One Of Americas Greatest Jumpers, Daily Racing Form, 1918-08-30


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ONE OF AMERICAS GREATEST JUMPERS JUMPERSDevotees Devotees of the snort of steeplechasing are loud in their praise of the merits of tlie jumper The Brook the champion of the year in tlie cross ¬ country division Many go as far as to proclaim him one of the best jumpers ever seen in this country in tijs connection it may be well to recall to mind a champion of a few years ago namely Good and Plenty PlentyFor For three yeifrs this giant of the turf was the un ¬ disputed champion crosscountry horsa in America No route was too long for him no pace too fast Until his last season Good and Plenty had an un ¬ broken string of victories to his credit after his first effort 1I lost his first race by a nose be ¬ cause his rider Palmer was afraid to rush him at a Jump and force him to his Inst effort After that until the year of his death he never lost a jumping race Good and Plenty will go down in turf history as the only horse that ever meed for any length of time through the field without a fall He was buried on a high hill on the Hitchcock state at Westhury L I and a stab of stone stands erected over the grave On it is inscribed his name age and pedigree with tlie epitaph He was only l horse but no man was ever more faithful and true

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Local Identifier: drf1918083001_2_7
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