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LEXINGTON FORM CHART. LEXINGTON, KY.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1917.— Tenth day. Kentucky Association. Spring Meeting of 11 days. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward. T. J. lay. Associate Judges, G. I. Wilson and W. H. Sliellev. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Itacing Secretary. AY. II. Shelley. Racing starts at t:M p. in. Chicago time 2:15 p. in.. *Indicates apprentice allowance. all rj TJ A FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. May S. 1917 1:11.-.— «— 115. 00 Added. 3-year-olds +U m m TC and upward. Fillies and Mares. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second. 00; third. 0. _Index Horsey AAAtPPSt i; % Sti Kin .lockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 32686 OPHELIA W. w 3 102 7 4 1 lJ 1- V E Martin W F Poison 545-100 32686 * DROLL w I US I 1 S» 43 and 2 W Crump J B Goodman 105-100 32684 »• LUCKY R. V4M 1 5 4i 2 8* 1? Kleeger Hiekey Bros 1S5-100 29978 BUST ALICE w 4 105 6 2 3 ■ 3 4" 4" AV Hong C« W Inne.s 0145 P 0 32705 JUVENILE w 3 88 4 :« 2 P S» S* F Judv Williams Bros 3M9-MI 28956 PEBPO DAWN wit:! ..: S 7 7I 71 fi r,. .1 Orubor Million 4t Bennett 17725-luu 32705 KATHN KRUTER w 3 MS 2 S 61 ,r h 7- 73 C DishmonM Dovle 7H9-MI 23429 HELEN KAYF.LDwli 5 107 : 8 • 8 I S J lions AV J Raybould HN-Mt Ttaie, 232.,, 474i. l:BMfc. Track fast. mutuels paid. Ophelia AV.. 2.90 straight. .30 pla e. .20 show; Droll. . SO place, .10 show; I.ucky K.. S2.10 show. Equivalent hooding ."Ids -Ophelia AV.. 545 to 100 straight. 115 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Droll. 40 to 100 place. 5 to 1 *0 shov ■; I.ucky K.. 5 to 100 atom. AYinncr I!r. f. by I.rvn Mawr Star Lady trained by T. Coffey ; bred by Messrs. Clay Bros.. AVent to anal at 2:10. Al post 2 minutes. Start good and itow. AVon easily; second and third driving. OPHELIA W.. away w 11 an l showing the most sliced, held on well throughout and won with speed in reserve. DROLL was forced back simiii jifter the start, but finished gamely under punishment. LUCKY K. raced forward ly from the start and had no mishaps. BU8X ALICE showed speed, but tired fast in the stretch. The others w, n. alwavs well beaten. Scratched 32 170U.illows. ill; 3221*7 Julia I... 115: BW Alfndir. 10!*: 3271.* Peach Blossom. 1*5. Q977 SECOND RACK 5-8 Mile. May 10. 1910- -84%— 2— 118. 00 Added. 2 year olds. O ig I i *J Maidens. Special AVeiglits. Net value to winner 50: second. 5: third. 5. Index Horses AAVt PPSt4 -~ Str Fin Jockeys Owi.eis Equiv. Odds Strt ST. AUGUSTINE w 109 1 1 1 1- lJ 1". K Martin T C McDowell 150-100 32665 -K LINO w 112 :! 2 2 2- 2* 23 K Lapaill. AVilliams Bros W MS 32688 JAMBS FOSTER w 112 4 :! 3.. V :!• 8* R Goose AAT H Baker MS-MI 32730 BUTCHER BOY v 112 5 .". 4 S* 5- 4" C DishmonRoss and Looney 2260 Ion 32720 PARFAY v 112 2 4 0 4. 4 6* AY Lilley B T Baxter 6M6-M0 32720 ATTORNEY MUIR w 112 ti I .V 6 I 6 .1 Mnrvw Poland Stable 405-100 Time. 2Z%. 