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HANCOCKS IMPOSING CROP OF FOALS Has Fifty-Nine Sucklings of High Lineage on His Virginia and Kentucky Breeding Farms. Lexington, Ky., August 0. Arthur B. nancock, vice-president .of tlie Thoroughbred Horse Association, has at his tA-o breeding farms, Ellerslle at Charlottesville, Va., and Claiborne at Paris, Ky., fifty-nine sucklings, of Avhich thirty-tAvo are colts arid twenty-seA-en are fillies and all are native bred with the exceptiori of four, Avhlch Avere born in England. The good American stallion Celt is the sire of seventeen colts and fourteen fillies, while the English stallion Wrack is. the father of sir colts and; one filly. Mr. Hancocks Celt colts have is dams the folIoAvlng mares: Albertla, Cara Belle, Etelka, Follie Levy, Meddlirig. Mary, NetAVork, Orowoc, Pyramid, Sanci, Sister Anna, Sallie Washington, Star Lady. The darils of Celts fillies are Belle .-.Fleur, Clara jAtkin,; Coivl Diamontina, Eos-tre. Honey Bee, Innna, Lady GodiA-a, Logistilla, Rubus, Sumptuous and Workmnld. His colts by Wrack have as dams Aurine, Blazing Star, Lady Aristocracy. Lizzie H. and Single Shot. He has a filly by Wracks-Gold. In addition to these Mr. Hancock ,is the oAvner of tlie following English-bred sricklings: Chestnut .filly by Llangibby Princess Caprice. Bay colt by Black Jester; Primula. Chestnut colt by Thrush Silent Queen. Bay colt by Junior Bobolink. Chestnut colt by Fairy King- DarkAvater. Chestnut filly by Corcyra Gallice. Bay filly by Galloping Simon Cravosa. Chestnut colt by Cyllius Bessie. Melton.. Bay filly by Ambassador Sinienas Daughter. The mares above listed are not, at one or tli6 other Of the farms. A bay filly by Ben Trovato Floreal and a chestnut filly by Fair Play Watita, completed Mr. Hancocks list. For J. Temple GAAath-mey of Wa.rrer.ton, Va., he is keeping at Ellerslie five of the progeny of Sea Horse II. and their danis, colts dams, Ansonella, Bryiidown, Robinetta and Censure and a filly, dam Humility. Samuel Ross of Washington is the OAvner of colts by Celt, dams Amanuensis Ballot Girl and Lady Isabel. The Be-lair. Stud owns the Chestnut, colt by Celt Votes md the . chestnut filly brdd in England by Poly-melus SpringfOiri. II. Flippen of Victoria, Va., is the proprietor of Toots arid her bay filly by Celt. S. K. Nichols of Paris, Ky., owns" Augusta Victoria and a brown colt by Celt Fair Aleen and Chestnut colt by Wrack. John H. Shreve of Washington owns Puritan Girl and bay filly by Celt; Captain P. M. Walker of Boyce. Va., Isadora and bay filly by Bard of Hope; J. If. Wheclriglit of Baltimore, The Welkin and bay filly by Ben Brush; Judge Allie W. Young, member of the Kentucky State Racing Commission, Lancashire Lass and chestnut filly by Fair Play and F. Ambrose Clark owns SnA-annah and her chestnut filly by Whisk-brbom II.