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DOUBLE FOR R. F. CARMAN ♦ Two Stake Features in as Many Days Fall to His Stable. ♦ — Auntie Wins for Him Yesterday — Cresson and Blazonry Score for H. P. Whitney. M.ivro do Grace. Md.. April SB. — For the second i..v in sin-cession the colors of It. F. Carman wore "•••n in front in a stake race at Havre do Grace. VosJrrdjiT Startling won tin- IVnti Soiling Stakes •■•r Mr. Carman, and today his Cudo filly. Auntie. :: •Miiuted for the sixth running of the Ierryville Selling Stakes for hro-]Tf«r- Ui at four and a half furlong*. The s|teedy Allies Cook was thought to have MM ra«-e at her mercy after Ornmndn was scratched ami she wen: to the Most lieavily hacked, llcr supporters were doomed to disappointment, as As ies Cook was crowded hack at the start and. although she finished fas, could not overtake the flying leaders. Things broke well for the Carman representative. Auntie was away like a flash and. displaying keen speed all she way. was never seriously mcii-H-od and Domiuick was easing her at the end. The winners share of the stake was S1.18."".. The Ierryville Selling Stakes was run for the sixth time today, its brief history being as follows: Y-ar. Winner. Wt. Jockev. Val. Time. l»ia Cordon ll*0 J. Wilson . . ..$ i»7."i :.»4-. 1P14 Surgeon JW J. Callahan .. «7.~ :." 4J-. 1»1.1 Gobi.,, List 104 K. Taplin ... «7.1 :." .; Mauokin 107 F. Keogh 7."i :.".7 1017 i:n*n Cold Wi It. Troise ... 1.3.TH :.".4U litis Auntie 109 J. Domini, k. l.«B3 :Z4% As was the ease yesterday, the handicap following the stake race provided the most interacting contest of the afteriKMiu An ov nly i:iat hed hand of fast sprinters met in a teak of ihrce- |iiartors of a mile. Yankee Witch forced a fast pace early. The half iHlng run in 4G%. but tired after she had apitarentl.v a safe lead. Priscilla Mullens, under reserve in the early stages, closed like a whirlwind and disposed of the tiring leader to score the first victory of the eastern season for the ■mpulnr Canadian turfman. J. K. I.. Im H. 1*. Whitney aii|ie:irs to have a two-year-old of more than ordinary promise in Cresson. which won the mkf dasli this aflernoon. This daughter of All Cold has starte i in three races, won her first start, was beaten a MM in tin- Alierdcen Stakes, in which she was repeatedly bumped 1 " the winner, and t Mlay ran away from her opponents to win pulling up. I andean scon-d his initial success in a race through the field, when he carried the colors of K. It. Mclx-nii to vii-lory in todays steeplechase. 1 andean, under the skillful guidance of W. Allen, was saved until in the last ;uarter. where he re-s|Miided in game fashion and won by a comfortable margin. Wxteeu platers faced the start-r in the third race and despite tie- large and unwieldy field a close and hard -fought contest resulted. The winner cam from the stable of Samuel Itoss. his English -bred Grey Eagle Ix-nting Rollin Laird in the final strides of a fast finish. Bla«onry made it a double for the Whitney stable when lie easily won the sixth race, exclusively for three -year -olds at a mile and seventy yards. BIERMAN RACES TO HAVANA FORM. A big band of tiie choaixr grade of platers contested the closing race and Bicrman. which hail raced in gadU form at Havana, made a show of his opiH ~!tion. easily drawing away from the favorite Lacy l»u. in tie- final drive. W. C. Clancy was ;in arrival from Hot Spring-yesterday. He topped over on his way to Ncw York to conipl-tc arrangements for turning the racer Master M -Grath out until next fall. Master Mr-lira tb will be fired and sent to the I»overs farm near here. laii.-y left Inole Hart and Ting -a -Ling in Kentucky in charge of Howard Oots. Itoyal Ensign and two two year-olds were sent to Belmont Ill rk and will b • raced in the oast. Sheriff l»an Griffin, of Queens, L. I., and Dr. Ashe, of Slieepsbead Hay. were among the arrivals. The former remained over for tin- afternoon to take in tie- siioit. while I»r. Ashe will stay in Maryland until the conclusion of the spring racing season. The Cuban -owned three-yea t -old. Orestes, which was shipiied up from Havana to start in the Preakness Stakes, will make his first appearance here in a rac» Saturday. The colt lost some flesh on his trip north, but has been going along with plenty of vim and dash in his w rk. K. K. Itryson has arranged to ship twelve of the Potomac stable horses to Helm.. nt Iark at the conclusion the Iimlico meeting. The remainder ef the hois, s will be turned out until next fall. Kred Williams, who is under contract this year to rid* the .len Riddle Stable steeplechasers, is here on the ground ready to accept mounts. It. T. Wilson, who stopped over on his way to New York from Florida, expressed himself as well pleased vi it ii the progress made by the apprentice. Pullman, who rode in Cuba last winter. Humphries, .•mother apprentice, who was developed at the Havana meeting, will bo seen in the saddle quite fre-iinently fr. m now on. His engagements are being looked after by 11. 1.. D..llcy. Tie- promising three- year-old Avon Carey, the proiierty of Jove PanrtCS, broke his ankle after Ih--mik work-d yesterday morning and had to lie destroyed. The clt worked five and a half furlongs in r.4 a short while back. W. MUstojr will ship the Oifford A. Cochran jacts o.-r M Iinilico on Saturday.