Sixth Race [6th Windsor, Daily Racing Form, 1920-07-21

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SIXTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Aug 19 1913 10535 2 103 CENTIMETER b c 2 2Trainer By Meelick Begea by Margrave Trainer B N Vestal Owner Owner4S215 Blackford 4S215 Lntonia 58 l01good 16 7 4 3l I1 J Smallwdl4 PagaiiPan TheAlly SirLawnfal 48137 Latonia 5i f l07 fast 6 2 1 1 n J Smallwd 9 XortliElkhbrn TheAlly Runzaf 47173 Chilrchl 4J f 55mud 9 6 6 661 J SmallwdlS United Verde Oriole Easterside 47046 I xton 12 471 fast 18 184C975 1 1i 1J J Smallwd lli UnVelo SmokeScreenEastrside 4C975 Lex Lexton ton 41 f 55slow S 1 2 1 J Smallwd 7 Gangway Ben Valet Snare 46891 Lexton 12 49mud 24 5 7 = 65 J Smallwd 8 B Vallet JSRrdon Easterside 45876 FGnds 38 36 fast 30 2l 1J J SmallwdiO BenValet AlbertaS MPluvioui 4576 FGnds 38 35fast 20 72 611 J Pitz 8 Repeat Morning Face Petunia PetuniaBy UNCLE VELO b c 2 114 114Trainer By Uncle Velocity hy Henry of Navarre Trainer W Perkins Owner M C C4S4S1 Moore 4S4S1 Latonia 34 114 mud 15 118 14 15 11 II1 10B H Lunsfd 18 StarVoter BlServant AroIIigh 4K245 Latonia 5S l01igood S 119 4 6 8 9i 9 J H Lunsf a 14 Centimetei PaganPan TheAlly 47S4S Latonia 58 l00fast 1710 112 4 3 35 in H Lunsfd 11 Brunswick Runzaf BroBatch 475M Churchl 4S f 55 fast 185 115 1 6 3J 3J H Lunsfd 11 Ace High Easterside Red Legs 47337 Churchl 4J f 66J6hvy 115 113 2 2 2i 1U E Pool 8 BValet Smokescreen Grnland 47173 Churchl 4i f 55mud 2110 122 1 11 9i 7 ° I E Pool It United Verde Oriole Easterside 47046 Lexton 12 47fast 3J 122 2 4 2i 2i H Lunsfd 1 Centiter SmokeScrnEasterside JUDGE BUDROW ch c 2 114 114Trainer By Dick FinneU Bellona by Beau Ormonde Trainer W Perkins Owner M C Moore Moore4SS41 4SS41 Windsor r 8 l05 islow 2710 116 2 23 3 = 4 J H Ericksn S JSRrdon MA Nlian SCotirt SCotirtI4 4610 Latonia 34 l16islov 5 112 1 11 114S546 I4 I4 H Ericksn 7 Jetsam Eleanor S St Dotiard Dotiardli 4S546 Latonia 5J f 108 fast 95 113 2 11 114S453 li V H Ericksnjl STKean TVginian Rangoon Rangoon2J 4S453 Latonia 51 f 109 good 12 112 2 22 224S397 2J 2i H Erickshll Adonis Old Chap Loughland Loughland3J 4S397 Latonia 5J f 108 fast 4 108J 5 55 3J 3i H Lunsfd StDouard Lougldand Pep Polly PollyI1 4271 Latonia 5i f lOSfast 4J 07 4 21 214S215 I1 21 H Lunsfd S Jetsam Napoo Miss Dora 4S215 Latonia 51 f l10 hvy 8 112 9 99 95 91S H Lunsfd 12 GoldDigger SirTKean Greenld 4090 Latonia 5 f 108 fast 13 115 3 2 24V657 22 2i H Lunsrd 8 Miss Dora Eleanor S Plato 4V657 Churchl 4i f 54fast 26 108 6 6 6IKEY 61 61 H Lunsfd 7 Helium Mammy oMiue BBuck BBuckBy IKEY T b g 2 HI HITrainer By Waldo Pickanniny by Cesarion Cesarion4J Trainer B E Chapman Owner H Tullett 4M30 Dt vre 5S 107 mud 1110 112 4J W Waron AuntieMay JSReardonMngcns 4S4S7 l Erie 58 103 hvy 1910 113 2 1s I7 J Butwell BubvGrand Jtinuiiioi Silent Vest 48281 Conght 58 l01fast 23 110 3 I k I5 J Butwell 5 AnWood GallonBerry Dorothy 4f 231 CbnRht 58 l01sJ6w 15 119 1 11 2J H Thurber TilrishJig Ilerendesy Hon Island 48168 Conght 58 101 fast 32 113 1 lb 3i J Heupel ByJimlrfy IrishJig AnnaWood AnnaWoodIl 47838 Thncliffe 58 l00fast 113 112 Il J Butwell r IrishJig AuntieMay C Sponsor 47694 Thncliffe 41 f 54fast 310 112 112FBIVOL 