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CLOSE HAVANA FINISHES FINE WEATHER AND A FAST TRACK ELEMENTS IN SOME THRILLING RACING. Divan Comes from Far Back to Win the Feature Race in the Last Stride — Royal Tea Beaten by Inches. Havana. Cuba. March "J.— With clear bracing Weather mid :i fast truck, the conditions for earing at Oriental Park this afternoon were almost ideal ami the sport proved to be of the same nature. Some of the finishes were of the hair-raising kind and brought tin spectators to their feet. One of those took place in the race which had the honor position, fourth on the card. In this contest Divan was kept far back until half the sprint was over and then came with a treat rush and finally overhauled Freshet in the last stride. The latter eeeaaed to have the race sewed up at the last eighth post. I ut gave way readily when challenged. Kopje greatly disappointed her supporters in this race, failing to respond when called on lor a final effort. Dockland bolted to the outer feme as the field entered the homestretch. Sherwood, a near winner yesterday, was a starter in this race and was badly outpaced from flag fall to finish, winding up in the rear. Safe and Sane in the Last Stride. Another close finish was provided in the opener w hen Sale and Sane ran a race much like that of Divan and came along to grasp the long end of the purse in tlie final strides. Ilaschke would have won easily had she not tired badly at tiie finish. Dittle Wonder, the betting choice, was exhausted from chasing Ilaschke and finished in the rack. .lim Kay i it the second and Granads in the third won their r.i sea from start to finish, the victory of Granudo being specially easy, the son of the Ticket Inning many lengths to .spare all through the stretch. The closest wiudup of the day came in the fifth race, in it the rider-, id both Wavering and Koyal k Tea tried waiting tactics and made their effort ™ through the homestretch, with the rsult that it became h duel to tile end. Koyal Tea was tin1 l«-st but Wavering just managed to stick it out and win by a nose.