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DATES FOR HAVANA STAKES All But Independence Handicap Fall on Sundays. Holiday Crowds Large and Representative Monday Off Day from Now On. HAVAXA. Cuba, January i. With the holiday program completed, the Cuba-American Jockey Clubs race meeting will now proceed under a schedule of six days racing each week, with Monday the day of idleness. Notwithstanding the handicap imposed by an unexpectedly Ions period of muddy track racing, thii holiday period was attended by highly satisfactory results. The Christmas day crowd, especially, was of striking proportions and character, all parts of the racing inclosnre, cdmmodious though it is, being taxed to accommodate the brilliant assemblage attracted by the sport. It is doubtful if a finer gathering of the better crass of Cubans ever entered the gates of beautiful Oriental Park than on this occasion. The day and its attendant incidents went far to confirm the idea that has been constantly gaining ground that racing lias a wonderful future in this favored tropical isle. Racing secretary Nnthanson lias announced the dates for the running of the remaining ten stakes scheduled for decision this season. The seasons stake program consists of thirteen events, three of which, embracing the Christmas Handicap, the New Years Handicap and the Cuba -American Handicap, have already been run. The dates for the others follow: Antilles Stakes, ,200 added, three-quarters of a mile: January 12. Park Handicap. ,300. added, one mile arid, vneSIxJtoHth; Jiiuuiivy-lt. - -.tstt i.-. Moro Castle Handicap, ,200 added, three-quarters of a mile; January 2ti. CnriblKan Stakes, ,500 added, one mile and one-sixteenth:, February 2. T Murinnno Handicap. .,200 added, three-quarters of a mile: February 9. President Menoeal Handicap, ,000 added, one mile and one-quarter: February 15. Cuba Juvenile Stakes,.,200 added, one-half mile; February 23. Indeiiendence Handicap, ,000 added, one mile and cue-eighth; February 24. Carnival Handicap, ,200 added, one mile; Havana Handicap. ,500 added, one mile and one-sixtfenth; March 9. All of the dates named fall on Sunday, with the single exception of the Independence Handicap, which will be run on the Cuban national holiday, Monthly, February 24. F. I. Weir continues to make an extremely good showing with the small but select stable that he brought here. Ambassador III., which raced so well for Weir, has failed to show the same fleetness of foot since she changed stables on a claim, and it develops that she is badly windbroken, so it is improbable that she will turn out to be such a bargain as it seemed she was when claimed for 50.. King Worth, one of the Weir horses which made a disapixiinting showing in a recent race after having previously figured in a winning performance, is not as consistent as lie was as a younger horse, leeause he has an ailing leg that gives much trouble. L. H. Dickinson, who is racing a small string of horses here, left the good old Star Shoot mare Olga Star in Kentucky for retirement to the stud. It is improbable that she will race again.