Fourth Race [4rth New Orleans, Daily Racing Form, 1917-01-27

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FOURTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Cosmopolitan Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiminr;. March 1 1. MOB- 1 .-"1 .. I -1*2.1 PLEASUREVILLE. br. g, 5 109 By Plaudit— Involved J. LoweV orl rs 1 l-49»ihvy 8 102 3 4 3 3 2 2- ! Murphy fl Biamond. Warsaw, Woodward • NOrlna 1 l:47%hvy 2 ill 3 3 3 2 :• 3»| w Crump 8 Diamond, Greetuurs. Infidel II. •1 ■■.-:N Orlns lm70vl:50--.hvv 3 111 3 1 1 1 lj 1! W Crump 5 Greetings. Yen*hee, Turco M1» W Orlns 1 l-40*ifast 11 1 » 13 2 1 1" 1" W Crump 0 Yeagbee. Cntlagration. J.Louise Churchl 1 1-16 l:50%mud 61 108 3 6 4 4 4« 4»1 F Murphy 8 HardBall. Billows. JeaaieLouiM -ton " 1 -16B47 fast *U 107 17 7 3 4 4i R r.„,- B Cfla ration, H. Howdy, "..rata ;:;,; , • lm 70v i-mud 26-5K» 4 4 3 3 2| 3i H ShllUnt; BSosiua. Hard Ball. Intone Wff8I-.TtoS 118 1-54 fast 1 104 4 2 3 1 4 5i II ShillinglO Cadenza. OUa St ,r. Fly Home •-W5 1145 goods 108 4 3 4 4 3= 81 F Murphy 6 Bonaua. B.Heaaley. StoutHeart SmuS-L 3-4 11¥fast 20 97 6 6 6 6 65 F Hopkins 8 Btefract. B.Heaaley, Samouch 25r.-NO.nis lWal-flSSSt l" 113 2 4 5 4 li 1= M Garner 7 Toynbee. H.Lauder. Counterpart N- • s 1 1-6 147 f s 20 109 6 4 8 7 7= 7" F Ilopkina 8 Camellia. Intone. Ba Mode 26175 Ivor us lm70y lVfcfaat « 113 4 4 4 3 1J 1* J Kederis 6 Toddlini;. 1aiiana. Hedge Rose LBCI7E P.. b. f. 3 102 By Bryn Hairr — Annovance G. Knebelkamp. 31395 K.Ortna 1 1.19. hvv 18-5 ,,x 5 3 4 I I* P Lowder N VodeleN, Pairiy, Baby Lyncn 1 t. N.Orlna 3-4 1:21 hvy 6-6 M I 4 3 i I" i Kederia «. Wat, Caafeop. Baa •.rii: I i.ts-hw .. HB s s ■ :; 1 J K-.i.i 8 Tootsie, Reads Riae, Kilkenny 11148 N.Ortna 1 1-16 l : 17. -fast 4 95 14 1 I 4 •!• .1 Dnraoa 5 Turco, Fairy Legead, BriaaBora SUtS N.Ortna lm20vl:43-..slow 12 96 S E 5 4 4" 5*1 J IKirsch ." Habbab, Bqaeeler, rairyLeaend 30943 N. Orlns lm20y l:4745hvy 10 t-1 6 7 7 7 64 6=« J Uurscli 7 Herb.Temple, Hubbub, FlagD.y 30257 Devshire 11:41 fast 16-5107 7 7 5 4 35 3s H Stearns 7 Crepuscule, SwiftFox, AbcMartiu 30228 Devshire 3-4 1:13 fast 12 92 7 5 7 71 73J B Kopmn 8 LobengrtB, W. Pitxer, Nellie B. £0133 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fasl 17 105 7 8 7 41 4=1 P Lowder 8 Latonia. Suntiasli. Sir Wcllons 30074 Latonia 1 l:41%faat 11-10 l 6 4 4 4 2 1= 1* L Lykes 7 Buckner, Bersens. Honey Slunk | 30001 Latonia 1 1 :45=f.hvy 11-10 108 4 4 4 3 ! 21 L Bykes ! B.Umpson. Kbelkamp, Perseus 29835 Latonia 1 l:40r5fast 43-5 104 5 6 6 6 21 21 A Claver ti Spring Wheat, lVnr-.d, Milt.rey JESSIE LOUISE, ch. m, 6 108 By Marta Santa— Dollie Mc J. M. BookeT. 