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Tijuana Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, January 27. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK HEAVY. — o The figures under the heading "Rec." in the I I entries below show the best time of each horse I at the distance, since January 1, 1911. no matter I where it finished. In cases where record was I I made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- i viations show track conditions. • a ■ — Hi ing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 4:00. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Mi maidens. •Appreatlee allowance. First Race — 5-8 Mile. 1 JTar aMa ami upward. Selling. Trad: record: Jan. 8, 191ft— 8»%— •— #f. Todays Ind Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. SIBHfl OH Hob 103 :.V.Of. 5 115700 SH48* Wnight of Pythias. 1D7 -.r, r, 5 U5X«»3 81451 Mi-s Knight M..101 1:11%1 IM».«0 S1451 Norford Bose 105 1:01% 7 11SX«»0 •11471 Ieit Johns,,,, 110 1:00% 12 1150085 81451 Rapid May 102 1:01% 4 105.. 880 81100 Dot H. ■• 4 HO.. 680 31300 1 a iMi 107 l:l«%ay 4 118..«75 81451 Bacene Boea M..112 1H»1% 4 11S..«75 31211 • ioistcrm an M ..106-1:02% •11S..C78 Baad at had ra*» ra. Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. S-year-olda and upward. Iflatdeaa. Selling. Track i cord: Jane 28, UU -l:«ft%- I Uft. 81150 Mat. Ins Kir. l:lis 8 lift. .700 81105 Iairvmon.le 107 18% IMB..6M 3144 t- Bay !•* 1 : 7.-. ti 114. .t..R 81100 Balneal •■* l:M% » ni lVl 31449 Valli V 117 1:1! -.h 8 100. .080 8064MJ Jim B-ekI,ani 16ft 1:11% 1 lftT. .«90 :t144! Kisa W Iftft l.-«8% 4 112.1X1 31474 Heroine 103 1:11% 810ft..ftTS :iins7 EUaabeth Boberta.. Iftft l:15%a 8 105. .875 81231 ladle stioup 3 105.. 070 Matches ran well at times. Third Race— 5-8 Mile. 3-vear-i Ms and upward. Selling. Track reeard: Jan. 8, lftlft— 5ft%— 3-97. 81150s Viieo 108 1*1% 7 113X725 3M.-.2: Panel Post ltd 1:01; ft M8X72« Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 31417ri Aimee Leslie 166 1*1% 5 108X715 31470 Clara W 1*2 :»•% i 113X71.". 31452 Ihvllis Antoinette. 115 :5ft% 7 113X710 81451* Forge 107 1*1% 7 115X705 31090 Bnndee Arooa 4 11ft..7ft0 31213 Miss Folly 105 1:01 0 113X700 Vino is speedy. Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongfi. 8-yeax-olda and upward. Selling. Track record: June 2S. lftlft — 1*8% — 8 — US. 81421 GBXBBAL 108 1*8% 7 114X725 30016 Palatable 110 1*6% 7 16ft.. 715 80814 Magic lift 1*8% 5 110. .715 31305- Dominion Park ...112 1*8% 3 97X710 81380 Ann Tilly 198 1*3% 7 105X710 31122 NaaledOTatJ 114 1:09 3 100X705 31122s Iatsy Mack 112 1*7% ft lift. .703 31422 Qeraldaaae Iftft 1*0 3 38X700 General is la excellent form. Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-vear-ohls and upward. Selling. Track record: Dec. 20, lftlft— 1:11%— 3— lift. 3147S Kid Nelson 112 1:12% 7 112x725 ,31450 laqnleta IOC 1:13% 7 1080720 ,311971 Cabrio lift 1:12% S 107X715 31403 Anna Lea. 110 1:14% 4 183. .710 51212" W.vanoke 1081:12% 7 110X705 31450 Palma 119 1:14% S 307X700 Track conditions suit Kid Nelson. Sixth Race — 5-8 Mile. 3-rear-olds and upward. Selling. ■Track record: Jan. 8, lftlft— 59-.-,— 3— 97. 31241 Category 197 1*8% 5 112X720 i 31489* Beaumont 119 1*1 11114X720 31488* East Spark 113 1:02 5 114X715 31899 Dr. Neater 109 1:01 S 114X710 81404* Jurisdi.tion 3 95X705 31272 Blanche IK.nalton .112 1:02 3 100.. 700 31195 Veno Von 102 :8ft% 9 112..7H 31153 Merry Twinkle ...108 1*9% 5 109X095 31402 Santiago White . .110 1 :13 -.ll 4 112X090 Should be close finish here.