Third Race [3rd Windsor, Daily Racing Form, 1920-07-21

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THIRD RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming July 15 1916 111 15 3 108 SWEET LIBERTY b f 3 105 105Trainer By Plaudit Looking Glass by Clear the Way Trainer J S Ownbey Owner G Knebelkamp 48794 Windsor 34 1 17slow 75 104 1 111 = ink w Heinch ii WCares Anticipate SwGlanPo 48643 Latonia 34 12good 15 106 1 2 3 73 7 = W Heinch 8 Clintville BParadise BonJour 48372 Latonia 34 l12fast S 103 1 1 1 2l 3J3l W Heinch 5 Cliutonville Bon Jour Surplice 4136 Latonia 34 l12fast 75 103 1 1 1 IS in W Heinch S MlleDazie AGallup Linltlack 47896 Latonia 34 l12fast 21 112 2 2 3 3 2s W Heinchll Furbelow Refngeell MlleDazie 47519 Churchl 34 l14fast 31 104 1 2 2 3S 35 TV Heinch 7 Furbelow L In BlacK Bigldea WHO CARES br o 8 107 107Trainer By Wrack Lizzie H by Eolui Trainer F Farrar Owner F Farrar 4S794 Windsor 34 l17slow 12 113 2 5 3 3 2k j Stearns 5 SLiberty Anticipate SGlanee 4S744 Windsor 34 l19hvy S 87 6 6 64SC01 6 6 3J I Fletcher SQuntin TTI issie DrHkihin DrHkihinI1 4SC01 Devre 34 l21hvy 9 110 1104S536 I1 E Barries 8 CobaltLass Sliilling StGcrrnai StGcrrnaiI1 4S536 Devre 34 l14fast 55 112 1124S314 I1 E Barnes 9 KnlaliF Lady inBlack VMcGeii VMcGeiia 4S314 Hamtn 1 l43fast 8 99 4 1 2 a 51 73 A Richcrk 8 Kilts II Antoinette Shortstop 48204 CongHt 1 l41slow 5 94 1 3 3 4 2 2 A Richcrk G Dr Joe Primo Kuklui 48153 Conght 34 l15V16w 2110 110 2 3 3 3nk 2U J Butwell 9 CobaltLass BPeddler Efficient 47938 BBonnets 34 l15fast 1 113 1 2 2 I1 1s J Rodgez 8 Pokey Jane Hush Pueblo 47861 Dorval 34 l19nvy 4 107 1 1 2 2J 34 J Williams G CobaltLass Poacher Phedoden 47794 Dorval 34 114 fast 13 108 1 7 7 7i C Whlfton 8 CotheRoost MyBootsDrHickn MyBootsDrHicknBy JANE PENNYBAKER b f 4 110 110Trainer By Sir John Johnson Dum Dum by Yankee Trainer E Brown Owner W Walker S299 Latonia 1 l3Sfast 7 109 324 6 6 = 6II H King 7 Iwin FHandley DancingSpray 48218 Latonia 34 116 hvy 1310 112 2 6 64S091 5 4i 2 J Gruber 8 FHandley LadyLux BParase 4S091 Latonia 34 112 fast 55 109 4 4 6 C1 75J C RobsonlO SewCombs MisTima MotorCop 47683 Churchl 34 114 mud 4 106 2 1 1 Il Il C Robson 6 Mile Dazie Looking Up Flaga 44561 Churchl 1 316 203hvy 7 110 1 2 3 3 5 5 5l = l II Lunstd 5 Sway Omond Pictor 44458 Latonia 34 l16hvy 6 107 5 5 5 5 51 J Mooney G Top Coat J Hare Jr High Cpst 44360 Latonia 1 l42mud 35 98 1 1 1 1 lz 1 J Mooney 3 King Gorin Ormesdale 44131 Latonia LatoniaANTICIPATE 34 l12Vfcfast 43 102S 1 5 3 4n 401 T Murray 5 Jorice Geo Starr Rapid Day ANTICIPATE b c 8 103 By Plaudit Antipathy by Ornament OrnamentMastersoru Trainer J Mastersoru Owner Masterson Rogers 4S794 Windsor 34 l17slo 4i 113 4 2 2 2nt 3J J Butwell S Liberty WhoCares SGlauce 48410 Latonia 34 1114 good 3 108 1 3 4 5 = 5 B