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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY A serious outbreak of typhoid has occurred in lierlhi the Exchange Telegraph correspondent at Amsterdam reports The epidemic is believed to have l een caused by poisoned or unclean milk The number of cases is not stated but it is believed to IK large especially in the labor districts of the northeastern section of the city cityThe The naval personnel now numbers 503702 officers and men in all branches Secretary Daniels an ¬ nounced yesterday There are 219158 officers and men iu the regular navy 5S4G3 officers and men in the marine corps 2195G officers and men in the naval reserve force and GC05 officers and men in the coast guard guardThe The War Labor Board yesterday denied the re ¬ quest of eight metal manufacturing industries at Waynesboro Pa for a rehearing of the decision granting 3000 employes increased wages ranging from 40 to 70 cents an hour An examiner of the board will determine the classification of workers workersPresident President Wilsons proclamation taking over for the duration of the war operation of telephone and telegraph lines was issued late yesterday It did not include radio systems and ocean cable lines Government operation and control begins at mid ¬ night July 31 31Five Five children ranging in age from 2 to 12 years were burned to death oue other received probably fatal injuries and seven were less seriously hurt in a fire which destroyed the Kent County Juvenile Home just outside of Grand Rapids Mich early yesterday yesterdayFifty Fifty thousand negro registrants qualified for general military service were called to the colors yesterday by Provost Marshal General Crowder They will entrain between August 1 and 5 and will Starvation as well as economic and financial disaster threaten Russia according to information reaching the State Department Prospects for the 1918 harvest are described as poor and financial chaos is said to be almost complete completeMajor Major Theodore Roosevelt Jr received the wound from which he is suffering while leading an attcck on a machine gun nest at Ploisy southwest of Sois ¬ sons ou Friday it was learned from a cable received from Paris yesterday yesterdayNegotiations Negotiations Itetween American and German dele ¬ gates concerning the exchange and treatment of prisoners of war will begin at Berne Switzerland iu the first days of August AugustCol Col Roosevelt has declined to be a Republican candidate for governor of New York giving as reasons that he is too busy with activities relative to the war