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QUITE INTERESTING REPORT NEW YORK STATE RACING COMMISSIONS STATEMENT TO THE LEGISLATURE. Effective Breeding Policies of Foreign Governments Portrayed — A Constitutional Amendment to Permit Use of Mutuels Suggested. New York. January 20. — Chairman Wadawortb of the New Turk State Rating Commission, in his report to the legislature, points out that although interest in horse racing in this state has been increasing each year since tin- passage of the Agnew-Hart law. that thete is no doubt that this increased interest was caused by the realization of the needs of this country in the breeding of horses in the event of war. It is shown that 750.000 horses have been exported to Europe since the war started, and that H* provision has been made to fill the gap. The Breeding Bureau of The Jockey Club shows that during the past ten years eighty-five thoroughbred stallions for public service throughout the state were placed at a nominal Charge. These horses were mated with upward of 0.70O mares, resulting in 3.100 foals. "Is seems essential that further stimulus be given racing if it is to be of lasting service to the industry of horse breeding." says the report. "The number of registrations of thoroughbred foals in 1910 was 1.923. 1.722 in 1913. 2.428 in 1910. but 4.415 in 1905. The amount of money distributed by racing associations in New York state last year was :50.000, or ,000,000 less than was distributed in 1907. "Notwithstanding the hardships entailed upon the combating nations of Europe by the war. their governments have seen fit in all cases to pres- rve racing for the sole purpose of retaining the best blood necessary for the propagation of the horse. England continues to race; Oermany and Basshl are holding large race meetings and France, through its Jockey Club, has offered the sum of 30,000 in order that the best horses of the year might be ascertained through competition and reserved for the stud. "Can there be more conclusive evidence that grim necessity has pointed out to France the importance of discovering the best individual thoroughbreds, and that it can be done only through the instrumentality of the winning post? "The French system of horse breeding and particularly that branch which is devoted to the production of animals for army purposes, stands as a mod 1 fir the world. The French government recognizes the existence of a close relationship bi IN tin racing and horse breeding and has pro-eeeded in an intelligent manner to develop it* system through a fund which is derived from a tax en ■peculation, through the operation of the pal i-mutuel. " The p iri-r.iutuel has eliminated the bookmaker in France. Russia and other countric, where progress in horse breeding has been the watchword. The revenue from this tax is large enough to enable th" countries named to mantaiu breading studs, by which the cold blooded horses of the respective countri ■- ai constantly reinforced and enriched. No price is considered too great to pay for a desirable sire and all this blood is at the disposal of the horse breeder and farmer at a nomin il fee. "The relationship between the sport and speculation is tinder constant and no wagering is permitted, except through the medium of the pari -mutuel. With speculation impossible, except at the course, where races are actually being decided, the volume of speculation is restricted in a great degree and it is the belief of your commission that the introduction of such a system would 1 ring about a similar result in this state. "In the state of Kentucky and in the state of Maryland, we find that the introduction of the pari-muttitl aystcm was followed by immediate Improvement. Kentucky, which in 1907, distributed in purses and prices 80,080, distributed double that amount in 1910. and attracted the beat horses in the country. Maryland is now bidding for the best thoroughbred blood of the land. New York state, which baa alwaya been paramount in tin; rnclag of the tlerouglihred. is bring forced by restrictive legislation into a secondary position. "Your commission re ognizes the need for thoroughbred blood throughout this country and that it can be advantageously employed only by that selected which comes from the elimination resulting from competition of the racecourse. This, it believes, can best be accomplished by following in a modified way the system of breeding and racing .is used in Fiance, an 1 it r ■••ommends that appropriate laws be enacted to that effect, to the end that thoroughbred horse racing may be regarded and treat"; as a great industry as well as a apart.*1 While the rccon ions in fnvoc of tic pari-mutnel system are made with tic- idea that the legislature should take the initiative toward tiiat desired end. the State Racing Commission of cause had no idea that the action of the legislature aMaw could accomplish the reform sought. Before any pari -mutuel system could be established here there would have to be an amendment to the present constitution of tie state, adopted in IBM, which, in Section 9 of Article 1 says, in part: "Nor shall any lottery or the sale of lottery tickets, pool-selling, bookasakiag, or any other kind of rambling hereafter be authorized or allowed within this atate, ami th ■ legislature shall pass appropriate lawa t prevent ohTenees against any of the provisions of this section." Except through tin- agency of a Constitutional Convention, the only manner in which the State Constitution can lie ainen led is by having two successive legislatures. with different s. nates, adopt the change which then has to be ratified by a vote of the people at the next general esse-tion. Even if this and the next legislature should act favorably in an amendment to permit the establishment of tiie pari-iuntuel system the amendment could not be submitted to the people until the fall of 1919 and, if ratified then, could not be effective until 1920.