G. W. Wingfields Stake Successes: Horses of Nevada Turman Win All but One of Tijuana Features-G. A. Alexandra Does Well, Daily Racing Form, 1917-02-20


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G. W. WINGFIELDS STAKE SUCCESSES. Horses of Nevada Turfman Win All But One of Tijuana Features — G. A. Alexandra Does Well. Ry J. K. Jeffery. Ran Diego. Cal.. February 15. — One of the notable features of the Tijuana meeting has beea the success of the stable of Ceorge W. Wingfielil. Nevada mining magnate, in the stakes so far decided. Thanks to the skill of trainer Bail J Wright, who has sent the Wingfielil horses to the post for their stake engagements in the pink of conditii n, the stable has all but made a clean sweep of the stakes. The one occasion when the Wingfield colors failed to finish first was when Slippery Kim, carrying top weight of lis pounds, was beaten by Ed Cudihee iu the . Kh1 San Diego Rusiness Mens Handicap, one mib- and a sixteenth, on January 2L Even this race might have resulted in a Wingfielil victory but for the fact that jockey Roscoe Troxler arose from a siil: bed to take the mount en Slippery Bat. Troxler, who has shown to marked advantage on the Wingfielil horses on other occasions, probably was unable to do his mount justice in the running of this particular race. The list of Wingfielil stake sacceaae began with the victory of the good sprint lag mare Scarlet Oaks, cariying top weight of 114 pounds, in the Tijuana Silling Stakes, Bneeasbeff Pi. Slippery Elm. carrying the exacting impost of ISO pounds, was relumed the victor in the Los Angeles highweight handicap of .fl.LiOO. at tiiree-ijuarters of a mile, on January 28, and the same game little gelding added to his laurels by a meritorious victory in tin- Spreckels Handicap of ,2M, one mile, carrying top weight of IIS pounds, on February 11. It is now generally conceded that Slippery E!m has fairly earned the right to be regarded as the best all around horse racing here this winter. The Schroiber-brcd son of Rannockburn — Schwalbe has done everything asked of him in gallant fairhtira He has shown an ability to stay as well as sprint, has raced successfully over all kinds of tracks and has bandied high weight in a surprising manner, considering his size. He is a small horse, but of tin- compact type, and symmetrical iu every detail. Eastern racegoers will be afforded a chance to see him in action, for he will be the star of the string that trainer Wright is pluming to take east the COflBing spring for a campaign on the Kentucky and New York tracks. It is hardly to be expected, of course, tiiat he will be able to cope with the top-notcl.ers. but if he retains his good form, he undoubtedly will win iu fair company. Parney Schr.-iber. who is spending the winter here, is in love with him. Gcorere Alexandras Good Season. George Alexandra, who came here from eastern Canada with a stabl •■ of a dozen horses, has beea cutting a wide swath ia the selling races. No owner has won more races, his record, up to and including the eighty-third day of the meeting, being twenty -four firsts, twenty-one seconds and ten thirds, representing purse winnings of ,815. Alexandra trains his own horses and it must be admitted that, for a man of his limited experience, he is doing remarkably well. It is only a year or so ago that he was prohibited from racing his bones at an eastern track until he turned them over to a competent trainer, the officials who promulgated the ruling taking the view that he. himself, had not had the required experience to obtain results that would be satisfactory to the patrons of racing. He evidently believes in the close corporation method of doing things, for. after attending to the training of his horses himsalf, he eatrasta them to be ridden by his ana, Ceorge. who has developed into a fair sort of a jockey. A younger son is also being trained as a Jockey, and recently scored his maiden victory. The Alexandra family hails from Birmingham, England, and the head of the establishment has the reputation of not being averse to wagering liberally when his batsea appear to have a good chance. the twelve horses with which he came here included The Wolf. Hilly Culb.-rts in. At.ka. Galeawiathe, Bhaban, Boxer, Privet letal. Gleaner, Last Spark. Tia.jan. I!aw tbora and ttawwingo. it will be recalled that be has won with practically every borne ia this list. As a result of selling - race activities, he has lost Hilly Culbcitsou. Privet letal, Clomer. Last Spark. Hawthorn an I Coaowiago, but their places have been more th.:u fill d by the acquisition of Po minion Park, Pady Roweaa, Baron de Kaib. C.iro Nome. Lady Lei. in. cuart ermastt r. Kil Nelson, First Degree, lrincess Janice, ■•nch.i. Classy Curl. Hilly Nestlehoase and Pila Warner, most of which wire clainiel out of s.-lliug races. Tijuana Youngsters Moderate. As a general rale, the two-year-olds that have raced her- since the new year came in, ara such a moderate bind that it matters little that they will b- disqualified for racing on the Keatacky, Canadian aad New fork tracks until next year. A possible exception is the eheataat gelding Avon Carey, a s-,n of Joe Cany Maid of /.von. that crated a new track record of -ii"-, for three ami aae half furlongs in winning a race for maiden two year-olds on .Monday last. This gelding belong to Ceorge W. Wingfh Id and is generally regarded by good judges as above the ordinary. It is likely, however, that the Wingfield stable shelters much mor? promising material in the juvenile line, for it was the avowed intitiiiu of manager George W. Berry of the Wing till i si.il.lishnu nt to reserve the best of the stables youngsters for eastern racing. The past week baa beea notable for the appearance of many prominent personages at Tijuana. Turf notables who have visited the coarse during the past few days include Foxhall 1". K.s-ne of New atfc, former alderman Thomas Carey of Chi-c igo. viio owns the Hawthorne track: Hugh I. Vil son. manager of the Ifutte Jockey Club and Moses A. Gaaat of Baa Praaeisco, a devoted racing en thusiast in whose lionoi Thomas II. Willi nils named :: juvenile stake r.u e at O. kland.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917022001/drf1917022001_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1917022001_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800