1:1192 N.Ortna 1 1-16 l:48%faat 1 IN 5 2 3 3 44 4* M Buxton 7 Contlagration. Impreaaioa, Hops 81129 N.Ortna ll:40-Dfast 5 106 4 5 4 I 4i 4i M Buxton • Buri villc. Vngli- e, "Migration 30171 Latonia 1 1-16 l:465fast 21 16 1 1 1 1 ii 2" M Buxton 10 Lahore. A.Barence. C.Bftaaretta 20105 Latonia lm70v l:44%fast 5 105 9 8 8 9 9 9" M Buxton !i Margaret N., Syrian, Turco 29961 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :471j,fast 3-5 1"6 2 2 2 1 1° 1= M Buxton 7 Surpassing. A.Lawrence. B.Bill 29669 Batonia 1 1-8 1:53 fast 6 104 6 1 1 1 11 21 W Hoag 8 II. Dulweber. Birka, Bit. Bigger 3*823 Latonia 11-16 1:46 fast 23-10 110 3 10 2 2 V o8 M Buxton !• O.Post, S.R. Meyer. Cmaaretta 29735 Latonia lm70y l:43%faat 51 106 3 1 1 1 1 l3 M Buxton J Byrtaa, Bcno. Waterproof 39396 Churchl lm70yl:45Mast 3-2 107 2 2 2 2 21 35 J Hanover 8 Reno. Rapids. Bey 29260 Douglas 1 1-18 16-5 107 13 3 2 4l 451 W M"ihan 8 MissBannie. Byrtaa, Mi-sKruter 291S2 Douglas lm70y l:45 /5fast 61 113 6 8 6 6 61 68 W Meehan 9 Waterproof, B. Shop, M. Fannie BEN HAMPSON, br. g, 3 95 By Ben Trovato — Margaret Hampton J.Livingston. 31427 N.Ortna 11M9 hvv 4 :h; 1 i 3 4 4 4=H Jeffbott 4 il.Temple. Gainer, Dr.Larrick 31277 N.Ortna ll:47,..mud 6 97 1 3 3 4 2= 2° II Jeffcott 8 Gainer, Woodstone, Wiee Man 31127 N.Ortna 1 I :::92t,fast 15 89 4 4 4 5 5 !"■"!. Lykea 5 Jacaba, Hubbub, For Fair 31044 N. Orlns ll:45Hmud 7-5 99 3 2 2 3 8 Vh L Lyk s A King Mart. For Fair 309 J6 N. Orlns ll:443-,hvy 6 98 2 1 3 3 3 4" 11 Jeffcott 5 H. Temple, Y.-nghee. J. Wak-lv 30303 Pimlico 7-8 l:27fast 46-5 lis 6 8 6 7 7« 7" R Ball 8 FiryWan-1. Har.King. Courtship 30136 Latonia 3-4 1 :13"-,fast 14 106 6 9 5 3 2«* J HanoverlO Bullion. Basil. Hemlock 20001 Latonia 1 l:45%hvy 36-5 103 3 3 3 2 21! la F Murphy 9 Knebelkamp. Lucilc P., Perseus 29922. Latonia 61 f l:0S%fast 4-5 109 3 2 2 l1 U F Murphy 7 Kenward. Quin, James G. 29760 Latonia 51 f LlOhvy 9-10 1"9 5 4 4 2« 2- F Murphy 11 Applejack. Quin. Robe. Bodes 29567 Churchl 3-4 l:14,fast 31-5 109 4 2 3 41 45 M Buxton 8 Jaekstraw, Latonia. l-iinxl 29435 Churchl 5.J f l:09%mud 21 110 11 9 8 6* 3-1 F Murphy 13 Knehclkamp, L. Kathern. Quin 29247 Douglas 61 f l:08* sfast 11-10 109 3 4 3 W 2"" M Garner 8 Bluebannock, A. Jack, C. Court HERBERT TEMPLE, br. h, 5 118 By Hastings— Josie L. J. M. Booker. 