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BOUQUET STAKES TO OSGOOD ! ♦ Closes Big Gap to Beat Uncles Lassie in Convincing Style. ! * i Five Straight for Lady Gertrude | — Pen Rose Adds Another to Her Score. i — + ; New York, June 4.— The Bouquet Selling Stakes 1 f aliiid .-in ordinary off. ring at MmM Park ; May. The majority of the fii Ids were small, lint tli - aaaeeatants were evenly matched an«l good sport result -d. I Til feature race, which had a value of £SS i to the winner, was won iv easy fashion liy L. F. Wagners recent Osgood, whieii closed a tremendous gap to win goiug away, after a lirief ! ■■■SI— Willi the pacemaker Cnolcs Lassie. Blairgowrie, second ehoiee in the lietting, finislied I i game third. The favorite. E.trlockcr. ran green over the straight course and swerved continually until Kovvan rave ui in she t desperation, after strenuous attempts to induce the eott lo run ■trairht. ■*■ talent Buffered heavy losses by the .-..Its d-feat. It was afiorwar!- di-mvered thai ■ark* to r wrenched ids hack Sarhejc the running "f the race and - ulil barely lie led ft mi Ihe paddock to hi iill. It is feared that it will be some time lief ore tiie -olt will be aide to nice again. The is •uquet Stakes was first run in 1S96. its in-t-r-siii.s hi lory since i:M7 being as follows: Year. Winner. Wt. Jockey. Val. Time. 1!W7 Ella ONeill M J. Xotter. .S2,SSfi 1 .110 I MJM Trance 109 P. Musgravc l.S.."i 1 :00 ".MM Medallion »7 A. Lang .. LS83 :7 T~ 1!00 Onager 106 free vy U229 :ii-:;.-, Mt i.alloj 108 J. Metahey. MT l:u*J liill Hydroplane 104 J. I ir.van. «7."» 1:01 ISMS fleione 1K W. Lilley . . «"."» 1 mc • .-. MH Triple Crown ...MS K. Ball ... 675 1:00% 11117 Green Gold lot It. Troise.. 1.0H0 1:00- . 1151S Osgood Kli: L. Elisor .. .250 :31Mr. Distance 4 l--_" furlongs in UMI9 and 1910. ltun at Morri Park until 1MB. No racing in 1911 and 191:!. Folymolieii. the winner of the first race today, is a horse of unusual quality and before the race, attracted a great dea! of attention in the paddock. Harry Morrissey. who trains the horses of Mr. Porter «f Oklahoma, said in shaking of Polymelia n yesterday. "I offered Mr. Oh 0,000 for Poly ncli.iii uiicn Ihe horse was at my place in Ken-tack:! last winter and since coming cast, I doubled the offer. All Mr. Co;- did was smile." POLTMELIAN WELL-BRED COLT. Polymelian is by Polymelus. the reigning sin- in England, and is a son of Pasquita, a half-sister »o Ihe gr«-at Dean Swift, winner of the City and Suburban Handicap twice, the Coronation Stakes and other great prizes of ihe English turf. Then-Was a disposition to say that Polymelian. while lie won galloping, had lieaten nothing, but Thomas Thome stated that Peter Piper, which finished second, had won some good races in France for Mr. Y.-.udcrhilt. and he was of the opinion that Poly-li! linn would gain fresh laurels in the near future. TlK- steeplechase of the afternoon resolved itself into a duel lietween Ducltiste and AY. F. Knebol-kauip. The former led to tin- tenth fence, where he stumbled and nearly lost his rider. Byer, however, hung on and. Duett is tc regaining his stride. «. night W. F. Kieltclkamp in the final eighth and drew clear at Ihe end. Those two sterling fillies. Lady Gertrude and Pen Rose, continued on their winning ways by scorinjr in tlieir respective races this afternoon. Lady Gertrude mid.-"it five straight by capturing t lie mile dash, in which she had a rough trip. After keaaj knocked off her stride en the far turn and going extremely wide in the stretch, she closed up rapidly and with her characteristic speed quickly passed the leaders and won by a safe margin. Pen IJoses victory came in the closing race and was easily achieved, this good daughter of Sweep outclassing those opposed to her. The mile ;.|id an eighth raee was well contested. Judge Wingfield lieing returned the winner after dis|iosing of Ellison in the stretch. Kingfisher was a close third. W. C. Wcant claimed Harwood II. from the fifth race on Monday for SI. 005. V. P. Austin claimed Iierre-a-Fi u. the winner, from the same race. John Pint tM hell departed for San Antonia. Texas. to answer the call to the colors. The horses he trained for Bert Williams have been turned over to James Johnson. The Pimlico Association has petitioned the Jockey CIuli for two service stallions, to Ik- allotted to the Pimlico district. Ihe stallions will probably be bred witli mares now quartered at breeding establishments in Ihe Green Spring Yalley. Welkin Percy, son of W. C. Percy, secretary of tlie New York Racing Commission and author of the Percy-Grey law of years ago. has been decorated with the British I. S. O.. the distinguished service order of the British government. J. E. WIDENER IN STEWARDS STAND. Joseph E. Widener officiated as steward today for the first time in the absence of Frank H. Hitchcock. Mr. Widener is not only a popular member of the Jockey Club, but an "extensive owner of liorses ami one of the younger and rising generation of horsemen. "Boots" Durncll has returned to this country from RouiiMtuia, where lie trained liorses for the king of thai country. H. G. Itedwell is preparing Foreground for the Latoni.-i Derby, which will be run June 22. "He is a slow beginner and not a sprinter." said Mr. Itedwell "He will lie sent to Latonia sure if lie trains to suit me during the next week or two." Owing to the fact that the Federal authorities ar- anxious to have tin- thoroughbred sires recently noqiiir.-d in the cast at the remount depot at Fort Kcough. Montana, at the earliest possible moment, the parade which had la-en arranged as a feature of the Red Cross day Friday next at Belmont Park, will he held on Thursday, immediately following the steeple. -Las,.. The horse Saratoga, which arrived j ester-Jay from Pimlico. and Textile, which is expected from Kentucky, will be shown in addition to Light Arms, Poly, Achievement and OSullivan. The horses will lw- shown on the stretch and will 1m- unmlH-red according to the program. It is probably thai Syrian, by Electioneer, will l»- secured by "the Pr.-cding Bureau in time to join the sliip-tiieitl. which is scheduled to leave on Friday morning. W. B. Jennings, representing A. K. Mncomber. yesterday sold the four -year -old Stargazcr to F. J. FarreU at u private price.