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Empire City Entries and Past Performances for Saturday July 12 WEATHER CLEAR THAOK FAST The figures under the heading Eec la the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In casei where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbre ¬ viations show brack conditions Racine starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner tfc Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Bace 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling SellingTrack Track record July 22 1918 105 2 119 119Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec ItecI30t0t AWtllan AWtllanI300t I300t Toiicanet 107 725 13orS Ormbel 110 7120 43017 Annette Teller 102 107 107X71SJ 42971 Sister Ilelenu 107 715 43090 Hiicknihoru 112 710 43129 = 1 Cornioraii M 110 710 42727 Hanipilen M 110 70 42891s Alii van M 111 705 42013 PcneloiK M 107 700 fS Ross entry Toucanct is fast and in good form Second Eace 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsBriarcliffe Briarcliffe Purse Purse3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record July 20 1918 142 5 117 42794 Hank ODay 120144 7113X725 43005 Ballast 105 153U 4 11GX720 431152 King John 105144 41101715 43005 Bnckboard 118144 5113X715 5113X715430S5 5113X715430S5 430S5 TapaRcur J4 145 3 100X710 43115 John I Day 108143 4113X710 43095 Courting Colors 3 100 705 70535ti22 35ti22 Piraeus 93 143 5 113700 43091 Chester Two 102145 4 113 700 42885 Mistress Polly 98 14355 4 118X700 If ready Hank ODay is best here hereThird Third Eace About 34 Mile Katonah Highwcight Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds and upward CTrack record July 22 1918 10753 5 128 4Mm OLD ROSEBUD ROSEBUD429SS 8 1270750 429SS Pickwick S 122740 429IM Peter Piper 125 112 5 136 740 42SSO Mnliony 3 95740 4 02Js Out the Way 127 111 = 5 4 129 740 43027 = Trophy 102113 4 97 740 42582 Bully Boy 115 112 4 112 735 43114 Salvestra 120111 4107X735 42935 Bill McCIoy 10211255 4 95 735 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 43138 Elmendorf 4 108 735 430421 Ticklish 3100X735 3100X73543043t 43043t Quietude 117112 4100X730 42894 Osgood 100113 3 95730 95730f f A If Morris entry Old Rosebud should win easily Fourth Eace 1 18 Miles MilesTenth Tenth Sunning Empire City Handicap HandicapGuaranteed Guaranteed Value 5000 50003yearolds 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record July 23 1910 151 3 118 4307 Lanius 1 1430t 110 150 4 115X750 430t Old Rosebud 3 120149 81290745 42823 Corn Tassel 1 143030s 107152 5112X745 43030s Be Frank 10715155 3 109 745 3992G Spur 114 15155 G 111X740 42991 Tippity Witchet 4 1140740 43114 Salvestra 1 100 152 4 100X735 43138 Recount 1 1Lanius 117 153 4 930 735 Lanius is in excellent form Fifth Eace 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record July 20 1918 14255 5 117 43044 Tantalus 3 106X725 43017 Paddywhack 117144 6113X720 43005 Benevolent 105145 7 116 715 430913 Miss Bryn 105 146 4 108X715 42992 Warsaw 10014355 5111X710 43111 Dottie Vandiver 3 9 X710 X71038222s 38222s Crepuscule 101146 5108X710 43052 Gleipner 102141 6116X705 42821 Dendera 3 101 700 700Tantalus Tantalus should win again againSixth Sixth Eace 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Special Weights WeightsTrack Track record July 25 1918 59 2 118 430035 Romany 100100 114 725 725430S91 430S91 Te Glorieux 11510155 114 720 43055 Constancy 106100 111 715 71542980s 42980s Bucklaide 115102 114 715 43113 End Man 115 102 114 715 43093 Indiscretion 110 595 111 710 42928 Dream of the Val ¬ ley 115103 114 710 42727 Hampden 107102 114 705 70542891s 42891s Allivan 109 102 111 705 705430S9 430S9 Teachers Pet Ill 700 43093 Sub Rosa 115 100 111 700 42043 Penelope 111 700 700Irish Irish Dream b c by The Curragh Trance 114 Romanys public form is best