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INTERESTING AND PERTINENT TOPICS OF THE DAY LATEST DEVELOPMENTS OF GREAT WAR Latest news from the Avest front indicates that the Allies arc striking the Huns on three sides and closing in on them The Associated Press dis ¬ patches say that the town of Jaulgonnc on the Marne has been captured by the Americans who are continuing tlicir advance advanceSo So far the taking of 300 prisoners by the Ameri ¬ cans in this advance is reported reportedThe The Americans on the front south of Soissons have captured the town of Bttzancy BttzancyThe The French have captured Oulchy Le Chateau ChateauOn On the front between the Marnc and Rhcims the British have captured the Petitehamp wood near Marfaux with 200 prisoners and fourteen machine guns gunsThe The French advices state stormed the heights north of Courcelles at 3 oclock Monday afternoon They are also holding the bend in the neighborhood of Chasons as far as Treloup These towns are just to the north of the Marne to the east of Jaulgonue taken by the Americans Treloup at the latest advices is still in the hands of the enemy enemyThe The French crossed the Marne at PontaI5inson just to the east of Reuil The en my counter at ¬ tacked heavily from the direction of Bandiercs but these onslaughts were beaten off offThe The French at 813 oclock yesterday morning bc Kan a new attack iu the region northwest of Mout didier didierAt At 11 oclock yesterday morning the French were reiwrted to have advanced a mile on a front of four miles It was thought on the basis of the advices that the attack in the Montdidier region might be ou a wider front than the one mentioned mentionedThe The Germans are stiffening their resistance be twccii the Ourcq and tiic Aisue rivers and arc bring ¬ ing up guns gunsFrancoAmerican FrancoAmerican troops arc continuing to mukc progress ou the battle front between the Ourcq and the Marnc Advices yesterday are that attacks carried out by the French have restored all the ground which they lost on Monday in the region of Grisolles seven miles northwest of Chateau Thierry ThierryIn In their fighting along the Marne the French are retorted to be experiencing great difficulty iu making a passage of the river at some points being stubbornly opposed by the German Infantry well supported by artillery and machine guns gunsWell Well informed opinion in London regards the situ ¬ ation on the battle front as going well for the Allies It is not expected however that the ad ¬ vance will be so rapid as previously the Germans having now had plenty of time to get their reserves into position They are also displaying a disposition to fight for all they are worth worthAccording According to a review of the military situation in Lllomme Libre the newspaper owned by Pre ¬ mier Clemenccau the German losses since March 21 are approaching 1000000 men menAs As a result of the allied bombardment from both sides of the RheimsSoissons pocket the German crown prince has only a sevenmile passage for with ¬ drawal of his troops it was reported from Paris yesterday The width of the salient ou the FereEn Tardenois line is about twentyfive miles