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FISHING AND HUNTING NOTES Tour million whitffish from tin Spring Grove hatchery were recently de osited in the waters of Lake Michigan at Waukegan 111 111The The Chicago Fly Casting Club has elected the following officers for the ensuing year President C C Lucke vicepresident A I Arado captain J Sbarbro secretarytreasurer Frank S Leach members of executive committee Joseph R Brown Dr J Xobokrtsky and E L Uace UaceTin Tin New Jersey state hatchery at Ilackettstown distributed a total of ij775 5 fish during tht piriod extending from November 1 1SU7 to July 1 JOIS Tins iiumlxT of each species sent out was as follows Brook trout 37318 rainbow trout 832 brown trout 41085 chinook salmon 85100 smallmouthed bass 10000 perch fry 13000000