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PROMINENT ENGLISH BREEDER DIES. The death has occurred in France- of Dieut-Col. Fife, who -in e uiiil-i el to an attack of double BOM -monia. Latterly he had been acting as an instructor in tin- Machine G-m Corpa at the base depot, and earlier had clone really good work in connection with army remounts. Colonel Fife was the owner of the- I.angtou Hall Stud. Northallerton, Kngland. which came to him on the death of Ma father. Major Fife- look-on. a few years ago. lb- was one of tin- fore nio-t bive-dors of thorough hreda in Kngland. anil recently acnuireel Golden Sun from J. K. Joel for hi- stud, where also Trout-beck i- located. Year afte-r year saw the- valuable-eon-ignineiit of yearlings sent to the DeTMUl -ah-, and the — - were invariably so well grown that. the-y commanded good prices. Thus in 1913 the Dangton Hall yearlings realized .".97.» for eleven. Of these J. Sanfoid. the- Anii-riian sportsman, eewiier ■ f Siass ovian. gave . _:!. !»_0 for a filly by William the Third Daily Melton. Colonel Fife was only thirtj -even yeara old. ami was married in lSH-"c lie b-ave-s a widow aad two bays, one only a few weeks old.