Windsor Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1920-07-21


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WINDSOR FORM CHART WINDSOR ONT TUESDAY JULY 20 1920 Sixth day AVindsor Jockey Club First Summer Meet ¬ ing of 7 days Weather clear temperature 75 ° retary Walter 0 Partner Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 p m AV indicates whip S spurs It blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance 4QQ t FIRST RACE 1 Mile July 22 1914 137 4 105 Purse 1200 3year olds and TtOOOJL upward Maiden Jockeys Foaled in Canada Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horse AAVtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv Odds Strt 48742 = STATIM w G 110 2 o GI GU 5 t 43 1 1 R Dugqan A AVilson 48808 FLAME w 5 110 33 5 5l 41 31 2 L Jonea P G Christopher Christopherw 48050 SOMME w 4 113 5 2 11 2 2 1 3U L Aron G M Hendrie Hendriew 48000 = P MOODY w 3 102 1 1 2 I li 2 4s K Parston AV Walker Walkerwn 48091 HEMISPHERE wn I 115 G G 4 k su y 5 53 j Barker A AV AVarner AVarnerw 48742 GLOV AVORM w 4 11 577 7 7 fi = A Dlark G Cornell Cornellw G35100 48775 MOUETTE w 3 100 7 4 3 4 G = 7 7 H Gregory D Raymond 2015100 2015100Time Time 24 50 116 J 144 Track good 2 mutuels paid Statim 520 straight 370 place 20 show Flame 1810 place 710 show Somine 200 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Statim 1CO to 100 straight S5 to 100 plaoo 30 to 100 show Flame S0 to 100 place 2Vi to 100 show Snmino 45 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner It m by Havoc At Once by Simontault trained bjrjF Tonnant bred by Mr J E Sea grntn grntnWent Went to post at 229 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily socond and third driv ¬ ing STATIM aftir being saved under stout restraint to the far turn overcame interference by coming around the lenders and finishing fast was eased up In the last few strides FLAMK ran well and fin ¬ ishedfast next to tin rail SOMME helped make the pace and tired P MOODY raced Into tho lead w the backstrvtch but faUvd U stay GLUW WOltM y s sliuUIea l ack iiumcdiutely after tue start SECOND RACE 34 MIIo July 15 1916 I 3 108 Puree 1200 3ycaroida and upward Maidens Allowances Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSt U te i Str FJn Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 48778 = LORD AVRACK wit 3 110 59 4l 2 1 l k AV Andreas J B Rcspcca GS100 48325 FRIVOLITY w 103 10 2 2i 1 2 ffi G Start J Lowe 55 100 48031 VIVE McGEE w 4 111 9 3 3i GJ Sii o E Barnes C L AVhltlrtf 750100 48778 MISS MILLIONS wn 3 105 2 5 3 4 5 f 1 Houiiol E F AVhitney na30 lOO 40732 UlDDLEDEE wit C 105 11 7 G 31 4t 5 = E Hurbne J J Doyle HMOOlOO HMOOlOO48C942ROUEN 48C942ROUEN wills G 4 D1 II3 S1 ff R McCrnn A Brent 1805100 1805100VIOLA VIOLA G w 3 102 1 C lk 5 = G2 T R Moore E Glassco t2l30J100 48790 B BROMMEL II w 3 107 3 11 T 7 71 S A Collins A L Klrby S075300 4 C5C = AVEINLAND w r 113 S S 10 101 9 91 C Dtiggan AV Walker 1153100 48585 NORDECK wi 3 110 4 12 12 12 II1 10 AV AVright G J Long 6830100 48794 JNO R ROCHE w 3 107 7 10 SJ S 10 11 = J Conway J T Buckley t t48G28 48G28 CAPTAIN TOM w 3 107 12 1 llu 912 12 S McGruw J Dfvrscy t tMutuel field Time 24 49 116 Track good 2 mutuels paid Lord AVrack 3cIO straight 2SO place 230 sliow Frivolity 380 plrice 280 show Aive McGce 330 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Lord AVrack 05 to 100 straight 40 to 103 place 15 to 100 show Frivolity 90 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Aive McGce G5 to 100 show