21427 X. orlns 11:49 hvy 2* 110 4 3 4 3 2= l3 J Williams 4 Gainer, Dr.Larrick. RenHampsoa 31296 N". Orlns 11:45 hvy 10 104 5 5 6 6 6 8*» J Williams ti Hanovia. Bob Ilenslt v, Jacoba 38998 N.Ortna 1 l:44%hvy 2 105 4 2 2 2 2° 1° J Williams B Yenghee, J.Wakely. B.Hampooa 3*943 N.Ortna lm20v l:47%hvy 5 112 3 3 3 1 1* 1= J Williams 7 Hubbub, Flag Bay, Yenghee 80432 Bowie 1 1-16 1:50 r.good 17 107 3 111 1- l3 J Williams 7 C. Francis. Max. Choice, Wodan 30370 Bowie 7-8 l:27ofast 13 108 9 8 8 9 71 1i J Williamsll F. Helen, Presumption. Bet. Da 30311 Bowie 1 l:45Vshvy 35 112 9 8 8 8 8 6"! B Konmr, !» Ms Choice, Corsica n. Harbard 30280 Devshire lm70vl:4410fast 23-5 112 2 4 4 3 1"" 2» J W ilBamsll FairyLegend, RoyalTea. Amulet SOI S Devshire lm20yl:43-%fast 11-5 113 1 1 1 1= li J Wlllalmsl2 Haydea. Greenwood. Buterpe S0016 Kenilwh lm70vl:55 hvy 11-10 111 2 1 2 25 l2 J Williams 9 Phil Mohr. Mayme W.. J-rry 21-887 Kenilwh 1 1-16 l:5lM,hvy 11 93 1 1 1 2= 2= B Kopann 7 K.Box, Greeawoed, Tbkaalvtag 89121 Devshire lm70yl:45 fast 63-10 109 5 7 7 6 61 5"! R Bedell 7 Boncros First, Mud Sill, Buzzi YODELES.. b. h, 5 107 By RoehamDton— Yodeler J. D. Strode. 31396 N.Ortna 1 lMP-.hw 7-5 Ml 2 5 6 3 2 2s f Robaon ti Lactic P.. Fairlv. Baby Lynch 31280 N. Orlns 11-16 1:54 mud I 115 6 4 3 1 t« 1° F Rnbsun 8 St. Ante. Wh. Crown. Men. Park 8117:; X. Orlns 1 1-4 2:08%fast 16-5 112 3 4 4 3 21 2- L Lvkts 8 MenloBark. Lit. Bigger. B. Stuart 31096 N.Orlna 1 1-8 l:56Mfast 3 112 3 3 4 2 21 2- W Crump 5 Tnksgiving. Meniolark. Kildav 31071 N. Orlns 1 1-16 1:50 slow 3 112 5 5 3 2 2= 3:J W Hoag 7 Devil Fish, Perugiuo, Chivator. S0997 N.Ortna tn*2*y l:4S%hvy 13-5 10S 6 8 7 5 21* l1 F Robaon 8 Peruxino, Petehn. Triate 304*6 Bowie 1 1-8 l:58V-good73-10 114 2 2 2 2 2= l1 J Dminick 7 Dartworth. Chivator, CarltonG. 30417 Bowie lm20v l:45%fast 62 110 13 13 13 12 12 10i A Collins IS KOday, Handa Off. Hiker 30369 Bowie lm20v l:46Vifast 16 114 111112 12 10 10;J J Dminickl4 R. Juliette. Hands Off. P. Star 30347 Bowie 1 1-16 l:53%slow 11 HO 7 10 9 9 9;l 5" J DminicklO Valas. Dartworth. Hiker 25702 H.deGce lm70vl:46%fast 4 101 2 4 3 3 41 41 T Parton 8 Ida Claire, Mr. Mack. M.Watere 25689 H.deGce lm70yl:46%good 13-5 107 2 2 2 3 31 5» J Cruise 8 IdaClaire, Budweiser, U. Brother 25662 Bowie 1 1-8 l:57%fast 6-5 99 3 1 1 1 l8 I9 J Cruise 6 Ctyhunk, L.England, L.Situelle FAIRY LEGEND, b. f. 4 106 By Ildrim— Fifi D. S. Fountain. 