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BOWIE AND NEW ORLEANS WORK-OUTS : 116 At Bowio. BtJWIE, Md., November 24. Training operations at Bowie this morning, included the following gallops over a. fast truck:, Weather clear; track fast 115 Alphce, five-eigliths in 1:01. 114 Bill McClo3-, three-quarters in 1:22. 114 Balarosa, five-eighths in 1:01. 111 Broom Peddler, half mile in 52. 83 Daydue, three-eighths, in 43. 113 Dottie Vandjvcr, half mile in 52. 110 Epiplianes, three-eighths In 42. 114 Escarp.oletto, half mile in 50. 99-rFort; Bliss, J ive-cigliths iri 1:0S. 107 Grbtind-Swell, mile in 1:55. 109 Ilindoostan. half mile in 52. 112 Hickoryiiut. three-eighths iri 43. 111 Joseph T.3Iurphy,"thr,-cjghths in 40. 10 King John, tiiree-ijuhrtefs in 1:20. 110 Kalliitolis, five-eighths in 1:03. . 113 KingTiiscau. five-eiglitiis in 1:08. 115 Kashmir, mile in 1:52. 115 Lowtide, mile in 1:51. 111 Le Bleuet. three-eighths in 39. 114 Lady Wood, three-eighths in 43. 107 Le Balafre, half mile in .53. 113 Marcelle M,. three-quarters In 1:17. 115 r-Margery,- mile, in 1:47., . 114 Marmite, fiye-eighths in 1:0-1. 103 Mary Belle, three-eighths in 40. 115 Mistake, five-eighths in 1:07. 112 Mss Bryn, three-quarters in 1:24. 111- Bpile, half; milq iii 55. 113 "N: K.Beat! half milo in-50. 113 Old Rosefiud, three-quarters in 1:20. 112 Punctual, lialf mile in 50. 103 Pontypridd, five-eighths in 1:03. 111 Peregrine, three-quarters in 1:26. 110 Prunes, mile in 1:51. 112 Rouen, mile in 1;52. 109 Senator Broderick, five-eighths in 1:12. 303 Slumber III. threc-eiglTths iu 40. 113 Skye Ball, half mile in 52. 114 St. Allan, five-eighths in 1:07. 51 Scyllu, three-quarters iri 1:24, 111 Toadstool, three-quarters in 1:23. 114 The Belgian II., five-eighths in 1:04. 85 Title, three-quarters in ,1:10. 113 Veteran, mile in 1:47. 114 Woodtrap, half mile in 55. " 114 -War Machine, three-quarters in 1:20. 109 War Smoke, three-quarters in 1:17. 112 Virginia Yell, mile in 1:49. . lit Woodstonc, five-eigliths. iri 1:14. 115 Yvette, mile in, 1:48. 111 Wood Violet, mile in 1:45. 115 Vigilante, three-quarters in 1:23. 115 Youiig Adam, three-quarters iu 1:17. - At Jefferson Bark. NBW ORLEANS, La., NoVeriibcr 24. The following were tiie training gallops here this morning: Weather clear; track fast 114 Alma B., five-eighths in 1:02. 113 Aldebaran. mile in 1:44. 112 A. ". Akin, three-eighths in 37. 113 rAce of .jhrninns lialf iiiile in 50. . 83 Anticipate, half niile in 56. 109 Ablaze, three-quarters in 1:15. 113 American Eagle, mile in 1:42. 110 Black Wing, half mile in 49. 113 Bonstelic, five-oighths iii 1:06. 11 Bnby Lynch, fiye-eightlis In 1:03. 11." Bubbling louder, three-quarters in 1:23. 113 Bugle Ciil, tiiree-cightlis in 37 11." Bandymo", thrce-eighths in 39. 111 Billie B., three-quarters in 1:15. 114 Betty Curry, half mile iu 54. S3 Bon Tronip, half iiiile in 48. 113 Brian Boru; mile, in 1:51. 113 Boxer, mile in 1:49.. 79 Capt. .Hodge, niile in 1:50. Chiis. Cannell, five-eigliths in 1:03. 114 Counterbalaiice, half mile in 52. 113j Cap.itania, mile in 1:41. Il3 Qa van" Boy three-quarters in l:iS. 86 Clear the Way. half mile in 48. 110 Cicely Kay. half mile in 49. 89 Dancing Girl, three-quarters in 1:20. 112 Doiph, three-quarters in 1:15. 115 Daridy Van. five-eighths in 1:04. 