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DOUGLAS PARK FORM CHART LOUISVILLE. KY., TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1918.— Douglas Park. Eighth day. Douglas Park Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 14 days. Weather clear; temperature 94. Stewards, Charles F. Price and Thomas J. Clay. Placing Judges, W. II. Shelley and J. B. Campbell. Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary, J. B. Campbell. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time -.30 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Figures iu parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. OQCIrT FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. May 28. 1914— 53%— 2—1047 00 Added. 2 -year -olds. 00«3 3. 4 Maidens. Colts and Geldings. Allowances. Net value to winner 90; second, 30; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt HIMl BROTH MACLEAN W 109 » 2 I* 1*1 1*1 A Johnson K R Bradley 130-100 38451 HHLRCHL DOWNS fM i 3* 2= 2* O Willis J Greenburg 2:!55-100 38054 »E J. LYNCH wb 112 4 1 21 V 8* J McCabe O A Bianehi 490-100 38451 G. MlKHLKRACH wb 109 7 4 4J 4- 4 W Lilley 1! J Brannon .,75-100 MU51 CHARLEY RECTtRwnlR! 2 3 8= X1 B* M Garner Gallaher Bros 621MO0 EDDIE TRANTER wb 104 6 8 51 6 6* R Simpson W P Poison XlfiO 100 38370 BCSTER CLARK w 110 8 7 7 7J 1- E Barham Clifford and Wilson 2125-100 38477*.II"D J:E DAYID w 107 19 9 9 t» W Breen I Weil and Son l:!5fi0-100 38451 OMEME w 112 3 6 8*1 5?. 9 J Mot -ulf A B Spreckels 1505-100 Time. 23%, 48. 54%. Track fast. mutnels paid. Brother Maclean. .00 straight. .10 place, .00 show; Churchill Downs, 7.00 place. show; E. J. Lynch. .20 show. Equivalent UHiking odds— Brother Maclean. 130 to 100 straight, 55 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Churchill Downs. 730 to 100 place. 21", to 100 show: E. J. Lynch. 00 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g. by Cnuard — Bandello traiueti by C. Haiiiinon; bred by Mr. Edward R. Bradley. Went to post at 2:31. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BROTHER MACLEAN began fast and. showing the most sjiecd. in addition to saving considerable ground bjr staying close to the inner rail, won all the way with s|»eed in reserve. CHIRCHILL DOWNS ran a good race and held on gamely. E. J. LYNCH moved into forward contention at once ami held on well to the end. GEORGE MlEHLEBACH had to race wide most of the way. CHARLEY RECTOR, almost thrown on the tirst turn, closed a big gap in the strt tch. Scratched— 3K451-Linden. 112. Overweights-Buster Clark. 4 |Mtiiuds. QOP-f O SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 5, 1915— 1:10%— 3— 109. 00 Added. 4-year-olds OOOXO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 36; third, 4. Index Horses AWtPPSt % H % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 37714 ROCHESTER mi I 114 I 11 71 71 7J 1° C Hunt J C Ferrlss 705 100 38325- •LIBERATOR w C 111 8 I « 5* 1» 2s E Sande J B Goodman 303-100 38308 T7.E-LS1 wb 5 109 9 1 8H 41 6J 3i M Garner W M Cain 118 188 S8371 W.DM O WISDOM w 4 109 3 9 9 €• 61 4» B Kleeger J M Goode 1135-100 38343s OPHELIA W. w 4 MS 10 fi i»k S! Si ft J Majestic II Field . 16X5-100 38245KKNWAKD wi: 4 112 fi I !