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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO, 111., November 24. Weather forecast: Illinois Increasing cloudiness, with probably rain in north and central portions late tonight or Tuesday; warmer tonight; colder in north and west portions Tuesday afternoon or night. Missouri Unsettled weather with probably rain in northeast portion tonight or Tuesday: warmer in east and south portions tonight; colder Tuesday afternoon or night; fresh to strong southerly winds, shifting to northwest Tuesday. Geiicral forecast The northwestern disturbance will move southeastward, pre- ceded by rain and rising temperature in its front and followed by snow and much colder weather with strong shifting winds over the northwest. NEW YORK, November 24. Bituminous coal mine owners made "shocking and indefensible" profits in 1917 and there is "grave doubt" that they are entitled to increased prices because of the proposed 31 per cent increase in miners wages, William G. McAdoo, former secretary , of the treas-usy, declared today in a telegram to Federal Fuel Administrator Garfield. The owners profits, as shown by their income tax returns examined by him as secretary or the treasury in 1917, he said, showed earnings on capital stock ranging from 15 to 2,000 per cent. "I am convinced that the wage increases proposed for the mine workers arc just and reasonable,- he stated. WASHINGTON, D. C, November 24. Operators and miners of the central competitive bituminous cial field marked time today in their negotiations for a new wage scale while awaiting a decision by Fuel Administrator Garfield as to what portion of any wage advance should be passed on to the public. When the wage scale committees met this morning, the operators obtained an adjournment until tomorrow, at which time they expect Dr. Garfield will be prepared to make a statement based on further investigation of facts connected with coal industry. SAULT ST. MARIE, Mich., November 24. Hope that at least some of the members of the crew of eighteen of the lumber-laden steamer Myron, owned by O. W. Blodgett of Bay City, which foundered near White Fish Point in the terrific gale that swept Lake Superior Saturday and yesterday, would be rescued, was held out today by marine men here and captains of steamers who passed this port. WASHINGTON, D. C, November 24. The opinion of the arm general staff and the administration is that a peace-time army of r00,000 men is the minimum necessary to care for the national interest. General March, chief ot taf f, declared today, correcting an interpretation of his annual report, published Sunday, which placed the minimum at 250,003. NEW YORK, N. Y., November 24. More than 2,000,000,000 passengers were transported by elevated, subway and surface lines in Greater New York in the fiscal year of 1919, according to esti mates announced by the public service commission. The increase over the preceding year is 104,430,315. ROME, Italy, November 21 Delayed. Rumors of tiie wildest character regarding the possibility of a serious crisis, involving not only the cabinet but also, the reigning house of Italy, are in circulation as the opening of parliament, set for December 1, approaches. MONTREAL, Que., November 24. The main buildings of the University of Montreal, better known as Laval University, containing the medical department, were destroyed by fire last night. The loss is estimated at 00,000, which is covered by insurance. CLEVELAND, Ohio, November 24. Five hundred general chairmen of the four railroad brotherhoods met here today to consider the overtime proposal submitted by Walker I. Hines, director general of railroads. The conference is expected to last three days. FRANKFORT, Ky., November 24. Kentucky voted itself dry at the state election by a majority of 10,717, according xto official count completed here today of the vote cast November 4 on a prohibition amendment to the state constitution. ROME, Italy, November 24. Tomasso Tittoui, Italian- foreign minister, has resigned, and Viterio Scialoi, minister without portfolio, has been named to succeed him, according to the Epoca. LONDON, England, November 24. A leech lived three weeks in a mans windpipe and was still alive when extracted by a. surgeon.