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I • • " j | i . ; : . ; • J ■ , i - | ; j j • I TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Saturday. January 15. 1921.— Porty-flffa day. Lower California Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 11.". m mom day*. Weather clcr.r. Presiding Steward, Francis Xehuui Isaa late Slewaids. .1. W. Coffroth and Leon Wiag. Start, r. Barrj Morrissey. Racing Secretary, Leon Wing. 52421 Tilst Race— 5-8 Mile. Jan. 8. 1916 — 35— 2— 105. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special WeihU. Net value to winner 50: second. S100: third, 0. BtjHiv. idds. Ind. Borse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. it 19" Magneaia IIS 13 .1 Class ■ .p/i Candoroau 112 J" w Parley I9U0 100 Stifle l"i- si.i 112 :;. || Radtki KlO-lttl S2S12 Dm., T. II- !• .1 Callahan 750-1OG 32312 :Capt Clover 112 ■"■ R Pinnegar rSO-Hifl l- - o 115 | N Kod, n _• LOO Dr. Tubba !l". 7 W Mclntyre Its -108 ■s_ mutiiels paid. Magnesia, si. t;n straight, sTiu place. ±-j.t;o show: Candoroaa, gSP. -In place. S7.JH show : Fiesta. .M show. i- luivaient i kite m1iIs Magnesia. UM to inn strailn. en to Dmi place, :;n to inn shoo : Candoroau. IsTn to inn plan. 240 to inn show; Fiesta, M to lint show . Time. 36. Track fast. Winner A. .1. Merles b. 1. l. Jhu l.affnev Whats Left, by Wadsworth trained bj O. A. liianchi bred by Mr. I. A. Bianctai. Went to post at Lai. At post 8 minutes. Start goad and Blow. Won easily: second and third ill iv -in.. Scratched -5SM8 Little Florence. 112. 52422 Seconu Race— I Mile. Juno 1". 1916— 1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. Eqnir. odds. Ind. Borse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 523ftl Cobrita i l- B Marlnelll SsVIM 5S315*Teo Breckge 1W iv c Whittington sso-Hju ."i.7; Mistake 11» .; . .1 Glaas HO 16U niOK Bardora M9 4 E Pator 180-190 58291 Prairie ! IE |S» II Rov • S8191*Prevari ate !«fi S .1 Murray IM90-M0 5231SaJIm Winn lu.i 71 F Chiavetts MGO-lOO 523412*Brown Dee i i gi R TUylor 13M KM .- »30l B. i. Royal li I »•• ., Rots rtson 516S1 Col. Norford lin M .l .Matthews 11 i-Ki IMutnel field. sl mntueis paid, Cobrita, fl5.00 straight, .40 Place, show: Teo Rreckenridge, 0.20 place. ■ViMI show; Mistake. So. SO shOW. Equivaleal booking odds Cobrita. 650 to Dmi ■ straight lid to Inn place. :in p, inn snow; Teo Rreckenridge, liu to kmi place, l!»i» to Kin show ; Mistake, ISO to inn show. Time, 1:42. Track fast. . Winner— Coeur dAIene stables b. m. i;. by Sweep i faleareuse. by Oraial trained by .1. Pierce; bred by Mr. Charles . Clark. Went to post a l:1!l. At post I minCte. Start BOOd and slow. Won easily; second and third d:, hug. Scratched— ~ 2101*Prank Shannon, 110; r, t in t Uttle Orphan. 110. Overweights Browa Roe, 1 pound; dd. Korford, 52423 Tnird R" c— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05C— 3— 118 . Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming, Net value to i winner S350: second. 00: third. 0. Equh ■ t«bls. Ind. II :• e. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 52260 Mabel Rule T 1 1. . Majestic STTMnn 52300 Ie..s Wni iij _" ■ ci-oss |W| HN ." ."J Id Sister Polly M :;. M Slaughter :n.j-ion 58380 Cover Up lis Mclntyre 70I-1W r.. ; ii Roldte U.S.. muj .