2 J Rbdgez 5 Auntie May Bygone BlurStone BlurStoneBy FBIVOL br f 2 103 By Trap BockrLittle Sister by Plaudit Plaudit8s Trainer J Young Owner H Neusteter 48740 Windsor 58l05hvy 4 109 3 35J1 8s S J McTagt O ByJimiiiy Last Rose Mogens 4856 Ft Eric 5J1 l13 l13shvy = shvy 2710 119 2 12 1J J McTagt 7 Xapoo MANoonan CharleyBoy 4W51S FtErie 58 102 good 5 110 2 2 2 J McTagt 10 Brunsck M Crown MAXoonan 48484 Ft Erie 58 103 hvy 1 113 4 4rS luv ik M Garner t Xapo6 Get Em Flying Ford Ford2i 4S403 Hamtn rS 1U2 fast 65 115 1 2i 3s G Staci 8 Jean Corey A join Zealous 4S035 Latonia 58 l02hvy 1 115 2 25S 2 2s JiPool 4 MamoMine Cointreau H Flame 47984 I atonia 5S lOH fast 2i 107 5 55S 3 21 J Carmody 9 IxthLefpii MissDora Lorelitiesx 47S4S Latonia 5S l00ifast 21 112 8 6 81S W War full UiiclLAreloBruiiswick Runzaf MABTIN A NOONAN b c 2 106 106Trainer By Aeronaut Anna Sain by Sain Trainer G Zoiclcr Owner Crown Stable Stable4S841 e 4S841 Windsor 58 l05V5slow in 110 It 1 1 14S776 Ink 21 J Butwell 8 JSReardon SCourt JBndrow 4S776 AVindsor 51 f l15hvy 7f 111 6 32 324S5S6 2 5 4i J Butwell II Napoo Mary Cowell Sea Court 4S5S6 Ft Erie 51 f l13hvy 6 112 4 33 3 3 33i J Butwell 7 Frivol Napoon Charley Boy 48518 FtErie 58 102 good 4 110 3 34 4 4i 4 i APickens 10 Brunswick Frivol MyrtleCrown 48168 Conght 58 101 fast 5 107 6 65 5 51 fi S McGraw 0 By Jiminy Irish Jig Ikey T 47560 Belmont 41f st 53fast 115 112 2 11 1 1 1 li McAtee G Salesman Q Isabel Segnrola 46908 HdeGce 41 f 55mud 47 116 5 66 5 6 3 J Rodgez 7 SBaby N Raider W T Griyet 46816 HdeGce 12 50slop 7 112 8 7 7J 7 1 E Haynes 9 Hope Princess Tige HuntPoInt 46759 HdeGce 12 48fast 81 116 4 8 9 8 R RomellllO Careful Intrigante Gimme EUNQUOI ch c 2 106 106Trainer By Bunnymede Pourquoi by Star Shoot Trainer M Seifert Owner M Seifert Seifert4SS10 4SS10 Windsor 51 f lOSfast IP 10 4 7 74S4S7 8 4 4H J McTagt 11 Last One Auntio May MORPIIS 4S4S7 FtErie 5S 103 hvy IS 115 4 5 4 3 3 A Pickens 5 Ikey T BabyGrand SileutUVKt 48019 BBonnets 5S l01fast 125113 1 3 3 2 3 = 1 W Gargan 8 AuntieMay Ilerendesy TluWay 47909 BBonnets 58 103 fast 2 115 3 2 2 24 21 A Johnson 3 Baby Grand Coombs 47715 Dorval 58 1 02 fast 2710 108 6 6 4 31 1J C Watson 8 Plantoon By Jiminy JeanCorcy 47424 Mt Royal 4S f 56fast 17 111J 24 T Smith 8 MarDixon GeoCJrPanhandler 47328 MtRoyal 12 49fast 8 110 110FUNMIC I2 W Gargan G Panhdler MargDixon Voormel VoormelBy FUNMIC ch c 2 106 106Trainer By Bunnymede Micco by Star Shoot Trainer M Lowenstein Owner M 3 Lowenstein 48518 FtErie 58 102 good 14 113 6 65i 5 0 = 5 i G Stack 10 Bninswick Frivol MyrtleCrown 48137 Latonia 5i f l07Vfast 10 112 3 6 oh 08i M Garner 9 Centimeter NElkhprn TheAlly 47878 Latonia 41 f 55fast 1 112 1 1 1 1 G Stack 9 Winchester TomXorris Vooriu 4G9S6 Lexton 12 48fast 31 113 4 2 21 11 G Stack li Monsoon StMichael SGenman 46958 Lexton 12 50 hvy 23 112 9 8 8 8 G Stack 11 UncleVelo Monsn Unitedyerde 45412 FGnds 38 36 slow 6 112 1 21 2 1 J Metcalf 1 Joe Tag Repeat Mnckeluulne MnckeluulneBy BBUCE DUDLEY br c 2 M 104 104Owner By Golden Maxim Gliding Belle by Belles Com Owner W F Knebolkamp rirst start

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Local Identifier: drf1920072101_5_2
Library of Congress Record: