Telegraphic Form, Daily Racing Form, 1918-08-30

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TELEGRAPHIC FORM The horses which st are New York August Augustvw vw eerless One Pnllnx New Haven Eagle Thistle Early Light 3 Vesper Hour Thistledon Bright Lights 4 Exterminator Fairy Wand Bondage 5 Magnetite Monty Bing Star Ben 0 GATII Tetley Uncles Lassie LassieE E P Farrell FarrellBuffalos Buffalos Saratoga Handicap 1 Peerless One Pullux Little Cottage Wood thrush 2 New Haven Early Light Eagle Thistle piiii Gomlfellow 3 Youwed Vesper Hour Sunniagdale Pluviada 4 BONDAGE Fairy Wand Exterminator Ticket 5 Magnetite Phalaris Point to Point Monty MontyUing Uing G Uncles Lassie Gatli Triomphant Tetley TetleyObservers Observers Saratoga Handicap 1 PEEHLESS ONE Benevolent Woodthrush Fe ¬ lucca 2 New Haven Eagle Thistle Early Light ISobin GoodMlow 3 Younetfi Brother Maclean Vesper Hour Plur enzi 4 Bondage Golding Fairy Wand Ticket 5 Phalaris Point to Point Star Ben Monty Ping 0 Gath Uncles Lassie Triomphant Polygon frontier Park Cheyenne Wyo August 29 1 Sovereign II Pauline Crowley The Boy Favor ¬ ite 2 Sir Dyke Nellie B Sandab 3 John Spohn Commendation Margaret Kripp 4 Crispie Fitzgerald Macmonde 5 MISS BRUSH Auntie Curl Honolulu Boy 0 Lady Ixona L irk in Cobrita 7 Deal Carroll Violet Mav Rooster RoosterP P Clark Observers Frontier Park Handicap 1 Tin Boy Favorite Pauline Crowley Moller Revburn 2 NELLIE B St Clair Belle Sir Dyke Tallow Dip 3 Gabrio Meegone Dr Neufer Commendation 4 Olive I Fitzgerald Macmonde 1M Belle Bro ¬ cade 5 Vignola Indianola Gordon Conowingo ConowingoC C CobriUi I irkin Norfolk Star Ladv Looua 7 Holy Smoke Violet May Uncle Jimmie Gray Rooster

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Local Identifier: drf1918083001_2_3
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