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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1921. Oritltal Ark. K..rl.v-l.mrtli day. Cuba-Anieriean lackey Mini Anto Ihlb. Winter Meeting of Inn ,.r mure davs Weather clear; tempeTature 90 . stewards. .1. Harhwrtntrr. C. U. 1 uwiale and I . .1. Inn. Starter, laairn 1". Milton. Raeiag Bee-rotary, M. Kathaaaan. ltaeinc starts at 2:13 ] . in. Ckiftfl time 1 : 12 p. m. i. * lm i i :i i ■ - apprentice allow, usee. K« /4" G FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 190—1:11—6—102. Purse S700. 3-year-olds and •Jiai-SrAaO upward. Net value to winner P550: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWHTSt Vi Vi % Str Kin .lookers Owners O H C P S SftS9t+THORX BLOOM ■ 7 1-1 : I i»| I5 1 l|C Iam. • H V Plant 8X387 *MISH DIXIE f 1 s7, 1 .: 7 7 I . A MoLhllnM K Th.mps, n 15 IS la 8 :. .•?S5i *ti.m. J in»;w i 104 . i i. ciiMi.tiM r Warwick hB5 7-5 7-5 1 : i 4 MW SUPERIOR w 1 Ml - 7 ■:■ !M: A Piel.. us Y D-nrni. 3S3M Tor RUNG we. -.117 s :. S« VI i" r W Crump R Mock 3] 1 I S-3 1-5 r fM72*COOMBS a : 1 7 I P V 7 V V Burl T Hodge 7 7 7 2 • 5 S218Z* MAJOR FISK a i IM 3 8 . i 7 I Francis O 1. Pouter M It M 4 : BX338 JAMES :. m: . M i. I 8-388 .1 Pit/ .1 de Eatrampea 30 M M 12 I Time. 233. 4845, 1:17. Tiack good. 88 arataeta paid. Thorn Btooau, 818.88 ~tiii.ii seen place, si in ;...v: Mi-- Dixie. 828.70 place, Aid. on about; Ttaaothy .i. Hegaa. 83.88 -i„,« K piiv.ilent bookiac , dd- Thora Bhaaaa, 580 t,, 108 straight. 288 t, lot place. IOC t,. KM show; Miss Dixie. 1335 to urn place, 7m t., 103 show; Tiaaotbj .1. 11. .-an. Ml t.. Hhi Ktaow. Winner Br. h. by Flint Rock— White Thora, by Nasturtium traiaed by I. .1. Alt; bred in Baglaad by Mr. Aatraat Bekaawt. Wei.t tt. post at L:ls. At peal :i minutes, start good and slow. WoB easily: second and third driving. THORN BLOOM outran the others Mai the start, saved ground on all turns ;,nd won easlag ap. Miss dixit, began slowly, bal cloned a gap and made a fast finish. TIMOTHY .1. HOGAN easilj ont-■tayed SUPERIOR throaga the last eighth. COOMBS tired badly. Scratched 52305 Helen Lucas. Ml; 52181 Bditb K . 104; S10M Biscuit, 1"7: 51985 Pokey B., 107. Orel weights Coomba, 4 ik.iiihK: Major Ki-k. 2. Kk9/19Q SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102.! Purse 00. 3 year-olds and tal4:lt/ upward. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S B3371X*HATRACK 1 Ml 2 S 1- -! 1 1 P Wilson H A Cotton 52343 PLANTAOEMRT m I lit a I 6» 4" 21 2*1 C Bum a s Buxnandide 1 I 1 8-5 ■!-.". 71! 73 BLMOKT « ill 8 1 S» 3 . Btttwell T Doyle 31 2 2] 1 1-2 SX3Z83BIAKCA m ■ M7 ■ 7 tli V V 4" - R Ball T Dsaca ! ! 2 4-7. 2-6 •I «."» 19 MONOMOY v 7 Ml 3 I 7*1 7* OJ .".1.1 Pita ■ K Moore I i I I i BtSM*POKEY .iam: w 4 Ml 7 I V l1 ti • ,k B LcasterW C Weatmtand fi I E I l Bt01»*PUNCTUAL Ml M I » V •■ 7 L PennianR 1 Carter ■ •: I 2] l-S 51440 SWIRL wi: I KM ! S l*U P I - 11 MillerD B Jonea M M N i _• StSt? AUTOMATIC RED a I H I • V I] I ■• K Weioer I K Allen I t t I Time. 2325. 485. 1:16. Track good. sj niutueU paid, HatracU. 