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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY Word from Washington late yesterday afternoon is to the effect that 2C.O.O00 men will Im called to the colors during May. A total of 2.29X.O00 men j i and officers in the tinted States army by next July I is the plan of Secretary Raker, brought out licforo the House military affairs committee. The sise an I srx-ed of the War I»epartment program is indicated by these figures: Now under arms: Officers. 120-OOO: men. l.tOO.OOti. In July: Officers. 130,000; men. 2. 10*. 000. A French advance south of Villcrs-Kretniincnx. on the Iicardy battle front, was reported by the French War Office yesterday. Another French success was achieved further south, in the Hailles-Castcl sector. where the French delivered an attack, capturing a hundred prisoners. Brigadier General Ilarlmr.-I has been relieved as chief of staff to General Pershing and has liecn assigned to the troops in the field. Maj. Jen. James W. McAndrew has been appointed chief of staff, is the latest news from the American army head-quai ters in France. La«t chance to buy a Third Liberty Loan Bond. If you have net bought a lumd do so today. It is your last chance. If you own one. buy another. Tie- Liberty Loan total reached .S33.317.3O0 yesterday and indications are that every state west of the Mississippi river lias subscribed its quota.