Exodus From Saratoga Has Begun: Racing Enthusiasts Migrate to the Places Where Brilliant Fall Racing Is Expected., Daily Racing Form, 1918-08-30


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EXODUS FROM SARATOGA HAS BEGUN Racing Enthusiasts Migrate to the Places Where Brilliant Fall Racing Is Expected Saratoga N Y August 29 As is customary at Saratoga the beginning of the final weeks racing was the signal for the exodus of many racing stables to other climes Some are bound New Yorkward others are headed for Kentucky and still others have Maryland as their i oint of debarkation All have in mind the fall season of racing which prom ¬ ises to be especially brilliant brilliantManagers Managers of the New York tracks predict especi ¬ ally good meetings both in point of racing and nt I tendance Horses will be plentiful said Secre ¬ tary Earlocker and New York wants diversion in the fall of the year as it had years ago when we used to race until the middle of November Natural ¬ ly we do not expect the gate to be as good as in the spring season but it will be sufficient to cover expenses expensesWhile While the Empire City meeting will not open until October the prediction is being made that it will be the most successful of all the fall meetings This it is believed will be due to the Yonkers track having other localities than New York to draw from being adjacent to Yonkers Mount Vernon White Plains and small communities which are rare ¬ ly represented at other institutions institutionsMany Many owners and trainers here have not yet de ¬ cided where they will go after this meeting closes next Saturday They seem to be waiting on each other to disclose their plans before making arrange ¬ ments All the more fashionable stables will BO back to New York and the Kentuckians will re ¬ turn to their old stamping ground but the hundred and one others will go where the field looks brightest brightestThe The large purses in Maryland and Kentucky will lie an inducement for owners witli Lood selling platers to go there yet some of the platers will stick to New York Tlie problem of location is a difficult one for the poorer owner who has one or two good horses and a dozen poor ones Itut they will all find a home somewhere and trust to luck

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1918083001/drf1918083001_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1918083001_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800