92 Destroyer, three-eighths in 39. 113 Day of Peace, fire-eighths in 1:02. 112 El Bey, three-quarters iu 1:22. 113 Enmity, three-quarters in 1:19. . 113 Eli, three-eighths -in 39. Emma J., fivc-.eighths in 1:03. 113 Editii K., five-eighths in 1:05. 113Frank F.. half mile in 53. 113 Grey Eagle, half mile in 54. 8S Genqfal,: Girce-quarters in 1:17. 112 George Muehlelrach, seyen-cighths in 1:33. 111 Green Gold, mile in 1:45. 112 Great Hawkj five-eight Us in 1:01. 113 Gallant Iid. tliree-quartcrs in 1:15. 114 General Ifyng, three-eighths in 30. 92 Grumpy, three-eighths in 42. 112 Happy Go Lucky three-quarters in 1:10. 73 Hidden Jewel, thrce-eiBhtlis iu 37- 111 Harryi Burgoyiio, three-egliths in 37. 111 Irish Maid, tliree-quartcrs in 1:17. 113 Indian Sjring, three-eighths in 39. 109 Ira Wilson, five-eighths in 1:05. 112 Jack Mount, mile in 1:42. 114 Jack K., three-quarters iu 1:20. 114 Jiffy, half mile in 52. 113 Jack Beeves, three-tfighths iri 37. 84 J. C. Stone, mile iir 1:4S. King Neptune, mile in 1:40. Katahdin, fiye-cigiiths in 1:06. Ill Keziah, three-eighths in 41. 90 Korbly, tliree-eightlVs in 37. 113 Kimpalong, three-quarters in 1:17. 1.13 Kentucky Boy, three-quarters iu 1:16. ill Little. Jiiiks, three-quarters iri 1:10 J5 . 114 Louise V.. mile iu 1:45.. Llufihnicr, tliree-quartcrs in 1:18. Ill Little String, three-quarters iri 1:15. 114 Luther, three-i.quarters in 1:15. 107 Lady Leona, three-quarters iri 1:18. 69 Lucky it., throe -eighths, in 39. 113 Leali Cochran, three-quarters in 1:15. Ill Milton Roldee, three-qiuirters in l:t. Ill Marie Connell-threv-etshtlis in 33. Ill Maiva, half mile in "5". 113 Merchant, three-quarters in 1:10. 114 Mayor Galvin, half mile in 52. 111-T-Modiste, half uiilo iu 4J 111 Marasmus, mile in 1:47. 113 Mumbo Jumbo, three-quarters in 1:16. 113 Moenah, half mile in 56. 111 Mountain Rose II., mile in 1:42. 112 Merry Lass, half mile in 49. 113 epperhan, five-eighths In 1:02. Newell W., three-quarters in 1:18. 82 Osgood, mile in 1:30. 113 On High, fire-eighths in 1:03. 112 Omond. thrco-eighihs in 37. 70 Parol, three-quarters in 1:20. 113 Pulaski, mile in 1:43. 113 Peccant, five-eighths iri 1:01. 113 Plcnsurcville, three-quarters in 1:17. 115 Pueblo, five-eighths in 1:02. 113 Paddy Dear, three-eighths in 39. 114 Redstart, seven-eighths In 1:38. 112 Rookery, five-eighths in 1:03. 113 Rifle Shooter, seven-eighths in 1:30,: 91 Rufus Riley, three-eighths in 37. 113 Stepson, three-quarters in 1:19. Ill Stitch iu Time, half mile in 51. 111 Sherman A., three-quarters in 1:17. 112 Sailor, half mile in 52. 113 Spokane Juccu. three-eighths in 37. 92 Sway, half mile in 50. 113 Stesty, half mile In 53. 113 Sleeth, three-quarters in 1:19. 113 Salgeorge, five-eighths in 1:01. 90 Sweeping Glance, half mile in -18. 115 Sabretash, five-eighths in 1:01. 107 Service Flag, three-quarters, in 1:20. 113 The Pirate, half mile in 50. Thursday Nigliter, mile in 1:53. 113 Tie Pin, mile in 1:45. 113 Thos. F. McMahqn, mile in 1:45. 113 True as Steel, five-eighths in 1:04. 113 Tiajan, three-quarters in 1:15-. 113 Tiug-a-Ling, five-eighths in 1:03. 112 Troilus, half mile in 49. 113 Ultima Thule, three-quarters in 1:17. 113 Verna B., mile in 1:53. Ill Waterproof, mile in 1:51. 113 Yermak, five-eighths in 1:03.