■ li P fi4 P Louder Solomon and Jarmon 250-100 38245 MARTRE w 9 113 4 8 10= Id2 9 71 W Lilley R P Dodson fUM-Ma 38384 *TOY MISS wn 0 112* 1 4 4 P 3U Sh W J OBn H W Plant 3040-100 32474 ROBERT LEE w i 111 5 12 12 12 12 9i F Stevens H T Batchler t 36243 POLLY J. w 4 W7 11 3 2 2 4 10J J McCabe D S Fountain 833-100 S8272MRo.NMA.STER wb 5 106 12 10 11=11*101.111 O Willis C F Buschemeyer 5000-100 38246 *To/M AKO wb5 1o6 7 7 3h 9! II1 12 J Moon.y M A Warner t tMutuel field. Time, 23%, 46%. 1:12%. Track fast. mutnels paid. Rochester. ;.10 straight. 1.10 place. .70 show; Liberator, .00 place, .90 show: Tse-Lsi. .00 show. Equivalent hooking odds— Rochester. 705 to 100 straight, 455 to 100 place, 233 to 100 show; Liberator, 130 to 100 place. ».* to 100 show: Tse-Lsi. 3S0 to 100 show. Winner — B. h. by Semproniiis — Embellish trained by R. Dickerson; bred by Mr. George J. Long. Went to i«.st at 3:04. At iiost 4 minutes. Start good ami slow. Won driving: second and third the same.- ROCHESTER began slowly and was far back in the early running, but gained steadily and. lin-ishing with a rush, got no to win in the Jast stride. LIBERATOR went forwardlv from the start and finished gamely, but tired in the last stride after apparently having the race won. TS5E-LSI had a rough race ami finished strong. WORDS O WISDOM finished gamely alter closing a big gap. KKNWARD set a fast earlv pace, but tired ami droptied back on the stretch turn. OlHELIA W. and POLLY J. ran well. Scratched S.N42.VRUSV Joe. 109: MOM Tillotson, 111; 38343 Gladvs I Am, 102; 38425 Arch Plotter, 109: 3X425 JefTcry. Ill; 3S343 Velvet Joe. 109. Overweights Martre. 4 |»ounds; Toy Miss, 3%. 9QR1G THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. June 7, 1S13 — 58%— 2— 115. 00 Added. 2-year-olds. tJOOlv Claiming. Net value to winner 65; second, 15; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt, 4 .-j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 38486*MAJOR PARKE w 110 5 1 l1 1J Is I" E Sande J Livingston 135-100 38426 JOHN CHIBCHILLwB 110 3 3 3= 3= 2J 2i H Gray D I »han 1470-100 38451 FOSTER EMBRY wb MM. 4 2 2 21 3= 8s It Simpson C Nuckols Jr 90-Hfi 38285 VIVIR wb 109 2 4 4 4 42 4= J MetcaM A B Spreckels S44.V100 38451 FKRIGORD wb 110 15 3 I 5 5 J Kederis C H Berryman 2793-100 Time, 23%. 47%, 1:00%. Track fast. mutnels paid. Major Parke. .70 straight, .10 place, .10 show; John Churchill, .90 place, .4o show: Foster Embry. .10 show. Equivalent liookiug odds— Major Parke. 135 to 100 straight. .V to 100 place. 5 to 100 show; John Churchill. 245 to 1O0 place. 20 U 100 show: Foster Embry. 5 to 100 sliow. Winner Blk. c, by Dick Welles — Lady Infallible trained by II. Goldblatt; bred by Mr. Jerome B. RespessL Went to at 3:40. At iMist 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. MAJOR PARKE, well ridden, showed the most early siiecd mmi, making the pace fast, drew out in the stretch to win as his rider pleased. JOHN CHIRCHILL saved much ground on the turns and it enabled him to win second place. FOSTER EMBRY was given a bad ride and allowed to come wide in the stretch. The others were always outrun. Overweights Foster Embry. 1% pounds. * Q ££.* £% FOURTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. June 5, 1915 — 1 : 10 ,—3— 109. Magnolia Handicap. Purse OOtJrlV ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 75; second, 50; third, 5. Ldex Horses AWtPPSt li i % Str Fin Jo k-ys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 384551. BOCHARKB W t 132 2 4 4 ::• VI V WJOVl K B McLean 40 Kifl 38455 BEL YE ME BOYS w 4 100 4 1 3= 2 2" 2 N Barrett ■ R Bradl. y Or.