48. :QVi. Track fast. mutuels paid. St. Augusti!ie. S5.00 straight. .20 plate. . SO show; Kling. .20 place. .70 show: James Foster. .10 show. K-iuivalent poohta* odds -St. Augustine. 150 to 100 straiglit. 00 to MM place. 40 to 100 show; Kling. 60 to loo place. 35 to UHl show: James Foster. 105 to KM* show. AViuner ]. g. by The Manager Caution trained by F. Hrooks; bred by Mr. T. C. MeD.welD. AYent to post at 2:50. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. ST. Al "GFSTINE l gaii well and. racing into the l"ad at once, showed the way to the others for the entire way and easily bold KLING snfe in the final drive. KLING had no mishaps, was in second place throughout and finished gamelv. JAMBS POSTER stood a hard drive through the last quarter well. BUTCHER HOY ran fairly well. ATTORNEY M1TR was outrun all the wa jr. Q077ft THIRD RACE -1 1-16 Miles. May 1. 1916--1:44%— 8— MM. Purse 1917.sh00. 3-year- O fl I 1 O olds. Claiming. Net value to winner .SJ..O; second. 00: third. S50. J mle Morses A AYt PI St j ■• •"•■ Str Fin Jockeys Owners Iviuiv. Odds Strt 32742 "DtUCLASS S. wa 3 Ml 2 I 2 . 2~ 2= V- 1- B KteegerC AY Gaaaer ItS-MI 744 MONOTONY w .: :: 107 E I «■ ::■ ::- ;t- V T Connellv.I H Baker 444-Mt M4ll JOCULAR mi M 4 1 1 1| lh 2. V K Judv AYilliams Pros CW-MD 8ttSM»*BEN HAMPSON WIItR :: 4 : 4- 4- 4-; 4 AV Crump J Livingston IK-MI 32722»FK;HT FAIR w ." ! 5 1 3 f I I E S J .ruber K Spenee SSM-MI Time. 24. 48. 1:U%, 1:40,. 1:4G45. Track fast. mutuels paid. Douglass S.. .50 straight. .00 place, S3.M» show: Monotony. . Ml place, $."!. 10 show: Jocular. .CB show. Eqiiivahi.t booktac odds Douglass S.. 175 to 100 straight. SO to 100 place. 50 to KM* show; Monotonv. ISO to K*0 pUre, 70 to KM* shorn : Jocular. SO to KM* show. Winner B. c, by sir Huoa Victoria B. trained by C. W. Gaaarr; bred by Mr. Gearse J. Long. AVent to post at 3;1". At post 3 minules. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. DOUGLASS S. act. m1 badly at tie past, but began well, then followi d JOCULAR closely and drew awav in the ia i eighth nnder urging. MONOTONY ran a good race and finished gamelv. JOCULAR s. t a good pace, bat tired In the stretch. DEN HAMPSON anil after going three-. iiiarteis. FIGHT FAIR was always ontmn. Q0777 POCBTH RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. May 11. litll— B»%— 2 -115. Seventh Runising O I t I Idlo Hour Stakes. ,200 Added. 2-year-aMa. Colts and Geldings. Allowances. Net value to winner_. !S3: second. ::s; third. 11*. Judex llois.s AWtPPgMj fe_% StFl- in" Jockeys U ners E |lliv. Odds Stit 32688 IBSOOBA w lis f :; V 4- 1»* D ConneltyK D Alexander M hM 32741 HERALD w 113 2 I P V 2. W Crimp If H Hewitt 1MO-M0 1 327SOKOLHLV w 118 I 2 21 2 ;: K LapailleWilliaaaa Bros MS Ml 32720 POSTMASTER will 4 4 in 1»M: C DfehmonD E Mulholland MM-IOI 32688 BRONZE EAGLE WB 113 1 1 Si V V P Low, b r B R Bradley fUSE-MO 32741 BROOM PEDDLER w U3 7 7 I1 i1 ii C KlraehmE R Bradlev t tS741*DRAGON ROCK Will E E 7 7 7 E Martin W F Poison 920-100 t onpled iii betting as E. R. Bradley entry. Time. 2313. 