dortch. AVent to post at 4:43. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driv-"t ing. MARJORIE D. wai kept well up and came ou the outside on, the stretch turn a bit wide, but wore t HASTENA down and won going away. HASTENA wis sent right to the front and made a fiist pace, t but tired finally. BUCK NAIL was always in close pursuit. BOBOLINK finished- fairly well. VIRGIE-t DOT was under slight restraint throughout. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. I I Overweights Hastena, 3 pounds.