-lOo 38347 IH1GHT ANGLE wb 3 105 3 3 li 1* 3- 3- JMorra C Woodford 3:2.-1M 3832* OlltiRTEXITY w 4 10S 1 2 2 4 4 4 W rump W Woodard 2040-100 Time. 22%, 46, 1:11. Track fast. mutnels paid. Leocharos. . SO straight. .50 place; I.. Me Bovs, .00 place; no show mu-tuels sold. Equivalent l.ookiiig odds— Leoclia res, 40 to" 100 straight. 25 to 100 place; Believe Me Boys, 100 to 100 place. Winner B. g. by Broomstick- Leajronara trained by J. F. Schorr; bred by Mr. L. S. Thompson. Went to post at 4:10. At |sist 2 Minutes. Start good and slow. Won cantering; second and third driving. LEOCIIAEBS was outpac -d for the tirst quarter, but moved up with a rush when called on ami won in a canter. BELIEVE ME BOVS showed much s|sed ami readily disposed of RIGHT ANGLE iu the nn-t half mile. BIGHT ANGLE set a great pace ::nd til.d badlv in the stretch. OPlORTlNlTV was forced back ill the lir t quarter and was never prominent afterwards. **QK.* -1 EIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. May 29. 1918— 1:41%— 6— 120. 00 Added. OOull 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second, 21; third, 4. Iidex Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt M4II KREECITTEU ■ 107 I I »* 9 -% 11 U D ..imlly G J Long NO-MO 38401 llol.LINGER w 110 2 2 4= 43 4= I* W A .Ldinsoii 1 Raym.«ii l 13U0-1O0 3842701 1KTCDE w 109 1 1 li l1 1* 2* 3* J P Kvan Morris A Walden iO-M 38468 AII.IM w Km; 4 4 fi- 5 5« 4 4" E Baade J Livingston W Ml :,04I« HERALD wb 106 fi « 2J 21" 3" .V f. . J McCmba H 11 Hewitt 2S30-HX 38387 JIM HEFFERING w 111 3 3 5J fi1 7 6= G3 H Thurber K .1 Austin 3243 loo 38326 DR. LEVY wb lOfi 7 7 7 7 «i 7 7 M Garner R L Baker 8000-100 Time. 23%. 47%. 1:12, 1:38%. 1:12%. Track fast. mutnels paid. Freecutter. 1.00 straight, .30 place. $:;. show; Bollinger, 0.50 place, .00 show; Quietude. .50 show. Equivalent booking odds Freecutter. »50 to 100 straight. 305 to 100 place, 95 to 100 show; Bollinger, 425 to 100 place. 110 to 100 show: Quietude. 25 to 100 show. Wiuner li. c by Free Luicc utter trained by P. Coyne; bn-d by Mr. George .1. Long. Went to |Mist at 4:40. At | 3 minutes. Start gixsl ami slow. Won driving: second and third the same. FREECI TIER was rlwte up in the early running and. finishing fast, passed QlIKTI BE iu the stretch, but had to do his IhsI .it the end to outstay IIOLl.INGKK. The latter was going fastest at the ud and would have won at a longer distance. QLIETIDE showed the most early s|»eed and set a fast pace, but tired ill the stretch drive. ACRLM closed a good Kau j„ tu . |ast |Uarter. HERALB showed tpced. but tired badly. Overweights — Freecutter, l1 pounds OOCOO SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 5. 1915— 1:43%— 3— 95. 00 Added. 4-year-olds OOtiiisiy and upward. Colts. Horses and Geldings. Claiming. Net value to winner 15: sec- ond. S145; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt H M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 38482EDDIE T. wi: S 10S S 5 P P V V V J Majestic T Trovato 2M0-M 38348 -BIGTODO wb 3 113 10 4 7i « 31 2". 2i C Hunt K Siicme tK-MO 37815*KING HAMBURG w 6 103 4 7 »* 8" fi1 3 . t] E Sande H Field v.iiTO-PK 38402 D. OF SHELBY wit 7 10S 1 10 11 11 10 3 4:l R Harton AY ■ Matthews SOS-MI 38457 •1* SANDSTONE II. wb 4 107 111* l* 2.J 4" 5 A Johnson ■ R Bradley «•.". 