showAVinuer AVinuer 15 c by Wrack Gowell by Ort AVells trained by A Hamel bred by Mr J T AVenyer AVenyerAVent AVent to post at 307 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AAon driving second and third the same LOKD AAKACK saving ground on all the turns stood a hard drive gamely after taking the Jertd and outstayed FUIAOLITY at the end FKIVOLITY ran well and took the lead on the last turn but could not withstand the winner AlAK McGKK was crowded back then came fast and was gaining nt the end MISS MILLIONS and ISIDDLKDKK ran well Scratched 18700 Helma Ill 18150 Doctor Jim 107 4SG28 = Miss Sterling 111 48155 Caller Hcrrin 103 48212 Old McKelma 107 Overweights Aiola G 4 pounds THIRD RACE 58 Mile Aug 29 1910 100 2 108 Purse 1400 2yearoldi Fillies Allowarico3 Net value to winner 1000 cccond 250 third 150 Index Horses AWtPlSt M Str Pin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 4 8740 = LAST ROSE w 10J 8 2 248570ANNA 31 3U 3 = 1 J H Burke B J Brannon Brannonlii 48570ANNA AVOOD i 114 5 1 147079MADELE lii iu 11 2 E Denny Nevada Stock Farm 47079MADELE LILLIANw 114 1 S S48740BA 7 = G3 41 31 J Butwoll J D Dunn 48740BA JIMINY w 114 2 G 51 4 51 4 J McTast E F AVhitney AVhitney4l 48005 = MY ROSE w ICG 3 3 348217JULIA 4l 5 G 5 = S McGraw E Brqwn 48217JULIA N w 1CS 7 4 44837lMARY 2 = 21 21 C B Kenndy C Nuckols NuckolsGi 4837lMARY J BAKER wn 101 4 3 Gi S S 71 H Ericksn G F Baker BakerS 48053 ANNETTES SISTERw 104 G 7 S 71 7s S E Fator Kirkficld Stable f Coupled in betting as C Xuckpls and t5 F Itaker entry entryTime Time 235 48 102 Track good 2 mutuels paid Last Hose 980 straight 310 place 400 show Anna AVood 1100 place 610 show Madeline Lillian 3iO show Equivalent booking odds Last Uose 300 to 100 straight 155 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Anna AVood 450 to 100 place 205 to 100 show Madeline Lillian 80 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Ch f by Handsel Janice by Midlothian trained by B J ISrannon bred by Mr T It Jones AVent to post at 341 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same LAST HOSE after being saved close up frqm the start came fast through the stretch and got up to win iii the closing strides AXXA AVOOD set a good pace but tired slightly in thL final drive MADULIXE LILLIAN slowest at the start gained steadily and finished fast BY JIMINY had a rough race JULIA X quit after racing iii closest pursuit to the last eighth eighthScratched Scratched 48G88 Hostate 100 FOURTH RACE 1 1 1C Miles July 21 1914 144 4 114 Belle Isle Purse Purso 2000 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1500 second 350 third 1CO Index Horses AAVtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 48023 = BESTHOFF w 3 93 1 5 I2 Il I5 1 I5 B Kenndy R A Moore 215100 215100487453MY 487453MY DEAR v3 92 2 4 31 31 2 2 ° 2s G Ycargln F Musante 7S3100 48098 = SNAPDRAGON IIw i 5 113 3 2 41 4 4 = 3 = 31 A Morgan E J Crawford S6010 48812 = DOUGLASS S w i G 107 4 1 5 = 5 5 41 4 E Fator H S Koppln 30100 48745 BEAVERKILL w G 113 5 6 G G G G Gl R Simpson Ogdcn Stable 310100 31010048G57 48G57 EASTER LILY G102 G 3 2 h21 3l 53 G M Fallon Thorncliffe Stable 1S03100 1S03100Time Time 23s 4G 114 140 147 Track good 2 mutuels paid liesthoff i30 straight 410 place 280 show My Dear 590 place 320 show Snapdragon II 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds liestliofT 215 to ICO straight 105 to 100 place 40 to 100 show My Dear 195 to 100 place iO to 100 show Snapdragon II 50 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner It e by Assagai Be t tie Sue by The Commoner trained by E AV Moore bred by Mr Walter O Parmer ParmerAVent AVent to post at 413 At post 1 minute Start good and slow for all but BEAVEHKILL Won easily second and third driviyg BESTHOFF took ii quick lead and making the pace fast drew away in the stretch and won in a canter MY DEAR ran well under her light impost and finished gamely SXAlDHAGOX II had to be ridden out to outstay DOUGLASS S BEAAEHKILL propped when the barrier was sprung pinned his ears back and refused to extend himself EASTER LILY quit badly badlyScratched Scratched 4S745 = Gain de Cause 97 97Overweights Overweights Itestlioff 2 pounds Snapdragon II 3 FIFTH RACE 1 18 Miles Sept 4 1911 151 5 C 105 turse 1400 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 250 third 150 Index Horses AAVtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 48779 KEEP w 3 93 5 4 11 1 1 lt 1 F Bryson H Ncustetcr 720100 48812 KINGFISHER w fi 105 3 2 3 4 3 33 2 k J H Burke B J Brannon 13MfiO 13MfiO488003BUBQ 488003BUBQ LOUDER W 5 lli i 8 4 3 2i 21 3s J Butwell J Masteraon I I48tfl3 48tfl3 = THINKER 5102 2 G 7 G = 5 43 43 G Yoanjln C Timberlake 273100 48813 GOURMAND ws 4 107 7 7 G = 3 4 5 5 B Xenndy J L Paul 1103100 48490 AVOODTHRUSH 5 113 4 3 5 7 61 G3 G H Stearns C Man in 96J100 96J1004G2G8COURTLY 4G2G8COURTLY LASS 3 97 1 1 2 2 73 7 73 E Harbne AV M Mikel 2C355100 48599 HONOLULU w 5 102 C 5 8 8 8 8 8 C Dufrsan AV AValker 12285100 12285100Time Time 24 49 1144 142 157 Track good 2 mutuels paid Keep 1040 straight 070 place 420 show Kingfisher 100 place 340 show Bubbling Louder 370 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Keep 720 to ICO straight 235 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Kingfisher 130 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Bubbling Louder 85 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Br f by Pataud Possession by Hcquital trained by U Xeusteter bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenAVent AVent to post at 444 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and thirdthe same KEEP soon took the lead and setting a good pace outstayed KINGFISHER In a hard drive KIXGFISHEH suddenly improved and messed about on the turns came gamely at the finish and wear ¬ ing the winner down BUBBLING LOUDEIt slipped through next to thu rail on the far turn and saved ground when coming into the stretch but tired slightly Tight at the eiid THINKER finished gamely COURTLY LASS quit quitOverweights Overweights Honolulu 2 pounds Kingfisher 1 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile July 15 1916 1 ll 5 3 108 Purso 1200 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 900 second 200 j third 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSt U Str Pin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 4881 13FIRST PULLET wn 1 109 1 4 31 2 1i 1 = AV Morsy J B Respcss 48499 EL MAHDI wi 114 4 S 5 k 51 53 2 J Butwell G J MlHcr 48741 OLD SINNER wit J 105M2 G G48C01 G1 3l 21 3i J McTagt AV R Tolthle 48C01 = DIOMED w 3 1CS 2 3 4 G = 7 41 F Chvettu AV C AVeant AVeantS3 48000 ARCH PLOTTER w 7 11G Z 3 348031LOYS S3 ts Gi3 jh y Heircli G F Kncbelkamp KncbelkampIO1 48031LOYS 4 10J 7 12 IO1 S S Cl B Kelindy AV P Johnson 48208 SQUEELER U 111 0 2 21 41 4k 7l J H BOrke B J Brannon 48032 CIRCULATE w 7 lie K 11 = 10 10fl S t R Simiwon M Smith Smith7at 48778 PROPAGANDA 4 111 8 7 7at ynk 9 m K j fjaviiw E Lutz 48800 ArIRGO 3 103 10 11 12 12 11 10 J Grubsr D E Stewart