0.30 straight, .; place, 04.00 show; Ptaatageoet, place. s7 M -how ; Btaaoat, s::.!to ahow. K.inivaient buoklac odds Barrack, 023 to 100 straight, ".mi to 100 place. 143 ta dhi show: Ptaata-genet. 400 to Im place. u" -"i to 100 show: Kltuoiit. K to 1K show. Wiaaer Br. ■-•. by Wrack Hanover Queen, by Hanover traiaed by II A. Cat ton; bred by Mr. Thomas Hitchcock. Went to post at 2:41. At post 5 urinates. Start rood and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. HATRAOK raced under s|i»|,t restraint to the stretch turn, where he raced into ■ good lead and won in a ranter. PLAXTAGENET ran a good race-. l.I.MONl «., a forward contender from the start. hat tied in the last eighth. BIAXCA and MOXQMOY begaa slowly. POKEY JANE quit after raclag into the lead. Scratched 5210a Locust Leave-. 100: 523873Fait Accompli. 100; 52121*Beptoa, 109. IKet a eights Intnmatlr Bed. •" pounds; Ehnont. 2. PO iOA THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. -year-olds. Net OlTtO" value to winner 50: recond. 00: third. 350. Index Horses AWtPPSt % M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S KStM *.ATi kai. w M3 . l -: -- i P B KenndyWllliama Bros l i l 1-:: l- : ..v;m!i IliiAi.i: M 1 I P* 1* V !• rWDnca v. Cebrian -± 2 z 7-101-3 ." ilGI KINGS BEI.LE wb 1M l I I ■ 0*2 K LcafterF A Herold I ."■ :. I 1 SttOO ROSEATE v r. W 1 I 4 9 V I1 W Kelsay A C Niehmoa 4! 41- 4i 8-5 4-fi KttMSPUGS w 107 4 .". ■ I ;." .1 Francis A L Taylor :: 4 4 v., 7 -It :iAti~, ERROLL w 11" 5 4 r j t I W" frump .! G Kurt 15 15 1". ti I Time, 24. 4923, 1:1194. Track good. %S niutuels paid. Natural, s:.. In Rtraight, si !« place. £2.40 si„, ; CIgale, s2.7 » place. SL.-ln show; Kfaaga BeBe, .70 show. Bgairaleal t kiag odds— Natural. 133 to 100 straight 13 to 100 place. 20 to lno show; CIgale, :.-"i to loo place. Ill to inn show: Kinds Belle-, 3a to Iimi show. Winner— Ch. f. by Martinet Pbenulpo, by Pen StranM trained by P. .1. William-: bred by Meacra. Williams Pro-.. Went to post mi 8:07. At post 1 minute. Siai! good and sh.w for :ill Put KINGS BELLE. Won easily: second and third driving. NATURAL forced the pace for the first half mile, then raced int.. the lead and drew far away after catering the homestretch. CIGALE set a good pace, hut tired in the last eighth. KINCS BKLLE was off slowly, but Haished fast and would have beatea CIGALE in a few more strides. ROSEATE ran well, spl ;s was onlj cantering all the way. Overweightu Roseate, 1 pound; Krn.ll, 1. ■r OJOI FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24, 1917— 1:05.,— 5— 102. Purse 00. 4-year-0""itl old- and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P 8 .-.2329 :" POLAR CUB wp 4 M 8 : l | 1 . l ■ i- P Wilson . .1 Keyea 1-5 0-5 0-5 1-2 1-4 . H WATERPORD w 7 113 - S :: 2] V ! •- .1 Butwell .1 li Moody ::. :; :. 7-7 7-10 32240P. DE CHANCE wa 7 112 2 _ 5 :.■■ 4 ::- A Pickens W It Padgett 2] H ::■ ,-:. 7-lo R8M1*FLEER w r. 1 M C I I- :: 1»1 4" R LcasterF Herold 0 I I 2J C-5 52410* FICKLE FANCY w i; no l 1 ink r V !■ s Boyle T Doyle :, :. f, 2 1 ."-.-.X! BULGER wa 1 112 2 1 7 I I w Kelsay K.vnohls 10 It It 4 2 Ctl45*HEMLOCK wu 7 1U I I l ■: : 7 ■■ 7s W Cramp W II Hall I r, | »j i;-:, 52240 DOUBLET li. wa I io:: 7 7 7* I 8 and - P Wetoer M E Thompaon U 10 id 4 2 Time. 24. 