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LIBERAL DIVISION DIVISIONions ions metal This is unfortunately the age of steel In the circuin stock is skyhigh and the i i uiiioritloii is enjoying unprece ¬ dented prosperity It is announced that the seventh Mise of wages declared by the United States Steel Corporation puts Us employes in possession of in ¬ comes 75 per cent larger than their pay in Janu ¬ ary 1110 And in January 1910 steel was at least the most demanded of the base metals metalsMany Many unkind things have been said about the theUnited United States Stin Corporation sometimes or orfrequently frequently and often vehemently called the Steel Trust but its disposition to divide its profits with withif if employes Is commendable commendableThe The huge profits that are made upon guns am ¬ munition machinery and other kinds of factory output which serve the war directly are lamentable when anyone reflects that the bills for war are paid by the whole population but we cannot makJ war cheaply We cannot make war without great profits Iwiiig made by war industries It is in a degree consolatory to witness a fair division of war profits iMtwecn projirietors and employes or any thiug approaching a fair division divisionEuiployis Euiployis of the Inited States Steel Corporation have cnvlable engagements There are many many industries and manufacturing enterprises which would have gone into bankruptcy hail they raised wages as much as the U S S C has laen able to raise them because of its abundant dazzling profits Louisville CourierJournal