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SPEEDY RACERS FOR HARFORD HANDICAP. Entry List Includes Many Well -Known Sprinters Noted for Their Ability to Run Fast. Baltimore. Md.. April 4— The Harford Handicap will be one of the first handicap races to be run in the east this year. It will be run at the spring meeting at Havre de Grace. Baffin for this handicap closed February 15 with fifty-seven nominations. Inclndeel in the list of those named for this feature of early spring racing an- a number of speedy sprinters, which have been racing at the winter tracks. Prominent among these are Leoeh-ares. which shelved at New Orleans that he still retains that superlative speed that has placed him in the front rank of sprinters, and I.rumley, which only recently hum: up a new record for three -qaarten of a mile at Oaklawn track in lied Springs. With such other speedy ones entered as Flittergolel. Klittermouse. Kewessa. Top o th Morning. Brotno. Meuitrt sor. Churchill. Borrow. Pennant, tin- Har-forel should provide a great contest, and with a fast track on tie- day of its running, a record breaking performance should result. The eonilitie-ns and nominations for the Harford are as follows: Harford Handicap si.r.oo ndded For three-year- eelds ami over. By subscription of S10 eae-h. Starters tei pay f2S adelitional. with .." IH added, of which *2.-. » te the second and flM to the third. Weights to be aiiiiiuinceil five- days before the race. Winners after the aiiuoiiiii ■enseal Of weights, to carry Impounds extra. Distance, five and one-half furlongs. Mrs. B. Arlingtons Soarpia II. , b. c, 3. bv Isidof La Toon II. 11. C. Bedwi-11s Sir Edgar, ch. h. .".. by Cunaril Sumipy; Anita, b. f, 4, by Voorhces — Han lseuue Fh.ry. Mrs. A. G. Blakel-ys Prumley, ch. h, i, by Isielor -Adriutha. J. M. Beakers Basest Oust, b. g. .".. by Dick Welles — Please; Korfhage, ch. g. 0. by Cesarion — Busy l.;lss. G. H. Brownes King Beted, ch. c. 3. by Colin — Aealot: Crepuseule. b. f. 3. by Meddler— Strike -a -Light II. Cairasmalr Stables Nonesuch, blk. g, 3, by Aha Frank Add Pan. P. F. Carmans Churchill, b. c. 4. by Sweep — Lamp Girl; Startling, b. c. 4, by Marta Santa — Conatry Framl. C. W. Clarks Tresor, b. c. 3. by Santry— Trovi. C. N. Darkes Daaga Din. ch. c. 3. by Meettek— Gay ami festive. F. U. D.-ete rs Sand Marsh, b. h, .", by Satidring-ham Marshmalleiw . W. F« uchters Skihs Kindi, ch. g, i, by Hurst Park Felicity Murrat. L. Feustels H.- Will, b. g, B, by lleno -Naughty Lady. .1. E. Griffiths Bea Peach, b. g, 4. by Marta Santa Sea Spray. Keiitmky Stables Courtship, b. e, 3. by Phoenix •em-tisane-. Torchhearer, br. -. 3. by Badtaai - llaeklers Priele-: 0 olden Fox. ch. g. 3. by Sandy s. miagtoa T ell W. W. Laaeys Keatacky Poy. ch. g. 3. by Tod elington — My Fair Keatacky; P -.iutiful Meirn. b. c. 3. by Peep eDny .lamt Cray. J. Lowes David Craig, ch. g. i. by Peep oDay — Avon II. J. W. MeLeBaada Bayal Writ. eh. •, 3. by Bel .Mi.hab.-t. Stabhs J. J. Lillis, blk. g. i. by —Tootsy Mae-k. Mirasol Stables Blue- Feix, b. f. 3. by Waterboy — Russian Sable; Lady Moll. b. f. 3. by Hessian— La Pleex. W. P. Miz.-lls Robert Bradley, ch. g. 7, by Mc-Gee — Lady CMmx. A. H. Me. iris Wild Thyme, b. f, 3. by Bin Tro-vat.. Pell, e.f . C. A. Mullers Flittc-rgold. ch. h. ;. by Hastings — Fairy Gold; Feumouse, br. m. ." . by Pock Band — Flitt. ■rmouse. w. L. Olivers Kewenaa, b. g, 7, by MeGee— Sanfara. D. A. OMeana Pesky, b. f. •!. bv niaamalhl Perrene. W. P Ores Leoehare-s. b. g. 7. by Biwaaathh — Leayaaam. P. Powers Top o th Morning, eh. g. .".. by Pe-ep oDay Lady Baigewaa. Qaiacy Btnhles Polly J., h. f. 3. by Waterboy - Sisl-r .leanie: Zouave, blk. g. 3. by Sain Black tail; Jimmy Bams, b. g. 3. by Knight of the Thistle-Result. A. A. P. allys Kalitan. b. -. 3, by Bey main -Dally. M. Sheas WoodatoajC, ch. •, 4. bv Ito.k Sand -Woodvlne; Tea Caddy, ch. c. 1. by Peek Sand-Teas Over. L. C. Smiths Erie-ndle-ss, b. c, 3, by Superman — Luckless. J. F. Sweeneys Hauberk, b. g. ."., by Martinet-Druid. .1. O. Talbotts Kultur. blk. g. 3. by Piirgomaster B.lh- of Troy. E. Trotters , . . Akin. b. g. B, by Algol Tre- !n it; Troilus. ch. g. 3. by Br natJcft -BeDe of Troy. E. G. Vivills Btraaeaa, ch. g. 5, by Bargeaaaster — Fiesob. II. P. Whitneys Promo, b. g. 4. by I.roomstick -Lenyoaam; ClapperbiB, eh. g. 4. by Thrush Azores; Bonnie Witch, b. f. 3. by Broomstick — Bonnie Star: Borrow, b g..t. by Hambarg Perget; Peanaat, ch, h, f,. by Peter Pan Boyal Pose-. P. T. Wilse.ns Montresor. ch. g. 7. by Monford Maederbea; Kilbl.-e. b. c, 3. by olambala Mavriette; Btnlght Forward, b. c, 3. by Star Shoot — Frankness. J. M. Zimmers Kilts, br. f. 3, by Broomstick — Flora Mae. E. T. /.olliclT.-rs Fruit Cake, b. f, 3, by Dick Writes — Iarisiiiine.