4845. 1:02*3. 1:09. Track good. 82 mataels paid, Polar Cab, 83.00 Ktraixht, place, si.-.n show: Waterford, 84.00 place, 88.00 show; Pas de Chance, 8820 show. E.piivahin booking odds -Polar Cab, 03 to 100 straight, .... to 100 place. 23 to Dmi show; Waterford 130 to 100 place. 7.0 to 100 show: Pa- de Chance. On to lno show. Winner -B. «. by Ossary— Thrifty, bj Ogden traiaed by II. G. Woods: bred by Nevada stock Farm. Went to post .-it 3:31. At post 8 minute.-. Start good and slow Won easily: second and third driving. POLAR ill, laced into an easy lead in the first eighth and led under restraint for the remainder of the race. WATERFORD raced in closest pursuit, bat had to be hard ridden to outstay PAS DB CHANCE. The latter was fractions at the barrier and was outrun early, bnl finished fast aiid gamely FLEER ran well. Scratched 58828 Par Bast, 103. Overweights- -Kle. r. 1 pound; Hemlock. 1: Waterford. 4. •Q*? FIFTH~RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. .Jan. 18. 1920— l:50r 6— 105. , First Running AMEr"-*J*d-± Ot*d ICAN CLUB HANDICAP. S3.0CO Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,930: icconil. 0 J : third. a0; lourth, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vi ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S~ ~- .Vi; .- 0 r.Al.l.Y w 7 M0 1 2 2s ■■- S" l« V Kehmy B DoU . ". ~, i ~ StlWBREAD MAX wn 4 lis :: •; B»l 4J Is 8] V .1 Butwell I B Potts | | - 4-5 1-3 St411DO OD w 5 MO 2 l I I I .v ::- i: KenndyM GoldbUtt t«-5 «-5 C-5 1-2 1-5 B2S70XMUMBO JUMBO w 7 115 I : 21 21 2» lS Boyle T Doyle 444 8-53,5 BSSM FURBELOW « I 107 7. t 11 r I«J 5J J Francis M GoldbUtt tt-6 0-5 0-6 1-2 1-5 52309 1 LACKAWANNA a 5 104 t 5 4 S I A Plckeaa Armonla stable 3 :;. I] 8-5 3-5 tCoupled in bettiag; no separate place or show bet Hag. Time. 24. 49-0. 1:124%, l.-00%, 1:553-5. Track good. si- niutuels paid. Pally. sll.i;o atralght, 84.80 place; Bread Man. S3. 30 place; no show mutueis sold. Kiinivaleni I kiag odds Bally, M0 to 100 straight, 14i to loo place; Bread Man. 83 to Phi place. Winn.-r Br. b, by Ballot- Sally K . by Mirthfal traiaed by C. Reynolds; bred by Mr. John 1:. Madden 1. "•»•.* Went to past ai 1:01. At post L minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BALLY, after raclag prominently from the start, came fast in the final eighth and iust Managed to get up in time to win. BREAD MAN uas in trouble on the first turn, when- he was crowded back when his rider attempted to take him through on the inside, but i e ■ponded with a rush la the stretch and easily pasaed FURBELOW and MUMBU JCMBO. DOCOD closed a i gap and finished fast and gamelj FURBELOW quit after aettiag a % I pace t the ia-i eighth. MUMBU JUMBO ran well to the Ktretrh but failed to -lay the route. Scratched :._:7u Pastoureaa, 100; 52300 Graady, 100; B2S00 Kama. MX Oiniaalghla P.aliy, r paaada. jrOiOO SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 3. 