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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. In a statement addressed to the coal operators and manufacturers President Wilson gave assurances that just prices Avill be paid by the government and the public during the Avar, but Avarned that no attempt to extort unusual profits will be tolerated. "Your patriotism." said the Presidents appeal, "is of the same self-denying stuff as the patriotism of the men dead and maimed on the fields of France or it is no patriotism at all. Let us never speak, then, of profits and patriotism in the same sentence, i shall expect every man Avho is not a .slacker to be at my side throughout this great enterprise. In it no man can Avin honor AAiio thinks of himself." The President declares there must be but one price for the government and for the public. He expressed confidence that business generally Avould be .found loyal to the last degree and that the problem of AAartime prices, A-hich he declared will "mean victory or defeat." Avill be solved rightly through patriotic co-operation. American "Sammies," in regular troop trains, Avere stretching across a considerable part of France recently en route to their permanent base behind the battle line. The first detachments left early this morning from the "port in France" Avhere they landed. The townspeople assembled to speed them on their Avay Avith cheers and good Avishes. All .through the countryside, as the American soldiers passed, A-illagcrs, townspeople and peasants vied to show them attention and express their gratitude .to America. At all stops the "Sammies" Avere .served with coffee and given flowers. Secretary Bhker announced late yesterday that in the draAving to select men for draft into the Avar army number Avill be draAvn representing every one of the nearly 10,000,000 registered, so that each man may knoAV the order in which he is liable to be called for service. Liability Avill be fixed by the order in Avhich the names come out. There are some 0,000 districts with numbered registration cards, so the first number drawn Avill represent the first 0,000 men to appear before the exemption boards. The Russians are continuing their driA-e toAvard Lemberg in Galicia, having driven the Teutons from Halicz, across the IMaxt Lemnica, on the Avesterti bank of Avhich General Korniloff has made himself master of the villages of Rludniki and Babin. He is now pressing the enemy back toward the River Stoka, about six miles to the Avest. All indications : point to the early investment of Lemberg, as the Russ drive shows signs of increasing rather than diminishing in The Paris Temps in an editorial on "The American Embargo," after giving statistics of the amount of products reaching Germany through neutral countries says: "The allies, despite the patience of their diplomats and vigilance of their navies, have failed to make the blockade sufficiently tight. A neAV measure Avas needed, the United States has i noAV supplied it. By forbidding indirect assistance ; the United States has introduced a iioav and efficient : condition." War supplies consigned to the American troops . in France went down Avith the American steamship J Kansan, reported sunk by a German submarine. They Avere shipped by the national Avar Avork council 1 of the Young Mens Christian Association, it AAas , announced at New York yesterday. They included 8,000 AAorth of flour, sugar, biscuits, cheAving , gum, tents, chairs, organs, athletic equipment and j other material. Formal announcement was made by Secretary Baker yesterday that an agreement had been reached Avith representatives of the American steel industry in conference here; under Avhich the entire product of the industry would be made aAailable ; for the governments Avar purposes at a price to be determined on the basis of a cost of production, inquiry being conducted bj tite federal trade commission. A nction-Avide food conservation campaign has s just been inaugurated in Canada. W. J. Hannah, food controller, has telegraphed to the prime ministers - of all the provinces asking them to name ! representatives to act AVith the food consumption control commiltee, Avhich includes George Wright, a vice-president of the American and Cauadiau 1 Hotel Keepers Protective Association. A telegraphic dispatch from Phoenix, Arizona, announces that the entire town of Bisbee has suspended - business and the Citizens Protective League, , numbering 1,500 fully armed, has rounded up 1,000 members of the Industrial Workers of the World, haA-e searched them and are now loading them in freight and cattle cars and Avill deport them at t 11 oclock. Report that German Chancellor von Bethmann-HolUveg . had resigned Avas reiterated in a. Avireless , message from Berlin, received at Bern yesterday. The dispatch gave the added information that Holl-Avegs resignation Avas generally believed to have resulted from the crown princes intervention. The total British casualties resulting from the ! German success near Nieuport, Belgium, Tuesday, Avere about 1,800, including prisoners. These figures " AAere given out at the British Avar office in 1 London yesterday by Maj.-Gon. F. B. Maurice, chief director of military operations. The Vossiche Zeitung of Berlin says the German 1 imperial chancellor, Dr. aou Bethmann-IIollweg, has 1 resigned. Emperor William, the newspaper adds, , has postponed his decision AAhether to accept the chancellors resignation.