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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. General disorder resulting from outbreaks which will occur in Ireland, mil -ss tin- Government reconsiders its decision, is predicted by the Irish leaden in the House of Commons. John Redmond, leader of the- Irish seeking home rule for all Ireland ele- , clared ia the House of Commons Wedneslay: "If the- Prime Minister continues to ignore the cry of Ireland the tine- will come when he will have to govern Ireland with a naked sword." Germany is considering the publication of new terms of peace, according to Confidential information received at Havre. It is understood that she will declare Belgium independent, although Gemma garrisons will be maintained in Namur. Liege and Antwerp. All Belgian ports and railroads are- to remain under Oilman control. Under the plan. Belgium is to be policed by a gendarmerie and is not to have a national army. The number of navy enlistments in the BHtBth of l-ehrnaiy 2.1 ISO - is the greatest in any month since the sinking of the Maine called Americans to arms. Nearly half of these men joined in the week ending Feb. 15. There were 991 enlistment then and B10 on the week foDowtog. The navy, howi-vr. N 22, 022 men short of its normal supply, therefore the number of recruiting stations has been b» reaaed to 217 throughout the country. The Overseas News Agency, says of the report in British newspapers, that Marshal von llin.l--u-burg had declared against an Italian offensive: "The ente-nte newspapers always remain the same. If. was the case with Serbia and Roumania: First applause, then appeasing, then comfort and. at last, an obituary notice — on which Italy also may count." Secretaries Baker. Lane and Houston and a detail of army engineers, composing the board whieh will determine the location of the 0,000,000 government nitrate plant, left Washington Thursday for a tour of proposed sites in South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee. Alabama, Kentucky. Ohio ami West Virginia. Secretary of the Navy Daniels and Secretary of State Lansing conferred Thursday upon arrangements for taking over the Danish West Indies. The fact that Secretary of War Baker was not at the- conference led to the belief it had been decided the Navy Department should administer the islands. Contrary to assertions made by entente papers. Dr. Ritter. Swiss minister to Washington, will not be recaUedj nor will his recall be demanded by President Wilson, the P.erne correspondent of the Berliner Tagcblatt wired to Berlin. There has been a substantial diminution of meat consumption in Grout Britoia. In consequence it was stated in the House of Commons that there is no intention at present to introduce compulsory mcatl-ss days. Gen, Jose Miguel Gomez, leader of the Cuban in-surrectors has been captured together with his entire staff, and the backbone of the Cuban revolt is considered broken. Early execution of Gomez is predicted. Arnold Brown was sentenced by Police Judge Id-dines Thursday in Sioux City to study Vice President Marshalls inaugural address during his seven day jail sentence for disorderly conduct. The Duma committee for municipal affairs in Russia has voted in favor of a proposal that women should be eligible for membership in town councils.