100 38470 PARR WB 4 109 5 S fi= »- 4i fi fi J McCabe II L Crab 5M loo 38305*HlSKY LAD wb 10 103 7 9 10" 10* ! ]ol. 7. R Simpson S A Brtllinger 10095-100 38483*ALHENA wb fi 108 11 11 9» 7 SI s-- s J Mooney J Mciherson ..3:»i-lo. 383761BLACK BROOM w 7 HI 9 I 5i 4* 7 P M L Mink L A Csni 3C.-100 M4S0*RBVIVG4t w 5 111 6 2 2i 2j 3 71 101- D Connlly A Jos. ph 715 -loo S775»*DR. KMItRKE WB 4 102 8 fi 4" I" 11 11 n r Rogers 1 Humes | tMutmi «eld. Time. 24%. 48%. 1:13%, 1:39%, 1:46%. Track fast. mutnels paid. Eddie T.. 7.20 straight. .so place. tandSjf show: Bigtodo, .20 place, .50 show; King Hamburg, held. 0.10 show. Equivalent booking odds— Eddie T.. 2200 to KM straight. 040 to 100 place, 315 to 100 show: Bigtodo, 110 to KM place, 75 to KM show; King Hamburg, field. 405 to 100 show. Winner— B. g, by Golden Maxim— Maid of Promise trained by A. J. Pliciine; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard. Went to post at 5:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. EBDIK T.. well ridden, raced into the lead just before rounding into the stretch and held BIGTODO safe in the last sixteenth. BIGTODO gained steadily after saving much ground and finished fast. KING HAMRIKG also came from far back. DIKE OF SHELBY was badlv outrun for the first half and closed an immense gap. SANDSTONE II. set a List earl* pace, but tired in the last quarter. PARR had no mishaps. RKYIYOR quit. Scratched— 1821 5 Yodeles. 100: 3S37C Out. !I0; 371 so Hemlock, 10-1; 3:s4«4 Benicap, 10S; 3S470 P.ean Spiller, 103; 3S349 Joliu Graham, 108; 38457-Rhymer, 102. OQKTQQ SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. May 29. 1918— 1:41%— 6— 120. 00 Added. JOtPaiO 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 70; second, 18; third. 2. Index Horses AWtPPSti *A % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 38456*SMART MONEY w 4 104 4 4 3* V 2- 2,; 1J O Willis R B Milbtt BB-VM 383«0-*KAMA w 5 109 I 1 l4 V 1 ink ft j JLmn.-v J B Goodman ZK-MO 38482*SIX MAID wit 5 107 2 fi 3= BJ 5- fi . :: J MaJeflUC T P Hayes K76-M8 3S375**BRYNUMAH wit s IOC 12 6 fi fi -, 41 E Sande J Low.- ::• . lot 38478*BAC wsn 7 106 5 3 4* 4 4 4 5s It Simpson W F Poison 13X5 -loo 38454 SLNFLASH wb 4 107 J fi I -i 2 ::-• :;s r, rj onullv Pastime Stable BN lo Time, 23%. 47%. 1:12%, 1:38. 1:42%. Track fast. mutnels paid. Smart Money, straight, .00 place. .50 show; Kama. .70 place, .80 show; Sun Maid. .90 show. Equivalent hooking odds— Smart Money. 235 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place. 75 to 100 show; Kama, 85 to 100 place. 40 to KM show: Sun Maid. 195 to loo -d,„w. Winner— Ch. g, by Armeath II.— Servilia trained by E. J. Salt: bred by Mrs. L. A. Livingston. Went to nost at 5:45. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving-: second and third the same. SMART MONEY, well up from the start, gain, d steadily in the last quarter and outgime.l KAMA through the last seventy yards. KAMA showed the most early speed and made the pace f.t~t. but began tiring in the stretch. SIN MAID was far back for the first half mile and came with a rush in the last quarter. BRYNL1MAH finished fast. BAC was given a bad ride. SINFLASH quit after going well for three-quarters. Overweights — Sunflash, 2% pounds.