49%. 56i. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Escoba, .70 straight. .20 place. .N2.00 show: Herald. place. .70 show; Knri%,0.OO show. Rjniralent booking odds Escoba. s5 to 1 *«» straight. 00 to 100 place. M to 100 show: Herald. 220 to In*, puce, sr. to 100 show: Karfaty, SO to Dm* show. AVii r Br. e. by Broomstieh -Uhristmna Star trailed by AY. .1. Yoang; bred by Mr. AY. J. Aoue.g. Went to poat • :.:-".!. At poal 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Won driving; aecvnd and third the same. BSCOBA began Well, bnl had to race wide on the turns, losing considerable ground, but finished gamely under hard riding and outstayed HBRALD. The latter began slowly and closed an immense gap in the atretch. KORBLY ran will, but tired in the hut aixteenth after showing a good order of npeed. PO8TMA8TER displayed high speed in pac-making to the last eighth. BRONZE EAGLE raced for-vardlv to the atretch. Scratched 82008 Big Enough, 118; 32741 1 Boy Blue. IIS; 82651 Compadre, lis; S2741zTei Forman, 113; 3277. K ling. 113: 82775 Attorney Mate, li:t. Q977ft FiriH RACK- 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sept. 23. P..11 1:42%— t— OR. Purse 1917.shK*. fj £i f I J 3-year-elis and upward. Maidens. Allowaia is. Net value to winner 50; sec- oiid. sioo; third. 850. "ind-x Tbu-ses A AYt PI St , , % Str 1iu Jockeys Ow n.-rs Ei|iiiv. Odds Strt St71St*FLEURON II. 7 11.! E 8 s- 7 8» :: U W UUey .1 H~ Woodford M36-Ml] • :-,2 i«4 BRIBED VOTER w 3 101 1 :: S* 21 I U V P Lowder K R Bradley MS-MO 3274." ;P1." FEATHER wi 3 MS 4 7 8* 9 4 I* :;s K Martin AY 0 Badly 1211-100 S2745 MYSTb FOLLY WB 3 1M 7 I # 4 El I 4 R Bedell C H Browne HOt-lM 32719 MISS MINN w S 113 I 1 2 :; 3* ." ."." L Lvkes .1 H Baker 13S0-MI 32745 MEDORA II. WB S 105 I 1 I1 1.. 2- 4 • J Morys P A Clark E670-MO :-2324 DON THRUSH w 2 110 I :* I !» !* 7:1 7 AY Crump K W Moore NO-MI S274S* VALOR wills I 4 ::: 8" V* 8,# 8* D ConnellyW J Yoang U0-M8 LATHALETT w 4 115 1 E 7 s1 s- | !t J Graher K Bpenoe". 108 Time. 23S. 4825, 1:16. 1:44,. lrtt%. Track muddy. 81 iniitiieis paid. Plearon II., 1.50 straight, 1. 10 phice, 85.00 show; Brihed Voter, .20 place, S3. 50 show: Pin Feather, 84.81 abow. ■ajBiwaleat booking adds -PVnron II.. 1025 to 100 straight. 455 to 100 place. ISO to 100 show; Brihed Voter, 110 to 1«*o place. 75 to 100 show: Pin Feather, 140 to K*o ftnow. Winner Ch. m. by Transvaal Plearon trained by W. II. Finer; bred by Mr. J. Hal Woodford. ; Weal to post at 1:1!. At post 1 minute. Start good and stow. Won driving; second and third the I same. PLEITRON II. began slowly, but moved up steadily and disposed of BRIBED VOTER in the last eighth to win drawing BRIBED VOTER showed much speed and. raring into the lead, held on well In the final drive. PIN FEATHER ran well, but tired right at the end. MYSTIC FOLLY raced foi -wardly. MISS MINN tired. DON THRUSH and VALOR ran poorly in the going. MEDORA II. set the pace to the backstretch ami tired. Q0 7 70 SIXTH LACE -3-4 Mile. May s. 1917--1:11%— 83— 115. Purse S000. 