1918—1:44-—3—92. Purse 00. cTrj";;., 0*"t0o and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S6C0: second, 00; third, . Index Horses AWtPPSt «i Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners j U C 1 s" BSSS1 "FAUX -COL w i 110 E 1 t] l« 1 1 1 B K nndyWQliaiBa Bros I 1 1 1-:1-.; 32t00*MATHER w 13 2 2«J £ V P II Ball J l Bartolomeo 2S 3 :: 1 1-2 StSOt »AMERN SOLDIER - I lot : 5 :- I BJ 5« 3 .1 Pita K Moore I s s •" fr-fi CtSBt:PIERRE-A-FEL wa 7 1M E I I P* 1 I 1 C II MillerE V Bpriager 3] 31 1 1" 1-2 BtUlHOCNIR w pi ill :; 2 4-i- 3 : 11 McDottV B Finnegan :: 4" 4 6-5 BtSlO WILFRRDA wa 5 1M ■: 4 :: • :; I I e P Weiner W Fenwick IS 17. IS Time. 25, 49, l:U%, 1:41%, 1:49. Track good. 82 niutuels paid. Faux-Col, 83.00 Iraight, 82.00 place, show: Mather, place, 88.10 show: American Soldi. . 83.00 show. Bqairalenl booking add* Faax-Col M to lno straight, 40 to 100 place. 23 to 100 how; Mather llo 1o loo place, 53 to 100 show; American Soldier, pn to 10O -how. Winner Br. g, by Valeas Collel Monte, bj CoUar traiaed by P. J. Williams: bred la Baclaad by Lard dAberaaal. Weal to post .it 1:30. At post 1 minute. Start «m1 and slow. Won iiandil.: xecoad and third driTing. KAI X-COL sprinted into a loii had on tin backstretch, but was tiriim .r the end. MATH!:;; raced iii nearest pursuit ami fiaisbed in n solute fashion. AMERICAN KOLDIER closed a gap and nil gaawd PIERRS-A 1 1:1 in the final drive. The latter runs better an a faster track, HOCXIB tired PTO/IOI, SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mi;c and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00 •J a* "Tt •_ ~* 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt f M % Str Pin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P S .-.2351- ROUNDEL wi: S M 3 2 I] V 2 I l1 F Wilson If Shi. his :: . :: •;• 7.-, 7 ,fl St810*JA K HEALEY 3 M3 ! ! 2" 1 I Fletcher J Bvercal t S i • 5-5 BfSM*SINN FBINER • !• : 7 7 7 Sj r 1 . 1. Penman VY I. olivr g | g BtSM**JBLLISOX w 8 104 I 1 S 1 • 1 : 1 .1 Francis I L Footer :: 3 3 ] |.s CtSOlMAYROSE wa I M 1 I :. 71 l ." B Leaster It P Brook.- r |] t] 144.5 BSXOOLA KRO8S wa B Ml C « 4 8* « 8 1 B Kend Will buna Pros 1" 8-5 4-5 1- 1-1 C1M1 FORD wa lie: I SI 8 7 7 7 a Tryen G Warwick I 0 : 20 it .-■38» BEM. STALWART w - 11 B*; 8 8 I W Kehmy . C Eaton 7 7 Time. 25, 48. 1:15. 1:42. 1:45J.,. Track good. s_ niutuels paid. Roundel. 88.00 straight, 84.0X1 place, 83.20 xbow: Jack Healey, 80.00 place ha 20 show: Sinn Pumi, s7.:m shOU Ei|uivalent booking odds — Boundel, 830 to 100 straight, 113 ro 100 place, 08 to 100 show; Jack 11 :io0 to Km place. 10 to l»Hl show; Sinn leiner, 203 to 100 show Wiaaer Ch. c, J Peter Quinci Balkis, bj Orlando trained bj H. shield-: brcl :r. Johnson X .linden 1 . Went 10 i"i t at 1:38, At post 1 minute, start good and -low. Won haadil.i -,...i:i ,,iei third driving. ROI NDEL reewd claae up under slight restrain to the stretck turn, rnn where be raced into 1, cleat had. but had to be ridden out to outxtaj JACK UKAI.KV. Iii 1. 1 ■.■ mw fas inren 1 ins Ktretfh. I"*A PEIXER tired after ctoaiag a gap. JELLISON quit aft- • B«:na .-l. 1..1 thre. nurieis aad takina the lead. LA KKnss raced proniinenti] to tin stretch nun. where be quit. UrerwcighU Mayraae, 3 pounds, JcUiaoa, 1.