Oaklawn In Its Last Half: Only Eleven More Days of Its Successful Meeting Remaining.; Drummond Shows Well in a Mile Workout--Sailor Sprints Fast--Owners Shipping Out., Daily Racing Form, 1919-04-07


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OAKLAWN IN ITS LAST HALF Only Eleven More Days of Its Suc ¬ cessful Meeting Remaining Drummond Shows Well in a Mile MileWorkout Workout Sailor Sprints Fast Owners Shipping Out HOT SPRINGS Ark April 0 Tomorrow marks the beginning of tlio last full week of racing at Oaklawn Park this spring nml the indications are at present tliat the track will lie fast Several hundred horses were out for exercise this morning and the usual large number of tourists turned out to sen them in action No umfsually fast moves were reported the best being by Drummond W Sheas Kentucky Derby candidate which galloped i mile in 142 His ran the first quarter in 23f the half mile in 48 and the threequarters in 114 He was eased up near the end Sailor ran threeeighths of a mile in 35 in preparation for a hard workout tomorrow tomorrowThe The work of taking moving pictures in which Jess WHIard heavyweight champion of the world will appear as this star was begun this morning at Oaklawn Park Five horses were used and an exciting finish was staged the veteran campaigner John Furlong winner of many races was the equine hero in the picture he snatching off victory in the last stride He was ridden in his picture race by jockey Julius Dnrsch Other riders who participated in the making of the picture were Immp Kelker Ward and Donahue DonahueThere There were ouito 1 few departures last night and today for Maryland and Kentucky The jockey colony isrbef imingdepleteiJ and for the remaining eleven days the younger riders will have plenty of oiDortunity to display their wares Jockeys Trox ler and Mack Garner left tocay the former for Howie to report to trainer Albert Simons and the latter for Lexington Ky KyW W Martin will send his horses from here to Iiiulico at the end of the Oaklawn meeting In the event that Bridesman continues to train on is lie has been doing here he will be sent to Louisville for the Kentuckv Derby Jockey 1 Callahan will go with the Martin horses horsesForm Form continues to be well preserved here and the past v eek found the layers again pulling up with a deficit on their operations The number of oralizers lias held up remarkably this year for so late in the local season there having been only a few days when there were not fortyfour the maxi ¬ mum number allowed on onJust Just as soon as a bad looking race cropped up that in which Lady 1ataud ran so poorly judge Francis J Nelson lost no time in taking action and his suspension of Jockey J Groth will serve as a warning to other riders that he will not tolerate anything that does not savor of being absolutely on tins level Groth had been under ob ¬ servation for some time as he had a faculty of getting on contenders when there were good things in several races and the contenders were beaten when they should have won None of his work was as glaring as that on Lady Pataud how ¬ ever everAs As has been the case since the meeting opened there will be one race each day this week of 800 value The owners of the better class of horses are entering them more liberally now Last week tins feature races did not fail to fill a single time timePROMINENCE PROMINENCE OF HOT SPRINGS RACING RACINGTills Tills years racing gave to Hot Springs as promi ¬ nent a place on this racing map or America as any city in the country When a southern race track can arrange such programs as will bring out Eternal Exterminator and a score of other crack thorough ¬ breds seldom seen in action except in the big stakes in Kentucky or the east it shows the high regard in which it is held by the owners of the big racing establishments establishmentsMost Most of the larger stables have been here all winter and none of them seems desirous of leaving until the Oaklawn Park meeting is over The good horses have thrived wonderfully and when they go north and oast they are sure to have an advantage in the early stakes and handicaps over their rivals which have wintered in the cold climates Even though the weather was unusually mild up the line all winter the owners and trainers did not keep their horses in training like those did here as the phenomenal trials of many of the stars at the local track indicate indicateA A majority of the higher grade of thoroughbreds here are well engaged in stakes in Kentucky and New York especially the former state Among them are three horses which will in all probability go to tins post the choices in the three oldest stakes to he run at Churchill Downs the Kentucky Derby Clark Handicap and Kentucky Oaks Eternal Ex ¬ terminator and Passing Shower It would be hard lo find race horses which have stood early spring training as well as has this trio and if condition counts for anything and it always has they will be hard to beat in the respective stakes in which they are entered enteredThis This claiming brigade is working overtime here now there seldom being a day nut what one or more horses change hands Four thoroughbreds were taken out of claiming races in one day recently and a good horse running below his true value is always eagerly sought for The big purses to be hung up in Kentucky and Maryland are responsible for this as tlu horses which are being claimed are almost certain to win at any track trackThe The layers continue to show a deficit due to the way form is being preserved and some of the larger operators have been punished severely Most of the small fry have vacated the firing line but the big onps are still hoping for a few good days which will enable them to recoup their losses

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919040701/drf1919040701_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1919040701_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800