3-year-olds. Qdgl I ; Allowances. Net value to winner S450: second. 8 100 :_t 1 1 ird, 0. "index Hoi M AAVlPPSt, jj -4 Str Fin .loctoys Owners jBgaJT. Odds Strt 2ttt3*BLAI8E w Mi :; I I* 1- l1 l1. C DtehaaoaR L Baker SS6-M0 32707-CHO. C LOVE WB Ml ."» 4 4 2. 2- | | AY Crump AY II Pearce MO-MI : 32707 BASIL am M0 4 E B» P P V B Kleeger Wichliffe Stable 1140-100 j SOSIOJNORUMBEGA w loi 1 1 » :;■ 4- 43 .1 Morya Mttaaa Jk Madden SS-MO 32745 WOODTHORN W MB 2 :; 8 .V. 5" 55 E Martin J T Weaver 11566-MOl 28H!. OUTFIT w 102 •; »; I *; I ; L Lyhea F Peyton MS6-M0 Time. 24, 49. 1:16. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Blaine, 5.10 straight, 85.80 place. 84.10 show: ico. C. Love, $;.S» place, .00 show; Basil, 84.00 show. Ei|iiivalen 1-Kkiic; odds Blaise, 055 to 100 straiglit. 100 to 1K» pl.o e. 105 to 100 show; Ceo. C. Love, 00 to 1K place, 45 to 100 show: Basil. i:* to 1H show. Winner h. c. by Box — Domino Noire trained by A. Raker: bred by Mr. AV. Ban waiter ■ AVent to post at 1:51. At post 2 minutes. Start good ami slow. Won easily: second and third driving. BLAISE ran well in the soft going and. showing the most speed, moved into the lead in the first quarter and easily held GEO. C. I.OVE safe at the end. GEO. C. LOVE raced prominently and held on gamely in the final drive. BASIL canae from far back in the last uaarter. NORLMBEOA tired fast after running a uood half mile. Scratched :2045-l.elieve Me lioys. 104: 32750Sedan. 104. Overweights -Woodthora. 3 pounds: Outfit. 4. SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. May 1. 101." — 2:03%— 4— 48. Purse 1917.sh00. 3-year-dg 3iy7Qf I OW olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 84S0j second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AAVtlISt 1 ::4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 32724 OLGA STAR W 7 H7 4 4 3** I] :i- 2: V. C Hunt L H Dickinson US-MI 1 32725 1R. GENTLEMAN a m : 107 2 2 1* l- l- I» 2" D CoaateliyJ H Baker 2:011,0 , 32732 FAIR ORIENT WB 4 MS 1 1 V 2 2- I* 8* C DishmonR L Baker 1300-100 32668 SOLID ROCK w 4 107 884 4 4 44 W Crump J Livingston 255-100 Time. 2445, 49«5, 1:1525, l:43«i. 2:103/5. Track muddy. S2 mutiuds paid, Star. .70 straight, S3. 00 plate; Irish Gentleman, .20 place; no show mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds— Olga Star. 135 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place; Irish Gentleman, 60 to 100 place Winner— Cli. m. by Star Shoot— Olga NcthersoL trained by L. II. Dickinson: bred by Mr. Catesby AVoodford 1. AAent to post at 5:22. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. OLGA STAR came with a great rush in the last eighth and overhauled IRISH GENTLEMAN in the last sixteenth to win drawing clear. HUSH GENTLEMAN showed the most early speed and ap-naated the winner after rounding into the stretch, but gave way unexpectedly. FAIR ORIENT tired in the last quarter. SOLID ROCK ran poorly in the going. Scratched — 32725 Grasmere, 103.