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J. E. SEAGRAMS HORSES AT WOODBINE. Six Kings Platers Among Seventeen Head Erought from Waterloo — Brookdale Stable also Arrives. Toronto. Out.. May 9. — With the arrival at Weed bine of the stable of Joseph E. Seagram, president of the Ontario Jockey Club and the Rrookdalo stable horses interest in training operations is now at full height. Trainer Littlefield brought iewfl seventeen head, from Waterloo, including six Kings platers. The four-year-old Iiiiliistin- is the only one in the band that Was not bred at Waterloo. The full list of the Seagram horses is as follows: Sinithficld. br. h. 5, by Havoc Mai Ij Ill—a Mandarin, rk. c. 1. by Havoc -Royal China. Gala Wat-r. br. e, ». by Galatine Sea Wall. Gala Day. b. c. 4. by Galatine Court Maid II. Phillistine. eh. ,-. 1. l,y Samson Flower. Sturd-o. I., c. :. by Havoc Kate Kittloherry. Galley Head. Idk. e. 3. by Galatine Fairlic Head. Relic Making, b. f, .. by Ypsilanti II. -Irish Lass. Gold Galore, b. f. IS. by Galatine ruche ,n r. Gnkl Dress, oh. I. 3. ky Galatine --Court Mahl IL Statim. b. f. 3. by Havoc At Once. Tea Cup. b. f. 2, by Ypsilanti If Chins ■ Scythian, br. e, g, by Intern*— Irish Witch. Gaelic Lass. ch. r. 2. ky Galatine— Irish Lass. Faded Glory, I . f. 2. by Galatine — Satanic. Twelve tells, b. f. 2. by Infnns Bifch Lane. Sea Froth, eh. f. 2. by Inform — Sea Wall. The platers are all in the best of condition, and their appearances shows they have been in steady work to fit them for the finishing gallops over the Woodbine course. Jockey Floyd Cooper, who will wear the first enlaca of me stable this season, also arrived yesterday. Eleven in the Brookdale Stable. Trainer Walker has eleven bead in the band of Dyment horses and all have done well. The Kings Plate reliance. Terahera. lost a few days from work on account of a bruised keel, but was not laid off long enough to interfere with her preparation, and is as good as ever. The list of horses to carry the orange and green jacket of the Rrookdalo stable this season is as follows: Terahera. b. f. 3. by feed Fox II. — Hera. Pax. eh. f. 3. by Red Fox IL— Drowsy. Playtime, b. g. 3, by Kelston — Solid Comfort. Minnetonka, b. f, 3. by Red Fox II. — Mimic -waska. Blackburn, b. c. 2. by Red Fox II.— Hera. Sadducee, br. c. 2, by Heresy — Solid Comfort. Gallopin. ch. c. 2. by Red Fox IL- Donation. Waska. b. f. 2. by Red Fox II. — Minnewaska. Sceptre, b. f. 2. by Red Fox IL— Ameliana. Confidence, ch. f. 2. by Red Fox II. — Depends. May Means, b. f. 2. by Red Fox II. or Heresy— The Relic of May fair.