Kenndy 9 Marvin May Ruby Louis A 47335 Churchl 34 l16hvy 95 105 3 2 2 11 Il B Kenndylo Unby Luke Dillon LouU A 47127 Churchl 34 114 fast 0 103 3 3 3 3 41 F MerlmeelO Converse Squeeler Blaise 4C9S7 Lex ton 34 114 fast 2310 109 3 3 3 51 5 B Kenndy G Spicebush Paul Weidel LoulaA 46344 Jefson 34 l15hvy 6 112 4 2 2 2s 2 S WIda 5 LBrunimel WhoCares D Girl 46173 Jefson 34 l17hvy 8 105 4 3 3 21 1 S Wida 8 Who Cares TheArcher SHeleue 45705 FGnda 34 l14good 20 106 5 789 9 ° G Stack 9 Arrowhead SwLiberty MinMan GLEN LIGHT ch c 3 103 103Trainer By Glencairn Lights Out by Heno Trainer W Irving Owner E F Whitney 4SSC9 Windsor 34 l15fast 72 104 3 1 21 B Kenndy Kukluv The Leopard Louise V V4S 48744 Windsor 34 l19Mhvy l19Mhvy4S588 32 102 3 4S 6i A Richcrk 1 StQuentin ULassit WhoCareSi WhoCareSi4s 4S588 FtErie 34 I18y5hvy I18y5hvy4S204 41 107 3 4s 41 R Romelli G UsLassie MOrange CSumniy CSumniygh 4S204 Conght 1 l41sio l41slow 56 100 4 1 1 gh 6 E Fator G Dr Joe Who Cares Prjriio 48130 Conght 34 l13fast 7 107 5 2 24S078 2J 413 H Stearns G CliSummy DukeJolinThistledn 4S078 BBonnets 34 114 fast 53 98 4 3 3 6 J R Romell G Midnight Sun Kiiklux Pen Rose 47935 BBonnets 34 114 fasti 69 102 2 3 51 7 J Heupel 7 Dr Hickman Louise V DrJde DrJde6J 47794 Dorval 34 114 fast 26 112 3 2 6J 65J H Hanmer 8 CotheRoost MyBootsDrHickn 47717 Dorval 34 l13Mfast la 105 2 2 2476S9 4 4 O Willis G SmMoney MidSun BrPeddler 476S9 Wdbine 34 l13fast 12 102 7 6 62 5 J J Heupel 7 DrHkmanCLdetker MyBoott MyBoottBy KARMITE b f 4 110 110Trainer By Sweep Henpeck by Delhi Trainer R Rawson Owner W W Rawson Rawson4S661 4S661 Devre 34 123 hvy 5 113 31 W Wartn 5 CobLass Diomed Jean Bnlliint 4S601 Devre 34 l21Hvy 5 104 6 1 F Chiavta 8 WhoCares CobaltLass Sliming 45283 Conght 34115 fast 65 117 1 11 IJ 2 k J Butwell 7 Knklux Cobaltljiss 1rinMyrtle 48152 Conght 34 l15slow 4 115 Lost rider C Dishmon 9 CbaltLass WhoCaresUPeddler 47793 Dorval 51 f l06fast 65 110 2 11 1 1 R Slmpsonl2 CobaltLass FirstConsul Brizi 47639 Wdbine 34 l13fast 15 112 5 11 21 7 i R Simpson 7 DrHkmanCLdecker MyBoots 47528 Wdbine 34 l14fast 7 113 3 11 1 31 R Simpson 8 Louise V DVandiver EasterL 47124 Pimlico 34 115 fast 115 107 2 11 11SBEARLENE Ink 651 J Zoeller 10 LouiseV Franklin UusLassie SBEARLENE bjh 6 i 112 By Spearmint mare by Cyllene Thimble Trainer A C Niehaus Owner U J Kramer 4SG20 FtErte 34 l15hvy S 112 4 5 5 4 i J McTagt G AXAkin TtheMark Tarascon 48564 FLErie Im70y l45fast 1110 113 433 21 I1 J McTagt 7 Tricksterll CBarkley fXWimt 4S4S5 FtErle 5Jf l10hvy 9 ins 5 s n in T pior G ANAkin FickleFancy jredusa 4S381 Hamtn 1 116 l5Cfast 95 109 233 2 IV 1 G Stack 10 Buckboard Singdale PttoPoint 48341 Hamtn 1 l55fast 4 11 Buckboard Bzonry SkeerFdce 4S314 Ham ton 1 l43fast 20 g Kilts jj f Antoinette Short Stop 4SCS9 Latonia 1 116 147 fast 14 113 