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JOCKEY FATOR RIDES THREE WINNERS His Saddle Work at Laurel Outstanding Feature of Mondays Racing Halter Men Busy. LAUREL, Md., October 20. The program at Laurel today was made up "f a series of selling races, in which well balanced fields went In the post. Keen contests were in order and the halter men were much in evidence. Flare, winner of the steeplechase, was boosted from .,200 to ,l05 and retained: Queen of the Sea from SI, 500 to ,200 and sold to S. Louis; Smart Guy from ,200 to ,205 and retained. Max llirsch did the b.idding on Smart Guy. It was in retaliation of the claiming of Papp on Saturday last -by W. T. Wilkinson, whose horses are trained by L. Garth; Devil Dog was claimed by his owner for ,000. Jockey Fator was again in the limelight, riding three of the afternoons winners Queen of the Sea, Grimalkin and Polromn. His finish on Grimalkin was a particularly brilliant bit of horsemanship ,anrt contributed in a great measure to the Carman colts victory. The value of the races today were almost double what they were in the original book. Selling and claiming races on Saturday yielded ,005 surplus, arid this Sum added to the seven races increased each purse 37.85, making the race in eacli instance worth approximately ,000 to the winner. Be Frank, winner of the Latonia Cup on Saturday, and Exterminator, which finished second in the race, arrived at Laurel on their return trip from Kentucky. Both shipped in excellent condition and will shortly be seen under colors. The horses of It. T. Wilson and those trained by W. II. Karrick, will likely be shipped to Pimlico the latter part of the week. Trainer Henley may send some of the AVilson horses to Laurel before the meeting closes.