21467 N.Ortna 1 1:53 hvy 8 K.S 2 14 2 5-■- ." . - P Robaon 7 laymaster. Monomov. Reno 31141 N.Ortna 1 1-16 l:47%rast 31 104 3 3 2 1 ll 21 R McDott o Turco. Brian B.oru, Locile P. 31019 N.Ortna lm20yl:43%slow 12 103 4 4 3 3 3= 38 R McDott 5 Hubbub, Bqueeler, Mob. Perci 3pSsO N.Orlna lm70v l:50%hvy 3 107 2 3 5 4 31 S=l F Robson ti Fairly. Brian Boru. Gibraltar 30913 N. Orlns lm20yl :47%hvy 10 105 7 6 6 6 7 7S1 F Murphy 7 Herb.Temple. Hubbub, Flag Day 30510 Bowie 1 1:45 mud 11 103 3 11 1 21 2 R McDott 8 Cliff Field. Kilkenny, LadvLittle 30495 Howie 11:43 good 13 98 3 3 3 5 5= 4s* L Lykes 8 In. Chant, WiseMan, Ken. Boy 30490 Bowie 11:43 fast 34-5 107 2 4 4 5 5* 751 L Lykes S S.W.Jchnson, J.Reeves, Harbard 30355 Bowie 1 1-16 l:50%good 23-5 107 111 1 21 2i R McDott 7 Jem. Charles Francis. Wodan 30341 Bowie 1 l:45%hvv 31 105 7 7 6 5 6= 4*1 L McAtee 9 Ms Choice. Corsican. Harbard 10260 Devshire lm70yl:44y5fast 51-10 106 6 6 5 6 31 1" W Young 11 Herb.Temple, RoyalTea, Amulet CLIFF FIELD, br. h. 6 110 By Clifford— Richfield L. 3. CaTeyl. SUM N.Ortna 1 l:40%fast 6 :il 7 7 7 7 11 0-i P Lowder 0 Pnreville, Ynghee. CHagration 30510 Bowie 1 1:45 mud 15 108 2 2 2 3 li 1* F Robson 8 F. Legend. Kilkenny. LadvLittle 504*0 Bowie 11:43 fast 63-10 J"8 5 5 5 4 61 o41 F Robaon 8 S.W.Johnson. J.Reeves. Harbard 30458 Bowie lm70y l:47Vislow 59-10 111 5 5 6 5 41 C8! F Robson 1 Margaret N.. Jem, Scvillian 30407 Bowie lm70v l:4S%faat 30 105 8 8 6 6 51 2= W Crump 8 Bqaeeler, Harbard. Margaret V 30375 Bowie lm20vl:44 fast 22 105 3 6 6 5 3 1*JW Crump 8 Gloaming. Bonnie Tess. Hops 30258 Pimlico 1 1-S l:54%fast 14 105 6 3 3 3 5= 6U* J McTagt 7 Syrian, Lit. Nearer. Old Broom FAIRLY, b. g, 6 106 By Marchmont II.— Locust C. F. Brandt. 21295 N.Ortna 1 l:4*%hvy 8 185 3 6 5 4 45 .1=1 W Obert 8 Lncttc P., Yodeles. Baby Lynch 31148 N. Orlns 1 MB l:474fctaat 41 MM 5 5 5 5 5 5s W Obert 5 Turco. Fairy Legend. BrianBoru 30*80 N.Orlna lm70v l:50.-.hvv 7 106 1 5 4 3 2= li W Obert 5 BrianBoru, F. Legend. Gibraltar 50432 Bowie 1 1-16 1:50 .-.good 17 102 6 5 5 6 615 611 L Lykes 7 Il.Temple, C.Fraacia, Max.Cltoica .0: 3 Bowie 1 1-16 l:50y5fast 15 110 6 5 o 6 2" lh J Butwell G Scvillian. King Box, Handfull :j0501 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:50%fast 37 110 9 8 7 9 Ss 3JJ Butwell 12 Scorpii. JackBeeves, LadvLittle 30281 Pimlico 1 3-16 2:02 fast 104 104 2 11 9 6 6= 63i W Ward 11 G.M.Miller. II. Tide, Armament 30267 Pimlico 11-8 1:56 fast 42 108 4 6 6 6 71 413 W Ward 8 M.sChoiee. Armament, S.Rock 30204 Laurel 1 1-4 2:05 fast 46-5 107 5 6 5 5 5= 361 B Kleeger 7 G.M.Miller. High Tide, Voluspa 30144 Laurel 11-4 2:07 fast 34-5 109 5 4 3 3 21 2= B Kleeger ti Menlo Park, Voluspa. StarGaze 30009 Laurel 1 1-8 1:57 hvy 19 107 1 6 5 4 4s 4* W McKzie 8 Mr. Mack, Juliet. Patty Regan

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Local Identifier: drf1917012701_6_2
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