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IMPORTANCE OF AMATEUR RACING CLUBS. Came to the Rescue at a Time When the Turf Was Passing Through a Crisis — Now Thriving. Match of tin1 popularity of later-day racing was occasioned by the amateur sportsmen, who became more active when the ban was placed on the sport aa conducted at tie- regular tricks under the supervision of tie- .Io key Club. These gentlemen have become more ambitious with each Mieccodiag year, but the announcements made by the Catted Hunts Racing Aaaoeiattea and the Iiping itock Kacing Association last week indicate that they have not yet reached the limit. The Catted Hunts has made the greatest strides Bad has grown in the last few years from a small membership id 7l to Li;7. At the annual mooting the members wen- so enthusiastic that they looked forward confidently to a muster of 400 before the Beat meeting. Every member taken into this association is a luvir of the horse, and prepared to spend his own money to keep tie apart in a flourishing condition. Thai was shown by the aiiiioiiin ■ ■-meal that si". OHO iiad been guaranteed to iiisir.-e the mi. i ess of the spring and fall meetings of the United Hants, as well as by the conditions of the new double event steeplechase, which call for each Mils, rite r to contribute ,000. all of which will be in the nature ■■! a I wee petite, as the winners of each section of tin doable event will take all the prize money. Ferry Belmont, who made the first move to get real racing re-established by running the hunt meetings and letting the courts adjudicate on the validity of individual belting, is still at the head of the United Hunts Racing Association. Among the other officials an I warm supporters are F. S. Von Stade, Lewis J. Waring. I. J. JL Knurling, H. A. Buck. J. Temple Owathmey. Henry L. Bell, Joseph B. Davis. Charles I.. Appleton. James Park. W. B. Cue. J. Searle I.arclay. Jr., Edward F. Whitney and W. Carson Kane. Almost as active in the revival of rac ing as the United Hunt- was tie- iiping Bock Racing Assoeia-tioii. and the latter body is not far behind with the announcement of a new steeplechase fixture, due to the liberality of S. Brrce Wing and 1.. Stuart Wing, who have giv n a handsome challenge cup and guaranteed ,000 a year in prize money for a steeplechase to be run as a ■Manorial for their lather. This will be only one of the big events to be run at Iiping Rock, but that fixture is likely to be minus some of the big private aweepntakea thai nave been features in the past. If these are not renewed it will lie probably because of the new rule of the Jock Club, which takes away the Maiden privileges from tie winner of such an event. Some of the contributors t,, this form of racing take the view that in a private sw,,pst.ikes they are racing for their own me in v. and no matter how much that may amount to. a victor] should not place the winner ill t In- MM position as a horse that won an event where at hast put of the money was added by the association holding the race. — New York Times. hi jm