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GREEN JONES IN LIMELIGHT BIG KENTUCKY DERBY COLT GIVEN WORKOUT THAI IMPRESSES CONNOISSEURS. J. W. Schorr May Start. Both Harry Kelly and Cudgel in tlie Derby — Brverwyrk Stibler. Horses Depart for Lexington — Track Gossip. I.y c a. Bergia. T.oui ;vili» . Ky. April 29. The Derby stock «f W. II. Bahera Greca .!• ■ v weal akyracketiag ye: ! il:iy aasraiag alter Hi.- son of li;iMt-. I Plareal had boon given a f;i b try nut at one mile and :iii eighth, I!,.- pMldl distance thai anv of the locally train, d Derby celta ha - bees called iilH.ii to pi al good apeed since the traialag at aasa for the big race begaa. The giant colt, with Btaacee Geese mi 1 i I -~ back, weal at an evea pace aad traversed the distaare in the good thaw of 1:57%. Following are tin- faaettsaa: 21. 56--.. 49%, 1:68, 1:18%, 120-.,. 1:44. The colts ■haw-lag was iaapressivc aad leaded t«i ■luaa.lhca the reavietlea thai in- had a good ehaace t . capture the rich prise. He haa assay warm adhaiti ra aaasag local raciac eataasiasta aad their support on the day of the race h baaad in place hfaa well up in the list of favorites, it is uedaaDj diiaahag on the colta partisans, thai ho will he called apaa to mi ;is on.- ,,r tin- chief repreaeatativea of the Aaaerleaa-bred hecaea in the race aad thai ajaaj hi in will devolve aaaaeh of the reapoaaibilitj of up buMlag the tradiUeaa of the race, which haa yet to witness tin- triumph of aaj hat basse bred horses. Tiahwi Hundley Baker, who haa maintained all along that liis ealt would win the Derby, is sow firmer than ever in his conviction. N.,v that the colt baa caaae out of a work at an law H aw d dis-taaee without ahawiag any ill iraalln. ho beUevea ho will ga on and train satisfactorily up to the day of the race. He declared yesterday that be would not swap his chances with any ether owner , having an eligible in the race. The colts next work will l o at the full Derby distance of a mile ■aaj a qharter, a iter which ho will lie shipped to Lexiagtaa to I.. given a race to tighten him up for the supreme test o:i the afternoon of -May 12. Harry Kelly si Work Disappointing. .1. U". Schorrs Harry Kelly was also Beat out for some stiff work and. while he ahawed his usual harat of early spec i|. the work of the son of I Itimus -VVoodl.nie oa the whole, was a hit disappointing to his many admirer;, lie was sent seven eighths and lie went out minus the company of rented, his ■ tab* mate, whi, a ha-- been acting aa pacemaker in all of his gallops. The absence of a pajiiaaaill ill his latest work may account for his rather indiff.r nt showing. Anyway, this is the excuse offered by his many adhere ata. Begiaahag in hia usual light -■hag style. Harry Kelly flew around the track. eav-eriag the njaarter in :22-.-,. the three eighths in :.T.-... and the five-eighths in 1:66. Thea he hegaa to slow up. for he covered the three-quarters in 1:17 and the aevea-eightha in 1 ::tl -.. . lie paBed up sound and cooled out all right. Werklag the colt without a pacemaker was hat an 1 1 pi i jaai al . ami as it did not prove successful, the former method will ba R varhtd lo in future works. The convii tion is growing anions veil informed turfmen that the stalde plans to start both Harry Kelly and Cadge I in the Derby, and allow the former to out out the pace to kill off opposition in the first atagea, then give Cadge! an oppartaatty to caaae from 1m hind and win. This sounds feasible enough, provided Cwdgrl is possessed of the ability to ilo what is expected of him. Cudgel is a horse af no in. an ability and it may come to pass that the slalde will have to dop.nd upon him to take down the prise. Prior to the trial of Harry Kelly, he was given n stiff work-out at one mile and the son of Biaaaaalil 1 Bageaia Bur. h aeqaitted hbaaelf in hand--, .me atj b by galloping the distance in 1:48%. This latest work is his heat ahawiag at the dtataace and demonstrates that he is advancing Bearer to the gaal of preparedness with each ancrf I diet day. If he continues ... train as he has Leon doing in the lust few weeks, thia clt will he a big factor in determining the Derby result. He wTii Im- giawa full opportunity to ahaw «hat he can do. when lie meets son. of tile other Derby cli;;il.les in a lace at Lexington. Acahado Goes Full Derby Route. At Churchill Downs there were a number of moves by Derby colts that commanded the at ten tion of the work -watchers. One of the beat of these was witnessed when Acabado. the Wieklige Stables aspirant, went the full Derby route of a mile ami a ajaarlir. The colt went the first mile in 1:51. and the full distance in L*:J1--. and. while his NltowinK from a lime standpoint was comparatively ahaw, the manner in which he worked was pleasing. Mack Carner, who will ride the son of Superman — Blrgaam in the Derby, was astride and be held him under restraint at all points. Thai «-olt will also be Ilea his first race of the year, when he starts at Lexington. Other good trials included the laBawtag: Basil — Three-quarters in 1:18. Beaverkill — Half mile in r 0%. Folieidad — Three -«piarters in 1:18. Mother Maeliret — Half mile in £%. Old Koenig — Five-eighths in 1:07. Old Rosebud— Mile in 1:47. Omar Khayyam - Five-eighths in 1:06. Spadix — Three-quarters in 1:*1. Sw-itn taag Than lighlba in 3.".4i. Ticket — Half mile in 4.S%. The horses of the Beverwyek Stable intended for the Lexington meeting left yesterday morning. in charge of trainer Charles Hughes. They were beaded by the stables chief Kentucky Derby candidate. Top a the Wave. The others included Half aaad Half, Alberta True. Alone at Last, All I a lea. Sixteen to One and Lady Longfellow. W. Doyle went along to ride for the stable. Old Koenig in Grand Condition. Trainer George Ziegler, who is in charge of the utables horses left at the Downs, is having great luck this spring with Old Koenig. This horse has taken on much weight and is now probably the heaviest horse in training here. This does not interfere with his speed, for he can cover the ground with greater ease than ever. He is being socially prepared for his engagement in the Metropolitan Handicap, to be run at Belmont Park, but he will Continued on second page. GREEN JONES IN LIMELIGHT. Continued from first page. be given a race or two at the Churchill Downs meeting. Gene Elrod, who is in charge of the mutm-l departments at all of the Kentucky traeks, is busily engaged at Chun-hill Downs getting his department ready for the opening of the meeting. He is arranging for seventy ticket sellers and a like number of cashiers to work on Derby Day. This force will constitute the largest he has ever managed. Mr. Elrod will leave early KAl week for Le:.ington to get things in order for that meeting. Judge Allie VV. Young, a mamrihaf of the State Racing Commission, was among yesterdays visitors at Churchill Downs. He came to inspect the many improvements now being completed at the track »nd reported that the interest in the Derby, throughout Kentucky, was greater this year than ever. W. A. Kirwan, a veteran horseman and who formerly trained for Barney Schreiber. is able to be out after nn illness that extended through the greater part of the winter. In n cent years he has served as bookkeeper at Douglas Park and Latoniu. Among the host of racing folks to reach this city within the past few days are Charlie Ellison, Al Weinberger, Sam Henkel and Milt Meffert.