StewartI1 48054 BRYNHILD w 3 102 11 1 I1 1 Zi 11 = J Iteupfl E F AVhitney 48640 PASTIME w wii T Ill I 9 9ltl1 12 32 V Wright T E Luell t tMutuel field Time 24 48 115 Track good 2 mutuels paid First Pullet 030 straight 400 place 310 show El Mahdi 510 place 310 show Old Sinner 070 show Equivalent booking odds First Pullet 215 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 55 to 100 show El Mahdi 155 to 100 place 55 to 100 show Old Sinner 235 to 100 sho v AVinner B f by Cock o the AValk Kerr by Uncommon train d by A Hamcl bred by Mr Richard T AVilson AVilsonAVent AVent to post at 520 At post 4 minutes Start good and slo AVon driving second and third the same FIRST PULLET close up from the start and saving groun on all the turns came fast tlirougli the stretch and won going away EL MAHDI came around the le defs to get a clear lead and finished fast OLD SIXXEH ran a game race but tired DIOMED was shuttled back and finished with a rush ARCH PLOTTER was in close quarters for the first half SQUEELER tired BRYXHILD quit after setting the pace to the last turn turnScratched Scratched 18741 May AV 117 487973Mcdusa 109 48547 Croix dOr 114 48092 Mugivan 100 100Overweights Overweights Old Sinner 2 pounds Virgo 2 Rrynhild 1 SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile July 22 1914 137 J 4 105 Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 48800 REFUGED wii 7 110 2 1 1 I3 1 ° 1 1 J Butwjll AV Fenwlck 315109 48537 LITTLE ED wit 4 103 4 7 Gl fi1 5 4 = 2 F Hunt J Reatle 1129100 48741 SUMMER SIGH wn 4 108 12 5 7i 5 4i 2k 3 = A Collins 7251GO 48811 JAPHET w 5 10S 9 G J GI 4i J H Burke AV O Stoner H3IW 48780JACK REEArES w 7 111 10 13 11 HI Si 7 = 5 k AV Heineh C R Anderson S3T100 48811 BOB BAKER wn 4 111 73 2i 2 2 = 5 G N J Brncs P J Purccll Purccllwr 20SO1CO 48094 CONTESTANT wr 1 10S 1 8 3 = 3 = 3i 31 71 B Kenfdy J Funk FunkvSJOS 4 rioo 48780 CANDELARIA vSJOS S 9 81 Gt S3 S1 E Barnes J A Parsons Parsonswn t35onio 48799 LEINSTER wn 4 10S S 12 5k y110 9 9U R McCrnn E Bush 48741 JAMES FOSTER wii 5 10S G 2 41 4 9MO = 10 = G Ycargin F G McLaughlin 1B3TMO 48740 GLASTOI w S 106 5 4 10 10 11 H3 H3 I Gregory H S Koppin 57CO100 57CO10048800MARGERY 48800MARGERY wn 7 101 13 10 12l 12 121 12 12 AV Moore J Arthur 3405106 48800 SHORT CHANGE W 3 102 11 11 13 13 13 13 13 J Heupel M Seifert t fMutnel field Time 25 49 115 141 Track good 2 mutuels paid Refugee 890 straight 540 place 380 show Little Ei 1130 place 710 show Summer Sigh 510 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking cdds Hefugee 345 to 100 straight 170 to 100 place 90 to 100 show Little Ed 4C5 to 100 place 255 to 100 show Summer Sigh L to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B g by Hamburg First Flight by Thrush trained by AV Fenwick bred by Mr Harry Payne AVhitney AVhitneyAVent AVent to post at 550 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and tliird driv ¬ ing HEFtGEK showing sudden improvement won all the way under slight restraint LITTLE ED closed a gap and nipped SUMMER SIGH for second place in the last stride The latter closed a big gap and finished gamely JAPHET came fast when clear of interference JACK HEEVES closed r gap but was in close quarters at the end BOB ItAKEK quit and so did CONTESTANT CONTESTANTScratched Scratched 18813 La Kross Ill 488 17 Bond 10S 48780 Thanksgiving 103 103Overweights Overweights Refugee 2 pounds Short Change 1

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Local Identifier: drf1920072101_3_2
Library of Congress Record: