Empire City Entries And Past Performances For Wednesday, July 21, Daily Racing Form, 1920-07-21


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EMPIRE CITY ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOS WEDNESDAY JULY 21 WEATHEB OLEJJt TEAOK FAST I The figures under the heading Bee in the I entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1918 no matter where it finished In cases where record was I made on other than a fast or good track I abbreviations show track conditions Jtlieins starts at l30 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fiiir mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 58 Mile Mile12yonrolds 12yonrolds Maidens Fillies Special Weiphts Track record July 191S 59 2 118 118Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan48V7 48V7 Fluff 115100 111 725 7254S337 4S337 Mademoiselle Ta dean 115 101 1127Lo 48358 Mavoiirneen 114 1027 112 715 4373 Jamaica Belle 115 101 112 715 48835 Lady A ley 112 715 48557 Blue Belle 115 103 111 710 188015 Maidens Ballet 111 701 48557 Viinadis 115 102 111 705 48730 Flambctte Ill 1055 111 705 48357 Bolo 115 103 5f 111 700 48758 Tlieodpsia 112 102 111 700 48557 Peggy Hives 115 l0 VJi 111 700 48739 TenLee Ill 101 111 700 700Forgetful Forgetful ch f by Whisk Broom IIrLithe by All AllGold Gold 112 Wild Thoughts b f by Ivan the Terrible Dream Girl by Voter 112 Second Race 1 Mile MileMamaroneck Mamaroneck Purse PurseTrack Track record July ID 1915 13875 5 110 48555 DINNA CARE 110 13S 120 7 0 048C522 48C522 bWhislc 100 138 110 74U 488581 bVellow Hand 103 143 110 735 7354MVC3 4MVC3 liSweet Mttsic 110 l3U f 10551735 48802 bAmorican Boy 110 l44s 115X730 48555 = Feodor 115 139 Ji 120X730 44141 Georgia 110X730 48731 IbHoiind Kohin Ill 142 110 730 730483S7 483S7 Sandy Mac 105 142 110 723 48837 bBnrley M 107 715 715r r tK T Wilum entry Third Race About 34 Mile MilePrimrose Primrose Handicap Handicap3y 3y arohls and upward Filllcsnnd Mares MaresTrack Track record July 22 1918 107 5 128 12848151S 48151S Alphee 101 11073 4 11770 481552s bSwent Music 3 1001745 4S838 bEnfilade 115 109 5 123 745 4S85C Kdwina 109 llls 115 745 48S38 bPeu Hose 115 110 4 12X70 48789 Lady Gertrude 5 120X740 4SN Toujours 3 109X740 48 lir = Salvestra 110 1OS S 5 115X740 48525 Mile Vivian 3 111 733 48805 Elected II 107 111 4 113 730 48735 Ballet Dancer II 105 110 4 10151730 Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Ninth Running Demoiselle Stakes Guaranteed GuaranteedValue Value 4000 40002yearolds 2yearolds Fillies Allowances Track record July 22 1918 105 2 119 48527 = Nancy Lee 112 7 0 48835 Pantalette 101 107 109 745 48493 Tamarisk 112 740 48358 Mayournecn M 10 730 48805 Maidens BalletMlll 109 101 730 7304S73 4S73 TenLee M 10 725 725Fifth Fifth Race 1 14 Miles x Old Hickory Purse Purse3yearolds 3yearolds ard upward Claiming Track record Oct 22 1900 201 C lOli lOli4S529 4S529 Coaler 4 119 725 7254SS39 4SS39 bCla iucr 5 114x7l0 114x7l048h3 48h3 48h3i i bGath 4 1115 715 48839 bTransliite 41C9710 41C97104S80J 4S80J bWar Plume 9S 211 4 101 705 1 116 Miles earolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record July 11 1914 141 5 121 48789 Leatherface 4 112 725 48792 SiboU 109 147 5 107X720 48802 Air Man 114 145 7 112 715 71548S02 48S02 bBallast 113147 5107X715 48792 bPaddy Dear 105 145 0 109X715 109X7154S7923 4S7923 Great Gull 114 145 5 107X715 107X7154S792 4S792 ClicnibiiiQ 113 149 4 109 710 4899 bTenons BOH 113 145 51 109 710 48519 Thistle Queen 10S 148 5 104 710 7104SS02 4SS02 bAtirum 103 145 5 112 710 7104S308 4S308 lTom Brook 105 147 4 101X710 48792 bArbitrutor 109 147 0 101X705 101X70548C49 48C49 bBabctte 112 147 5 104 705 48519 bAlma IS 97 145 G 104X705 48517 blSeauty Sleep 98 148 4 104 705 48839 bPorte Drapeau 112 147 5 107 705 705481G2 481G2 bHcns Kong 100 148 1 109X700 109X7004S725 4S725 tbCourcclles 108 147 4 107 700 70048SCltbClarc 48SCltbClarc Boothe M104 149 4 99X700 48013 Millrace 1051145 5 104X700 48839 Tetley 98 145 4 1121700 1121700fJI fJI Kornhloom entry

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920072101/drf1920072101_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1920072101_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800