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Tijuana Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, March 3. WEATHER CLEAK. TRACK GOOD. Raeiui; starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time. 4.00. Buns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 1 Mile, r.-year-olds and upward. Soiling. Track record: June 17. 1910—1:38— 3— 97 . gav Todays "id. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. Slt7S* Ludv Spirituelle .. 99 1:49% S 107x725 33888* Vino 109 1:39-5 7 107x720 319733 BnUMH KM 1:10.. 9 109X7 15 :U74H Dovie 105 1:41% B 10-JX710 S1BSS .lolin Walters 105 1:3S% 5 107X710 31941 Acumen 109 1:38 10 109X710 31S43 Commoncss 100 1:48%S 3 88. .748 31973 John Louis Ill 1*8% 12 105X705 31974 Landslide 188 1:42% 4 105x705 31904 Ham Keen-- M .. 3 95.. 700 317W Matekes II 99 1:44 3 BS..7M 31709 Ruth Towers M . 0 107X090 Lady Spirituelle*s last race was promising. Second Race — 1 Mile. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: June 17, 1910—1:38—3—95. 32000- Gift 103 1:40 8 114X725 31974 On McGee 107 1:40;.-. 8 109X720 32007 Louise Paul 883 1:88% 7 109X715 31901 Aimee Leslie 100 1:42 5KOX710 81974* Rooster 108 1:41 ,i 7 109X710 319022 Bob Lvnch 99 1:39Vr. 10 109X710 31975 Anna Lou 103 1:43% 4 98. .705 31*42* Virginia S 0 109X705 31955 Von Lad v 103 1:43% 4 109X705 31974 Morcurium 109 1:38% 7 114®705 31943 Maud Smith 98 1:44% 3 93X700 31974 Lvelina 98 1:39% 8 112x700 Race of doubtful outcome. * Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-vear-olds. Allowances. Track record: June 28, 1910— 1:05%— 3— US. 3198S Lazy Lou 112 1*8* 98.. 725 31707 Judge Sanderson ..111 1:98% 105X720 31975 WWW 115 1:00-.-, 105.. 715 81118*1 Kollin Laird 114 1:07% 108X715 31957 Broaco Billy 109 1:08.-, 118x715 304415* Gladiola 103. .710 31S87t Peep Again 105 1:08% 9.8.. 710 31803* Satsuina Belle 102 1:07 % 98.. 705 Todays Ind. Horse. Wt Bee. A.Wt.Han 31708 Premium M 100..7H 31904 Luck M 118 l:18%h 103. .700 f.I. Fuentez entry. Lazy Lou Is speedy and good. Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. Track record: Dec. 20, 1910— 1:11% -3— 110. 31975- Silver Moon 1111:13 7 110.. 725 31975 John Haifa 109 1:12% 7 95X720 31918 Palatable 112 1:12% 7 110. .715 81884 Barsac 103 1:12 7 122X715 31944 lucks 108 1:13% 4 i*x710 31987 Syphon Boy 105 1:13--. 5 108.. 710 318423 Manganese 102 1:11% 0 112X710 31013 Cdttaet 115 1:13% 10 102X705 30332 Diadi 108 1:13 8 188X780 31728 Batchler 109 1:13% 5 100. .090 Silver Moon is ■ tttmt mare. Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile 3-vear-olds and upward. Silling. Track record: Dec. 20. 1818— 1:11%— 8— 110. 31903= LOAN SHARK ...108 1:14% 7 107X725 31985 Merry Twinkle ...105 1:13.. 5 112X715 31985 General 112 1:13% 7 112X710 31985 Boscas 105 1:12 .-, 0 17 . . 705 31822 Magic 109 1:12% 5 110.705 31701 Concha 105 1:14 8 188X788 31970- Delanev 187 1:11% 9 107x700 31903 Jake Argent 110 1:13% .8 107X700 81988* Buvoco 105 1:12% 7 107 X 095 319S8 Geraldame 100 1:15% 3 93x091 31081 Toy Miss M 184 1:15% 4 103.. 090 31889 Buss Sand 112 1:14% 0 107X090 Loan Shark should score here. Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: June 24. 1910—1:45—3—110. 31825:! First Degree 106 1:40 0 109.. 725 31940- Jawbone 108 1:40% 8 113X720 31989: Prince 8 104 1:49% 0 108X715 31940 Imiuieta 188 1:48% 7 100®710 31977 Boxer 188 1:48% 5 104X705 31989 Harwood 100 1:47% 0 100x705 31989= Leah Cochran 4 101.. 700 32000 Cooster 8 188X780 31989 Bey Shannon II. ..110 1:47% .8 HI.. 700 31749 Brando 118 1:47% 8 100X095 First Degree is racing well.