Kentuckians After 300-Mile Race: Endurance Test Club Formed for Purpose of Winning That Contest Next Fall., Daily Racing Form, 1920-07-21


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KENTUCKIANS AFTER 300MILE RACE Endurance Tost Club Formed for Purpose of Win ¬ ning That Contest Next Fall LEXINGTON Ky July 13 The Thoroughbred Endurance Test Club Was formed at a meeting last night of representatives of the Thoroughbred Hors Association the Kentucky State Racing Com ¬ mission and the Kentncky Jockey Club The purpose of the organization is to acquire train und enter thoroughbred horses for participation n and to win if possible the endurance test for riding horses which is to be over a 300mile course from Fort Ethan Allen Vermont to Camp Devons Mass the five days from October 11 to 15 inclusive inclusiveMajor Major Thomas C McDowell was chosen president of the club and Thomas B Cromwell was niadis secretarytreasurer William Woodward was en ¬ gaged to bu trainer of the horses to be entered in the name of the Endurance Test Club ClubIt It was voted that the club shall acquire any num ¬ ber of horses up to tw Ivo and that such of theso as in the judgment of trainer Woodward and his associates of a committee for that puriwse aio suitable after a period of training shall be entered and started in the test testHorses Horses may be purchased or they may be donated by persons interested in preserving the supremacy of the thoroughbred thoroughbredAll All persons and organizations desiring that the test may be won by a thoroughbred horse arc in ¬ vited to become patrons of the club which they may do by sending to president McDowell or secre ¬ tary Cromwell at Lexington ontributions of such sums as they may choose to irivo irivoThe The nucleus of the fund is S10 000 contributed jointly by tin three organizations abovementioned abovementionedThe The club now has in training the stallion Helniet loaned by E H Bradley of Idle Hour Farm Mbs cowa David Craig and I TwentyThree which were acquired by purchase purchaseThe The horses loaned jvill be returned to their own ¬ ers while those purchased will be sold at the conclusion of the test and the proceeds together with such residue of the fund as there may be if any returned pro rata to the patrons of the club clubIt It is required that the minimum weight to be carried by each horse contesting shall be 243 pounds and 100 pounds of this must bo equipment or dead weight Persons desiring to ride in the test may send their names and addresses to president Mc ¬ Dowell or Secretary Cromwell

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