General News Notes Of The Day, Daily Racing Form, 1918-08-30


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE The follow various succe successes gained by the Allies From London German counter attacks east and southeast o VisenArtois east of ISoiry and in the vicinity o Gavrelle villages to the east of Arras have beei repulsed according to the official statement issuei at the war office today todaySouth South of the Somme Itritish forces are keeplnf up their pressure against the enemy and are ad ¬ vancing eastward Since August 21 the Rritisl have taken 20000 prisoners and 100 guns From French Army Headquarters Noyon was occupied this moning by the troop of Geiirral Humbert HumbertGemnil Gemnil Mangins men crossed the Oise river am took Morlincourt MorlincourtThe The French first army took Quesnoy wood jusi to the west of the Canal du Nord The wood was 1 a strongly fortified position and from It the Ger ¬ mans endeavored to check the French pursuit pursuitLaunching Launching new local attacks and following up the advantage gained yesterday the British today movec fonvard along a large part of their battle front From Paris Ginchy a town about two miles northeast ol Combles is reported to have been captured by Fieli Marshal Haigs forces forcesItritish Itritish troops also captured Belloy Assevillers Herbecourt and Feuilleres All these towns are within four miles of Ieronne IeronneThroughout Throughout Wednesday the French troops pressed the enemy vigorously They have reached the left bank of the Somme from Cizancourt to east of Nesle a distance of about five miles Several hundred prisoners were taken today todayFrom From east of Ncsle the fighting front follows the course of the Canal du Nord to Catigny and then southward to Noyon Catigny is surrounded on three sides but houses transformed into block ¬ houses and bristling with machine guns are holding up the French for the moment The enemy also Is holding fast on the heights east of Catigny There is severe fighting at many places placesGeneral General Humberts army has crossed the Roye Noyou road near Sermaize two miles north of Noyon but the Germans are energetically defending the hills to the east eastThe The rapidly succeeding military events not only confirm that the Germans have lost all control of their operations in the regions of the Somme Avre and Oise rivers but they indicate that the enemys own retreat is getting out of hand handThe The effort to stem the French pursuit by fighting rearguard actions with machinegun sections leav ¬ ing sections at intervals of about 400 yards was only locally successful On the ground esjiecially favorable for that sort of resistance such as the terrain around Iloye it gained some time for the enemy enabling him to move a great many guns and i considerable part of his material behind the Canal Du Nord and north of Noyon NoyonBut But once this system of fighting was mastered the strength of the German rear guard dwindled to almost nothing The Germans hustled violently by the French advance guard were obliged to risk an engagement with important forces or to quicken their retreat retreatThe The Germans adopted the latter plan and since Wednesday morning they have been making all pos ¬ sible haste on the road leading to Saint Qiientin La Fere and the Ilindenburg line lineThe The strong positions in the woods just west of the Canal du Nord from which the Germans tried by means of the heavy fire of all calllMrs of artil ¬ lery to check the French troops advancing on both sides of the RoyeNoyon road was captured yester ¬ day morning morningPressure Pressure from General Humberts third army from the west and from General Mangins men vrho crossed the Oise from the south and took Morlin ¬ court this morning while other French tnx i s were entering Noyon adds greatly to the difficulties of the enemy The increased danger from those direc ¬ tions will oblige the Germans to make further sacri ¬ fices in order to save General Von Hutiers army from disaster disasterThe The Somme line having been made difficult for the Germans by the rapidity of the allied pursuit there is now a question with the French troops ready to cross the Somme at the enemys heels as to where he will be able to make a further stand standA A late dispatch of yesterday from London says Bapaume was cantured today by the forces of Field Marshal Haig HaigAH AH registered German alien enemies male and female changing their places of residence to an ¬ other place within the name district must report the hange to the registration officer of the district ac ¬ cording to rules issued by United States Marshal John 1 Bradley yesterday Registration curds must be presented at the time to the registration officer Nicaragua and Honduras have averted their threatened armed clash over a long standing bound ¬ ary dispute by agreeing at the request of the United States to withdraw all troops from their borders and submit the controversy to the United States through their ministers in Washington WashingtonThirteen Thirteen captains of the navy were nominated yesterday for the temmirary grade of rear admiral They are George It Clark William A Gill Har ¬ old P Norton Gustav Kaemmerling Alexander S Halstead Koger Welles Charles P Plunkett William II G ISnllard Joseph W Oman Philip Andrews Josiah S McKean Benton C Decker Mark L Bristol BristolWar War bills this month will approximate 1021000 3001 nearly twice the amount 870000000 expended luring August a year ago Thus the war toll is now running about 32000000 a day or more than J2H0000 an hour a slight increase over July JulyChina China expects to participate in the afterthewar struggle for world trade consular reports at Wash ¬ ington disclosed Announcement is made that an jfficial Chinese commission has recommended an xpenditure of from 40000000 to 4r00000 taels to convert the Whanghoo Pool at Shanghai into a ake with equipment that would make it probably ihe worlds foremost harbor harborAmerican American aviators brought down twenty German lanes during the first two weeks of August and irobably accounted for eleven others the Petit Parisien declared yesterday During the same icriod they made OIM flights engaged in eighty four fights and dropped 11000 pounds of bombs bombsThe The Sheppard compromise amendment for national irohibition on June 30 1919 and continuing until he American army is demobilized was adopted ate yesterday by the Senate without a roll call callField Field Marshal von Ilindenburg replying to a clegram recently sent to him by members of the atherland party at Reiehenberg Bohemia asking or some sign that he was alive in order to end the umors that he had died is quoted in an Amsterdam lispatch to the Central News as saying I am as ight as a trivet and looking calmly to the future

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Local Identifier: drf1918083001_2_9
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