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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. Mrs. Anna Orannan. the mother of "Riley" Iran- ! nan. the former widely -known plunger, who died | at Rawhide. Nov.. eight years ago. is dead, at I her home in Paris, Ky., at the age of eighty- j five. In spite of all the difficulties, the Queensland Turf Club meeting ami financially one of the best on record. The postponement necessitated by the heavy rain a fortnight ago may have been responsible for same slight disappointment in connection with Derby Day. when the attendance eras comparatively small, and a shortage occurred in the totalizator figures, but the discount was fully compensated for by the success of the subsequent days. — Brihane Observer. Although Malar was a great horsuaan. he was not a prudent speculator in the ordinary business | pursuits • f life, says a London paper. It is understood that Maher lost a coneMeruhte portion of his , lifes -:ivings in hotel property in America, and thnt in many other ways his investments in the I country which he l.-ft to become a citizen of England were most unfortunate. Maher was certainly a generous chap, but be knew how to take care of himself in the mottled company in which he was often compelled to mix. Horsemen ruing at the Fair Grounds rejoice when tiny look but k several winters ago and think of Palmetto Park. Charleston. S. C. where they raced for .*300 purses, 29 to the winner, and then think of the present-day purses, which are no less than S00O for any kin I of a race This is a new record for winter racing and it bears out the llsUiacai made, when the Business Mens Racing Association was formed to the effect that the horsemen will share in any prosperity which may result from the races. -New Orleans Times-Picayune. "Mickey" Shannon is receiving many application-, for membership in the "Old Rosebud Minstrels and Good Fellowship Club." an organfamtioa which he founded in Kentucky last full, and which has thrived from its inception. Included in its list of member- i re auch prominent men in turf circles as Judge Charles F. Price, presiding steward on the Kentucky circuit. Judge William U. Shelley, starter Harry Morrissey. John H. Hach-meister, general manager of the Douglas Park and Latonia race tracks; Frank Bruen. Mr. Hachmeis-ters assistant: II. C. Applegate, treasurer of Churchill Downs: Oene Elrod. supervisor of the pari mutuel departments at the tracks in the BlUfe-tmaa Stale, and many others. This .bib will hold -issions semi annually, during the spring and fall race meetings in Louisville, and it is Shannons intention to get 1,000 members bcloru the first of ucxt year. _ m ___. ._ .,