R. T. Wilson Stable for This Year: President of Saratoga Racing Association Has some Likely Looking Two-Year-Olds, Daily Racing Form, 1919-01-31


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R. T. WILSON STABLE FOR THIS YEAR President of Saratoga Racing Association Has Some Likely Looking: Two-Year-Olds. NEW YORK, N. Y., January 30. R. T.. Wilson, president of the Saratoga Racing Association, has twentv-one horses wintering at Belmont Park, including nine two-year-olds. Hannibal, the big chestnut son of Olambala Mexoana, a stake winner last vear as a two-year-old, when he Ivon 9,725, will be the chief reliance of the stable in. the. three-year.old fixtures this year, although Thunderstorm,, the brother of Cnmpfire, is expected to race iu let-rer iforars.ta"nirreeryr-oia-lifl-litr"rttn?:l!tst year. The brilliant and sturdy Corn Tassel will be the Wilson standard bearer in the principal handicaps, and he is expectd to do as well if not better than last year, when he won eight races and 1,237. Others in the older division are Thistledon, Wyoming, Straight Forward, Umbala, Minuet and Aigrette. Tho two-year-olds are a splendid looking band of voung horses, the majority being by Mr. Wilsons favorite sire, Olambala. There is a bright chestnut colt, by Olambala Fantasque, that promises to be a top-notchcr. He is of good size, range and substance, standing about fifteen and three5quarters hands high and looking every bit the ideal race horse. Another big colt is by Olambala Mauviette, brown in color, and appears to be the kind that can run fast and carry weight as well. The bay colt by Olambala Roman Gold is a counterpart of the brown Just mentioned, except as to color. Both are about the same size and built on the same lines. There are four fillies in the collection, three by Olambala and one by Jack Atkin. The good brood mare Madchen is the dam of one of these daughters of Olambala. a small filly of plenty of substance and length for her inches. Genesta and Nightfall are the dams of the other two. The Nightfall fillv is a sister to Campfire. The filly by Jack Atkin is a daughter of the mare Cream, by tho Futurity winner Electioneer. GRAND SON OF ROCK SAND. A foreign-bred bay colt, by Rochester son of Rock Sand Hortense. is a finely constructed and well balanced colt, extremely bloodlike and racy looking. He is fifteen and one-half hands high and well furnished. Next conies a typical sprinter of the big, massive sort. He is a rich chestnut, fifteen hands two and one-half inches high, having good range and exceptional substance. He is by Luke McLuke Booby, by Voter, and looks like a youngster of wonderful muscular ppwer witli ability to, show great speed and weight-earying capacity especiallv emphasized. A moderate sized foreign bay colt "is the next. He is by Rossendale Gallicee. stands fifteen hands high and is liberally marked with whit?. A most impressive looking colt is the son of Luke McLuke Kerr, a good mare, wliich runs back into the Sunshine family. This fellow, wliich is about fifteen hands two and one-half inches high, bears such a striking resemblance to his illustrious sire that anyone who has seen the great inbred grandson of Domino cannot but be impressed by the likeness. A beautiful bay colt, by Cylgad Carinya, is a promising youngster of fine size and substance. He stands about fifteen and one-half -hands high and is substantially put together. A small but beautiful foreign-bred bay colt, by Lonawand Orange Lily, by William the Third, is a beauty in conformation, but somewhat undersized, being below fifteen hands- high and neatly proportioned. Taking into consideration this colts ricli breeding and bloodlike conformation with accurate balance, no real horseman could afford to overlook him, although of course he would win more ad-admirers should he grow into more formidable" dimensions.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919013101/drf1919013101_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1919013101_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800