Small Field For Cup Race: Johren, Roamer and Probably Sun Briar May Be Only Starters.; But It Will Be an Event Well Worth Seeing--G. W. Loft to Race in Cuba., Daily Racing Form, 1918-08-30


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SMALL FIELD FOR CUP RACE Johren Roamer and Probably Sun Briar May Be Only Starters But It Will Be an Event Well WellWorth Worth Seeing G W Loft Loftto to Eace in Cuba I5y J It Jeffery JefferySaratoga Saratoga X Y August 29 It looks as if the field for the Saratoga Cup on Saturday will be of lighter proportions tlmn seemed likel Following II G Bedwclls snnouneeme would l e an absentee it devcloi ed today tliat Westy llogan is in tlie doubtful starter class Tliis good home came out of his late race with one of his ankles a bit affected and Sandy McNaurrhton who has done so well with this horse here fears that lie will not be in condition to take part in Saturdays MK race although he is doing his ut mest postlohren to get him to the post lohren Honmcr and Sun Hriar are the only top nctchcrs that can be counted on as certain starters and there is a probability that the field will be limited to these three stars At that it will bo i race well worth while if only these three contest it itMuch Much has IWHII written since Billy Kelly developed hampionsliip form deploring the fact that this won ¬ derful twoyearold cannot transmit his exceptional qualities as a result of the unfortunate use of the surgeons knife In fore it became known how good a racing prospect he actually was William Per kins the skillful colored trainer who develojied the sterling son of Dick Welles and Glenn declares that there was no special reason for the gelding of the youngster and that it was dyne simply in tfinfnnn ity with his general idea that geldings ai tractable and therefore easier to train thaii i horses Besides Hilly Kelly Perkins broke and developed Colonel Livingston and St Iteruard two juveniles that were among Hilly Kellys foremost rivals in Kentucky this year They were unsexed at the same time that the knife was applied to the cham ¬ pion and for the same general reason Colonel Liv ¬ ingston and St Bernard were at the time the prop ¬ erty of D W Scott of Lexington who sold them to their present owner It I Itrannon for 5CCO dur ¬ ing the progress of the Ixxington meeting last fall When Ierkins goes back to Kentucky shortly he will take charge of a yearling brother to Colonel Livingston and a yearling sister to St Iteruard bred and owned by Mr Scott who is a foi Fayette county of which Ixxingtoii is the countv sat satIn In view of the jiollcy which has been widely in ¬ augurated of barring geldings from many of the important races of the country it is likely that the practice of indiscriminately converting young horses into geldings will cease at once and that there will IM few geldings in the twoyearold racing of next year yearTEACK TEACK DRIES OUT RAPIDLY RAPIDLYThe The rapidity with which the track here dried out after the drenching to which it was subjected a few days ago bears out the idea previously expressed that wii n thoroughly settled as it now is it will be safe to count on but little muddy track racing here as well as at other New York tracks Although there was a heavy downpour of rain on Sunday morning Superintendent Myer had the track re ¬ stored almost to its normally fast condition for the racing of Monday which represented a marked im ¬ provement over the situation following the first heavy rain after the opening of tin new course courseThat That part of the track adjacent to the finishing line in the homestretch has given the superintendent the greatest trouble chiefly because of a soft spot growing out of the flowing of an excess amount of drainage water from the grandstand lawn Super ¬ intendent Myer who is praised on all sides for the efficiency of his methods in taking care of the track and the plant generally thinks lie has solved this problem by the installation of several catch basins at the edge of the lawn lawnFormer Former Congressman Jeorge W Loft who races an extensive stable on the New York tracks and who is one of the turfs most enthusiastic supporters is planning to send a division of his stable to Cuba during the coming winter for racing at Oriental I ark Max Ilirsch who lias done so well with the Loft horses since the entry of his employer upon the turf two or three years ago will have the Cuban campaign in charge and Mr Loft expects to spend a good part of the winter in Havana HavanaFels Fels which raced successfully on Kentucky and Canadian tracks a year or two ago is now being driven to a buggy in Washington by T Ford into whose hands he has fallen The horse lias een troubled by a stiff ankle growing out of the firing process but William Shields who presented the horse to his present owner when it became evident that his racing usefulness was impaired permanently has received word that there is a chance that Fels will be brought back to the races the ccming fall in Maryland

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Local Identifier: drf1918083001_1_2
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