Famous Mare Fairy Gold: Her Present-Day Fame Due to Man o War and Inchcape.; Gave to the Thoroughbred World Fair Play and Friar Rock Their Respective Sires., Daily Racing Form, 1920-07-21


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FAMOUS MARE FAIRY GOLD GOLDi i Her PresentDay Fame Due to Man o War and Inchcape Gave to the Thoroughbred World WorldFair Fair Play and Friar Rock Their Respective Sires NEW YOPiK X Y July 19 The fascination of Woodstock breeding and the value which may be derived by a country from one specimen of super ¬ lative merit is sliownin the career of the famous mare Fairy Gold Avhose name is on the lins of turfmen everywhere today Her presentday fame is largely due to the performances of Man o War and Inchcape the former tlie undisputed champion of the turf and hailed by many as the greatest horse of all time in the United States and the latter and unbeaten juvenile of phenomenal nromise sold on Tuesday last for 150000 to S C Ilildreth IlildrethHad Had neither of these appeared Fairy Gold would still have earned enduring fame through the quali ¬ ties of her other descendants which have not only Avon the best of the American racing prizes but carried off the laurels in England and in faraway India The influence of this mare on the thorough ¬ bred family of the United States bids fair to be of incalculable Aalue and it is to be regretted that Urn Nursery Stud has but one of her descendants in the female line to carry on the AVorU which she has so splendidly begun begunFairy Fairy Cold was foaled in England in 1890 She Avas sired by Reiid Or the founder of a great family of horses and himself a superb performer Her dam Dame ilaaUaou Jvas T danghterof GaJ llard tier best performance oirtlic turf was a vic ¬ tory in the 5 000 Woodcote Stakes at two years old defeating Desmond among others She was bred to St Serf and in 1901 produced the filly St Lucre which when mated with Amphion gave the turf Golden Legend Golden Legend bred to Dark Uonald produced Dark Legend which ran third for the Kpsom Derby of 1917 and was sold for 35000 for export to India where he won the Viceroy and Emperors Cups among other trophies He is considered the best horse in India today Mated Avitli Marcovil Golden Legend foaled Golden Orb a splendid sprinter in Kngland at the present time Among his victories recently are the Empire Stakes at Newbury where he defeated the crack mare Diadem and the Wakingham Stakes at Ascot Avhere he triumphed over twentyfour competitors competitorsFairy Fairy Golds second foal was Golden Measure by Florizel II and while he was not a firstclass race horse he was a noted stayer and Avon among other races the Aseot Gold Vase at two miles defeating Hammerkop the dam of Spion Kop the Avinner of this years Kpsom Derby Fairy Gold missed to Isinglass in 1903 but was with foal by the same sire when Major August Relmont secured her at the McCalmont Stud dispersal sale that same year for 13000 He bought another mare at the same time in Hautesse now famons as the grand lam of Hornless paying 23000 for the daughter of Archidne That investment of 41000 is a monument to the judgment which prompted it itFAIR FAIR PLAY CAME IN 1905 1905The The Isinglass foal died and after being brought to Kentucky Fairy Gold was bred to Hastings then the premier sire at the Nursery Stud From this union came Fair Play in 1905 and the presence of the phenomenal Colin alone prevented his being the best of his age and year in 1007 and 1908 A pe ¬ rusal of the record for the latter year shows that Colin beat Fair Play in both the Withers and the Belmont Stakes but from that time forward Colins name does not appear in any of the great races over a long distance except the TiTlal Stakes at Sheepshead Bay while Fair Play earned his tri ¬ umphs in grueling races over long routes and always with his weight up He was victorious in the Lawrence Realization at a mile and five eishths the Coney Island Stakes at a mile and a hnlf the Jerome Handicap at a mile and five sixteenths the First Special one mile and a quar ¬ ter and the Municipal Handicap at a mile and threequarters He gave away as much as ten pounds to horses like King James Frank Gill and Hessian HessianThe The test of a great stock horse is his ability to sire a greater performer than himself and this Fair Play accomplished when bred to Mahubah by Hock Sand Fair Play would have been considered a success without Man o War which was the result of tills mating but that colt by his extraor ¬ dinary qualities has put the capsheaf upon his greatness greatnessGolden Golden View by Hastings came in 1900 and she in turn gave the turf Ilockviexv by Rock Sand a performer above the average and a sire of bud ¬ ding promise and a mare known as Itock of Gold which is the last of the Fairy Gold female line ns already stated in the possession of Major Bel mont Fortunately Hock of Gold is with foal this season by Honrless and she may carry on the greatness of her dam Others by Octagon Itock Sand and Hastings were born to Fairy Gold be ¬ tween 190 and 1913 These included Flittergold a fast but uncertain horse horseFRIAR FRIAR ROCKS ADVENT IN 1913 It was in 1913 however that Fairy Gold gave the turf a horse vhich bids fair to be epochal This was Friar Itock by Hock Sand He was a fair performer as a twoyearold but at three he was a brilliant race horse He won the Suit urban Handicap and should have AVOH the Withers Stakes but for Loftus foul riding He took the Jlelmont Stakes in hollow fashion and followed it up witli a superb victory in the Brooklyn Han ¬ dicap over the best field of the year In winning both the Brooklyn and Suburban he accomplished something no other threeyearold has ever done He was beaten in the Saratoga and Empire City Handicaps but defeated Hoainer and The Finn for the Saratoga Cup at a mile and threequarters It was lifter this race that he was bought by 1 E Madden for 50000 and retired to the stu J Friar Hock was subsequently sold by Mr Madden to 1 II Hosseter of California together Avith a number of mares Avitli his first crop of foals by their sides for 100000 One of these foals was Juchcape sold for 150000 on Tuesday last Mr Ilildreth on Wednesday of the last week tried unsuccessfully to purchase Friar Rock himself but Mr Hosseter declined to put a price on the horse Friar Hock is but seven years old now and his rec ¬ ord in having such a phenomenal performer in his first crop of youngsters is unique It is under ¬ stood that Mr Hildreth was prepared to pay 250 000 for him himFairy Fairy Cold was barren in 1914 1915 and 1910 and roamed the blue grass tinctures at Nursery the noblest matron of them all a big bodied short legged type that gladdened the heart of every lover of the thoroughbred who saw her Mated Avitli the young sire Vulcain in 1910 she produced the colt now known as Fair Gain for which Joseph E Wideuer gave 14000 at auction Fair Gain is a winner but is not a colt of quality Her foal of 1918 was by Ferole and it is named Treasure Fair It was acquired by Edward W Sim is along wilii the other Nursery yearlings in 1919 ml has yet to appear in public publicFairy Fairy Gold died with foal to Ho rless in 1919 and in referring to this renowned i atron W II Howe The Jockey Clubs registrar vho is an au ¬ thority second to none on breeding s id idFairy Fairy Gold has already made li rself famous Time should add to her distinction as from Fair Play Man o War Friar Hock Inchcape and their descendants must come horses of great racing qual ¬ ity possessing not only speed but stamina

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920072101/drf1920072101_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1920072101_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800