Half Way Mark Reached: Fair Grounds Meeting Growing Greater as it Progresses, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-17


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HALF WAY MARK REACHED ♦ i Fair Grounds Meeting Growing Greater as It Progresses. m — » * Fine Band of Two-Year-Olds in Stables of G. L. Blackford and W. H. Rowe. NFW OKL FANS. Lu., January ]•;. Peostag the half-way mark, tin Kair Grounds rare meeting is living ii| to iVitv prediction made Im it and it is . growing greater m it nwjnti, Tin- drawing power , « f tin- racing iiciwi for people , wealth is «•% i -dewed every day in tin- arrival of numerous pr-rasaa of prominence from all parts of the country. Tin- , sport is in kc ping with tli icastau, a- seldom before were nac k high-class daily yngruii offered , ;it ■ winter wee tra k. Thus far it lias b en no trouble to determine the best two year -old shown, a- My Reverie, a bay ! . daughter of ITtlmaa Reflex, stands head and shoulders over the host of her ag - sen so far under . colors. Mm had onl.v to gallop iiiu-x t ii l - l to eouul tin- track record for throe-eighths of a mile. 85ft, ami had she keea tin- least hit arced Mae would bare lowered it. lata mis-, is owned kj It. J. Brawa ! and is betaa; rralaed by far am lackey "Fuddin" McDaataL sh - wan bred by Brewaell Combs of beslagtea, Ky. livery indication of a good me* barae is stamped on her. as she won aaee in the mud 1 aad again aver a fast track, thus living up to the . old saving that "a goad horse ean run in any kind of solas;." However, mi ve-.tei.iaA. Lord Allen brake the track rcemd a i Ho- -inn.- distance, ami ma: now . be able to give .My Reverie a real race. At any rate. |e is a fast two year-old. Trainer It. N. t"Diek"i Vestal, who last rear developed Cent imeter. Mnskallouge. Ti list Official . and several other good ears, baa nineteen two-year -idds under bin rare at the Kair Greaads. Fifteen are the property of IS. I,. I.laekford of Deateoa, Tax., while the other four betaas to Dr. 1. E. Clark of Rcbak-Bbers.. Tex. taetadid in tar Blackford J , consignment are four sons .-mil one daughter of . lrinee Dermis Their enroots will be watehed with interest, as tiny are the rirsl of the progeny of this bone to reach raetag sge. The I.laekford youngsters are as follow-.: Jayce Huffman, eh. f. by lrinee Beraiia Mary Genevieve. Pete ray, eh. c, by Prince Bermfai Uoldea Los- sie. Hermis Kemble. eh. c, by Priace Henata Fanny Kemhle. Hickory, b. r, by Priace Hermk Lou Hanoi. Hermoden, ch. ■. by lrinee Bermis Modeaa. D.ris. b. I, by Foots and Saddle Fvelyn Doria half-sister to Bread Main. Lexicon, ti. f. by Uoldea M::im Lady Lexington 1 sister to Paul Wcidell. M:iry Maxim, b. f. by GoMea Maxim Marv r F.odillo ajcaadal. ch. f. by Braauael Fight Out Sempronia. or. f. by Hanbridg, -llei raise. Maximal, b. c by Q aides Maxim Lilly Mac. Gentility, ch. f. by Light Brigade Ilaadxarra. Hay filly, by Fallot Lady noneaster. Bay colt, by a/rack Rassiaa Sable. Brown filly, by Maori Grass Srpara. !■ r the first time in years the Blackford stable is not mad" up entirely of hoi of their owner** s lin edtag. Thomas ". Murphy; of Loaisville. Ky., bred the s.iis Bail daughter* of Knots and Saddle and Cold-n Maxim in this establishment. The Dr. Clark i|itartetie is composed of Grand Daddy, rh. r, by Everett Miss Panmure; Tex. br. e. by in. mast. i- Dolly Bayman; Rob, ch. .. by 1 till. ParcUte: Pay, Wk. •. by Doaraster LeUa. J. G. WAONONS BIG STABLE. Ktevea two year-olds an boiiMed in the Pelicaa i Klable owned by v. II. Rowe. wealthy Bbreveport, La . oil Magnate, ami trained bj .1. G. nTagnon. These bring the total t»| horses under VTsgnons s rare to twenty five, as in- baa five oMer racer* for i Howe, three for F. A. Joss and one for Julius aim. The Rowe Iwo-year-oMa are; The Cigarette. i . f. bj Berrildoa slim l riaceas. IKanerattoa. b. r. by Vankee Largo. st. Maurice, ch. c. by /.. us Even Break. Doll Vardea, b. f. bj Bala Everdeae. Veiled t.lleeii. eli. f. by Tin- Finn Scenery. The Vengeance, th. f. bj Tie.