888 8 B i 3 i G Stack 12 Harlock Capt Rees Rafferty RaffertyKAMA KAMA b g 7 107 By Stanhope II Kenness by Giganteum Trainer J Mclllmurray Owner J Mclllmurray 48796 Windsor 34 I16slow 95 110 5 11 1 = 11 J Butwell 7 AAlexander IBoy AnnieEdgnr AnnieEdgnr4S602 4S602 Devre 34 122 hvy 3 117 3 W War on 3 lolite Charlie Leydeeker Leydeeker4S377 4S377 Hamtn 34 115 fast 75 117 2 11 1 1 = E Hburne S Mallowmot Suningside CaptB 47613 Vdbine 34 l15 fast 35 121 Lost rider J Metcalf 9 Britains Ally Bengali UKitty 47556 Wdbine 34 l14fast 13 107 4 3 2 2s 2 O Willis 9 BackBay LltMaudieGdGulpre 47274 Churchl 34 l14slow 19 112 5 4 5 41 5 G Stack 11 DofDshire Vsylvia Mrastnus 47141 Churchl 34 l15mud 161 109 10 98 8 8 P Chvettal2 ANAkin Hadrian Hap Valley 44051 Latonia 34 l13fast 19 115 7 fi 6i 5 L Lyke 12 Purdey Circulate John Jr DR CARMEN ch g 8 108 108Trainer By Boanerges Lady Knighthood by Knight of El Ellerslie Trainer W Perkins Owner R L Baker Baker45S12 lerslie lerslie3s 45S12 Windsor 1 136 l492ffhst l55 113 1 2 2 2 3s 351 H Lunsfd 5 Waterwood DglassS Cortland 48745 Windsor 1 116 l54hvy 106 3 1 2 4 44M76 71 S18 H Lunsfd S DouglassS GdeCause MyDeiii 4M76 Latonia 1 116 l46fast 171U 105 1 G 4 2 50 4 H J Burke G S of Pleasure Escovar Docod 48517 Latonia 1 116 l45fast S 105 7 6 4 5 54SS96 31 2 B KenndylO Mat Idol Bs Choice MadgdF 4SS96 Latonia 34112 fast 1 115 S 76 764S325 51 31 D Connlly 9 Flying Welshman Herald Jap 4S325 Latonia 34 l12fast Z 115 8 54 544SOS7 3 35i D Connlly 8 Linden Bon Jour Docod 4SOS7 Latonia 34 l12fast 15 112 9 76 3 3i D ConnllylO JackHareJr DCraig JIadrlan 47893 Latonia 34 l12fast 39f 113 8 64 644VS18 3X 21 D Connllyll Bullion BonTour Docod 4VS18 Latonia 34 l15ysmid 5 110 1 55 41 511 D Connllyl2 Dodge Herald Docod 47654 Churchl 34 l13fast 28 113 8 64 64LORD 3 3 1 H J Burke 9 RapidDay Converse Hadrian LORD HAMILTON b c 3 103 By Uncle Lady Savoy by Morion Trainer J D Adkins Owner Kirkfield Stable J693 FtErie Im70y l43fast 3 98 5 5 2 2 21 33 F Lux G Fort Bliss Exhorter KiltsII 620 FtErie i34 l15hvy 14 107 5 44 4 581 O Willis G ANAkin TtheMark Tarascon 872 Thcliffo Im70y 145 fast 31 103 SD A Richcrk 8 L Ward GDuncan PdeChance 731 Thncliffe 5i f 107 fast 96 6 i A Richcrk 6 LouiseV CLdecber MOrauBe 698 Thncliffe 34 l14V4fast 72 100 6 1 A Richcrk 7 Mock Orange Billie B LouiseV 253 Churchl 1 116 l47 fast 41 IOC 8 711 11 11 11 F Merimeell FrankW Kimpalong H Valley 061 Lex ton 1116148 fast 3310 110 354 3 U I1 F Merimeell DofLancaster Abbess WarPrize SWEEPING GLANCE b f 4 109 By Sweep Eeginella by Melton MeltonTrainer Trainer J Lowe Owner J Lowe Lowe4S794 4S794 Windsor 3T4 l17slotSi H9 I5 3 4 4s 4i G Stack T S Liberty WCares Anticipate 48674 Latonia 34 113 fast 5 105 2 333 3i F Wilson 8 MabelG Sand Bed Converge Converge4S60C 4S60C Latonia 34115 slow 28 104 1 34 