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i [ ■ I OPENINGS TO BE HOLIDAYS MAYOR OF HOT SPRINGS PROCLAIMS CLOSING OF BUSINESS ON TWO FIRST DAYS. Heavy Pain Deluges Oaklawn Track, hut Trainers Work Their Horses Anyhow — Last Horse Train from New Orleans Arrives. Hot Springs, Ark.. March 2.— In oreler that the business ini-n of Hot Springs might have full opportunity to mix and mingle with the visitors ami show their appreciation of the unparalleel prosperity that tin- race- meetings here bring. Mayor Dr. J. W. Me Cli-ndon of Hot Springs today issueel the following proclamation: "To the people of Hot Springs. The worlds greatest health and pleasure resort, is just now enjoying a patronage- and a prosperity unparalleled in its history, a consummation for which we have all collectively and individually so long labored, especially during the- years of my administration as your mayor. "From all sections of this great country this patronage has leeen drawn and. in oreler that some definite appreeiation might be expressed on the part of the people of Hot Springs, for the condition that is now with us and for what the- future has to offer, I considii- it proper that at least two holidays be observed, on which occasion, during a brief pause from the business lines, the- jH-ople will intermingle- and mix with our visitors and express personally the appreciation every patriotic citizen feels within his breast. "Such half holidays it se-ems could he be-st celebrated cm the occasion of the openings of the Oaklawn and Kssex Park tracks here, afternoons on which oeeastaa more of the- visiting patronage will be assembled in one- large gathering, than at any other time- eluring the mee-tings and. in keeping with this desire to in some- manner express a public appreeiation of what we- are- enjoying, I therefore pi oil a ha that on the occasion of the openings of the me-etings at Oaklawn and Kssex Parks, the afternoons of each oe-casion shall be a half holiday, and that business men geic-rally shall su-penil their lines anil thereby improve the opportunity to show their hospitality to the thaaaaaaahj of people from all parts of the country now within our gate a." "Doctor J. W. Me-Clendon. Mayor of Hot Springs." Heavy Rain Once More, ltain has fallen here ine-essantly for twenty -four hours and today Oaklawn Park was a veritable eiuagmire. However, nearly one hundred horses were given work-outs de-spite the mud, as the opening of tie- nii-e-ting is too close- for the trainers to let up on the charges. Wintry weather again prevailed and it now has beea four days ahsee the sun has shone here-. Seven e-::rloads of horses, comprising the- last horse special train from New Orle-ans. arrived today. Included in the shipment wore those of A. A. Keilly. and James Arthur. A e-ar load of horses also got in from San Antonia. Ti-.:s. BarJag secretary Jack Campbell today issued the rule in regard to the making of jockeys engigi-ments. "It has been dicided not to use the New Orleans system of the racing association having a jockeys agent, but all jockeys e-ngagem-nts must be made by an owner, trainer, or by tin- jockey." Trainer Charles Casey, who trains the bones owned by Grant Hugh Krowne-. has wired manage-r Sam Davis of Kssex Pari: asking for stable room for fifteen horses at that course. It seems that from now on the ov-rflow of horses will have to take eiui.rters there, as the Oaklawn Park track is filled to the- limit. Bvery train today -brought an unusually large number of visitors and. although tin- crowd in the city is now the largesr In its history, aee-onimocla -Boas are- being found for all of them. Most of the Chicago lie-legation, which included several prominent politicians, arrived today. There wen- also some af tern. eon arrivals from New York and the ea-t.