- Finn Catherine . l arson. Dissotate. eli. c. by Then. Cook Marian Uay. Porge Ahead, ch. o. bj Valcain Mixed Cotara. rhcodosins. blk. .. b] Theo. Cook Tigella tiondoiier. b. c, by Alvi scoi Rosall. Hyperbole, br. f. by Jack Atkin Find Leagae. The older hois,., in a/asm b*k charge are Cold cresl Ray. Dal wood, lack .Mount. Belle Roberta and l Ballybell. which betaas t.. Rowe: The Boy, Fan •inan and Bad Man. owned bj F. A ibiss. .m,| 1 Mary Head, which races in tin- interest of Julius s aim. The Me. of Iwo-year-oMa owned bj I . W. I lark c x*il| set into action as HOoa as trainer George A. Barnes receives word thai their names hare bees i approved bj Tin Jockey Chab. Mr. dark is spend iny u vacation here now with a party of friends and 1 In is desirous ot s.-.jn his yaaag racers perf iin. . as their trials bsve I n of a Natisfactory order r and he is confident that he will have the pleasure B of witnessing their graduation from the maiden l class. l||s yoangsteSM an- Tom Hare Jr.. br. e. b I I Vuieain — Maoset half -brathcr to Jack Bare Jr.t. a i ] bs fill.v bj GoMes Masba— Yankee Tree isjster to I liiiie,j Verde wininrot the Bssbford Manor stakes s at harchill INjvmis last spring I, and a chestnut t fill. b Aon ll nip -Bah nan. I Uayd Gentry baa dectakd to give Btetiisg a i ■Uch uc«xci] us! and. while he will nol 1h: Ihlov.u j out of traialag, be win tx. aboenl frosj titr races s lor the pffasenl Tie elt showed souinets at t leffeeson 1nrk and. althoagh he v on a ru«v thejra. it v us chiefly due to the fait that lie fur out«"lu.ssed I his opponents A rest was in order for him. as s in- had a hard stage of it in Keataek list spring ; uni .milium an. i me sjvea plenty oi racias. at i .I. fferson Park also Otic of the tnosi improved horses oi lie winter i hart W Lnlumbia Ttuu, owued by J.ttn-s U. Duker r . l 1 s c i 1 . r B l I I a i ] I s t I a i j s t I s ; i i r of Lexington, Ky. It has not been so long since ,. tliis gelding was making strenuous efforts to gel l out of the maiden class in Kentucky, racing agalust t the cheapest kind of horses. Now be has th" dbj tir.it ion of l cing the first racer to run tkree-n,BBr tors in 1:12 here this wiater. In one of his recent t race* in- forced the fleet Eddie Rtakeabacber to the hardest kind of a drive to beat him by the . margin of a half length. That race evidently - helped him. as he c ime right back and won his next I one. Howard Dot- is letomiined to make a Jockey out of the diminutive I.. MrDermotl ami it will be no „ fault of his if i In- lad is n.,t a Bsceeas. Be _ rides him regularly on his own horses and also gets „ him pleat] of outside mounts. Tne little fellow has . show ii considerable iinprovesii nt this winter, even though lie ha* lost a few races that he would have ,. won with belter riding. His game ae s» cannot be ,. Bjaesttoaed. but his light weight js against his . being much lulp to a horse in a driving finish. Two „f the greatest drawing card* of the wiater here are Tippity Wltcbet and Eddie Rtckenbacher. The presence of either or both of them on the pro- gram is sure to bring out tin castaaal race goer t in full strength. Hot h of these horses are ex In niel.v popular, with tin- local turf followers, es-i pecisUy. the former, which is owned by a Nov v Orieanx nil F. T. Bnner. To the credit, of this s pair it must be said that flux ban- given splendid j exhibitions of racing here this winter and when n beaten the] were never disgraced. Kimpataag, which bad about as busy a year as s any horse in training last year, started off l.Ul vjth h a victor] and. if he retains his present form be e will in all probability race ofteaet tliau oxcv this s vent. In IDJO in- faced the barrier twenty •atae e times, winning five races, finished sevsr,nri seven n tiuiis. third five tunes. His racing was crowded d together, as he did BOt make his debut until 1 Febrn.irx St. hut front then to the end of the Jef tils, mi Park inccling he was kept prellv baa In ii Kentucky he Was :ilw,iys ..n he Jssup, but he had a a sumniers rest He is a totlgh hsrse. and seems to o thrive on worls.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921011701/drf1921011701_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1921011701_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800