2J 2 F Wilson 8 L Luxury Converse GipQueen 48548 Latonia 34 l12 fast O 105 3 45 62 6 H King 8 Mile Dazie SirenMaid Jorice 48396 Latonia 34 112 fast 12 105 1 24 71 7 F Wilson 9 FWelshman Herald DrCnrmen 48296 Latonia 34 l12fast 87 1054 5 4 5 = 5 J F Wilson G ROverMight Augon BParadise 46195 Jefson 34 l14good 12 108 3 566 6 J H Myers G ApJackll Stepson DlxieCrroll 45969 Jefson Im70y l48hvy 95 96 3 2 4 5 5 5J F Cltiletti 5 War Mask Jiffy Frank Monroe 45915 FGnds 1 l42mud 8 6 6 6 6 4J 3Ji F Cltlletti G War Mask Lazy Lou Docod DocodULTRA ULTRA GOLD ch g 5 111 By Golden Maxim Ultimate by Goldfinch5 Trainer R A Smith Owner Sunnyland Stable 48340 Hamtn 34 l13fast 4 118 1 2 2 2nt 2 L Morris G Estero Stepson Mayor House 17815 Thncliffe 34 114 fast 8 110 31 L Morris 5 LouiseV CLeydecker MOrange 57731 Thrcliffe 5 f 107 fast 107 5si L Morris G LouiseV CLdecker MOrange 1769S Thncliffe 34 T14V fast 7 108 43 L Morris 7 Mock Orange Billie B LouiseV 7639 AVdbine 34 l13fast 215 109 3 7 7 7 4 L Morris 7 DrHkmanCLdccker MyUopts LBLAZE b f 3 By Tony Bonero Abrasion by Smile Trainer M Lowenstein Owner M J Lowenstein Lowenstein1S379 1S379 Hamtn 34114 fast 4 107 r 6 6 6 5 G Stack G Stepson TotMrning JBnllaht JBnllaht4S313 4S313 Hamtn 1 141 fast 6 1CS 5 8 6 7 7s 6 ° i G Stack 8 Piedra My Dear lolite loliteJ8136 J8136 Latonia 34 l12 fast 6 103 7 7 6 5 5i G Stack 8 SLiberty MlleDazie AGallup AGallupJ6038 46038 Jefson 34114 good 3 99 7 641 Il G Stack 11 Lady Bruramel Kirah IraWlIson 45494 FGnds 1 l42fast 85 103 10 10 9 9 71 4 G Stack 12 Shndoah PirMcGee HWennon HWeapon 15427 F Gnds 61 f l10mud 5 102 3 4 4 51 5J G Stack 11 Dia Girl BobbyAllen WhoCarea 15252 FGnds 51 f 106 fast 10 101 6 6 5 41 4 G Stack 8 S Liberty RTraveler MinMau MinMau3HARLIE 3HARLIE LEYDECKER b h 5 114 By Jack Atkin Polly D by Delhi DelhiTrainer Trainer J Arthur Owner 3 Arthur ArthurISS09 ISS09 Windsor 34 l15 = fast 6 llrt 606 r 6 6rl A Richcrk i Kuklux Glen Liglit TLeopard IS777 Windsor 34 l20hvy 3 107 1 33 3J 31 A Richcrk 4 Kstero lionise V Commmlore 1S699 Devre 34 119 hvy 910105 4 J Olstein G Cobalt Lass Murray Shilling JS602 Devre 34 122 hvy 12 121 2 A Richcrk 3 lolite Kama Kamarnt JS532 Devre 34 I14y5fast 32 113 rnt A RichcrK G TothMning BMcCloyStnson IS407 Hamtn 34 113 fast Sf 113 2 58J A Richcrk G Mid Sun Kstero St Quentiu 18311 Hamtn 34 l13fast 7 111 4 3 3 22 2s A RichcrklO Mid Sun My Boots Kd Stone 17815 Thncliffe 34 114 fast 5 113 2 J Rodgez 5 LouiseV UltraGold MockOrauge 17731 Thncliffe 5J f 107 fast 5 109 2s J Rodgez G LoniseV MockOrange BillielS 1769S Thncliffe 34 l14Mfast 75 111 5 5 J Rodgez 7 Mock Orange Billie TJ LouiseV 7639 Wdbine 34 l13fast 2710 109 2 5 6 3 21 J Rodgez 7 DrHickman MyBoots UltGold

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1920072101_4_5
Library of Congress Record: