On Watch Beats Minto II: Son of Colin Races to His Best Form in Gramatan Handicap; Close Finish in Tarrytown Stakes--Jockey C. Robinson Rides Three Winners, Daily Racing Form, 1920-07-21


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ON WATCH BEATS MINTO 11 Son of Colin Races to His Best Form in Gramatan Handicap Close Finish in Tdrrytown Stakes Jockey C Robinson Bides BidesThree Three Winners NEW YORK N Y July 20 G W Lofts On Watch proved ho is just about one of the test threeyparolds racing over the metropolitan cir ¬ cuit when he defeated Minto II by threerquarters it a length in the Gramatm Handicap at Empire City today On Watch led for the entire mile and a sixteenth set n fast pace under slight restraint and held his opponents safe at the end Minto II lost ground on the first turn and moved up fast while going down the backstretch but failed to outstay On Watch in the final drive although hard ridden The son of Colin Is a good colt right now He trained off slightly after the Kentucky Derby and good judges say he has just recovered his real form Theoretically his race today makes him a few pounds belter than Dr Clark which was de ¬ feated in his last meeting with Minto II when the Thraves gelding carried 115 pounds to Dr Clarks 1C9 a difference of six pounds The difference between Minto II 12 i and On Watch 117 in the Grama tan was nine pounds poundsThe The Tarrytown Selling Stakes of S2 00 the feature of todays program brought a close finish between Yellow Hand and Tadda It was more a duel between jockeys Turner and Lyke the former having the better of the argument Jadda forced the pace and held on gamely throughout although passed by Yellow Hand a sixteenth out At this point Yellow Hand looked all over a winner having a lead of two lengths but Jadda was not through Under hard urging by jockey Lyke the Livingston gelding caught Yellow Hand tiring near the finish mid just failed to get up ia the closing prides Tho remainder of the field was beaten off Prince Albert which had been a trailer came from far back to beat Service Star for third money moneyJockey Jockey C Robinson was much in the limelight today riding three winners Two of these were from the stable of J W McClelland Chevalier in the first race and Eternity in the closing dash Both won in easy fashion leading all the way Robinson also piloted Bush to victory in the fifth race in which the largest field of the afternoon started startedThe The W R Coe and Oneck Stables will ship to Saratoga July 24 v vMax Max Llndenbauni of Louisville who has been interested in turf matters for years is 11 visitor at Empire City He will remain during the meet ¬ ing and take in the Saratoga races throujh August

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920072101/drf1920072101_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1920072101_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800