-,■. j Glas* ivO-ioi . •.»:«-. Little Pointer f5 S1 j: Marlnelll IW 5840O*8adle D. o .: 7 j BunUmer 783 II 58304 lihia Ms s- ; Toargin Z0a-I08 58200 Miss Holland K »j j Clements I sw, etwat r l t M i: Tuj lor t 58814*Mlss Parnell 107 il II Rowe •■ i I 0 tMlltlll I field. S2 mutiiels |iaid. Mabel Rule, 06.60 straight. Sou. In place. 8107.00 slew Recs Wing, .80 place, .00 sh.iw : Sister Polly. .60 slum. Rnoivalenl hooking odd- Mabel Rule. :in to inn straight. 2420 to lmi place, ."lUsn m inn show: i Bee* win. lin io inn place. ISO to Hhi snow: , Slater Ioih . so to inn show. Time. 1:08. Track fast. Winner Bartholomew A Seals b. f. ::. by Mont | comerj liimli. by Solitaire il. trained by A Seal , bred bj Mr. A. Seal. • Went io paal ai 2:43. Ai post I minutes, stair pood and -low W -asily; second and laird driving. Scratched .":?ois Bonne .. Bine, ft.". — _ 52 424 fourth Race— 5 1-2 Fuilongs. June 28. 1916— 1:064»— 3— H8. Purse 00. . 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to t winner : second. 00: third, 0. Eqniv. idds. , Ind. Borse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. I 52300? Orchid King 11J l; B Pinnegar :«i-iori 52300? *Kina;leader mbj -■ i Marinelli Mh-184 "i -:i i : Velvet ir, :: G Yearnin H80-1W I 58303 Ben Payne W9 i1 P Martinez 1380-109 58308 Mineral dim 11 ; - A ZeiKler -|i;j.i in S8M8LobeUa .11 S Foden 330-108 . 58334*Welga HgJ 7ril Rowe 88W-M0 53100 i lonia hM I K Lurns HaO-IM S: niutitels paid. Orchid King, ,00 straight, s:.m place, sj.pi show: Ringleader, .00 place. .00 show; Velvet, .00 show. liiiiivaient booking odds ■ Orchid King, !mi to Kmi straight. 4i to. 100 place, no to Hip show; Rhag- had.r. Kid to inn place, ■"." to inn show; Velvet, B0 * to 100 -how. ■ Time. 1:0725. Track fast. ] Winner -Trowbridge A officers eh. g, g, by | Cnnard Arline. by The Commoner trained by C. W. officer: bred by Mr. C. C. Patrick. W.iii to post at 3:00. At post I minutes. Start straggling. Won easily; second and third driving;. / Scratched— 52406 P. Moody, 110; 52402 Our Leader. ILL Overw uhts in-, hid King, :; pounds. . 52425 rifth Race— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920— 59—4—107. Purse 00 3-year-olds . and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: i Lecond. 20: third. 0. , Equiv. Odds. 1 ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 58178*PhroneWard Pis l-; I: Marinelli 180-10J , B8317 Sedan pis 2*| B Tuyior j 52241 s,Roy Dewey -s :::■ .l Slaughter 240-1W i 58383 2Cde Weaver l#0 P G Veargin :;.;.i-im 58816 Earnest liu :. R Carter MO-MM : 58300 Criaplo :»0 I P Hunt ESB0-4M lnc.iuels paid. Ihione Waul. .40 straight, 1 .00 place, si.Ln show: Sedan. .00 place, sj.lii show: Roj Dewey, .40 show. equivalent booking odda — Phrohe Ward. 120 to leu , straight, ail to 1M» place. In to Kill show; Sedan, r.ii to 100 place, in to lno show; Roy Dewey, 20 •" to inn show. Time. 1:00. Track fast. Winner I.lackwell ,V- Crippens eh. m. 5, by Fro pei . Lulu Marr, by Florisi trained by C. W. Crip- * pen; bred by Mr. Samuel A. Beckham. j Went to post at SIS*. At post :t minutes. Start , uimiiI and slow. We,, easily; second and third driving. Overweights — Roy Dewey, i pounds. 5242fi SixtU Race— 3-4 Mile. Doc. 20. 1916— 1 1:11-3—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year- 9 aids an:! upward. Claiming. Net value to winner i 50: -econd. 00: third. S50. I Eqniv. Odda. ." Ind. Borse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 53338 Van. Welles 103 1 1. Marlnelll jni-1". »2330*Sturdee Nfl 8 j i; Taylor 180-100 i 52300 -«!• at Lake too ;■: M Slaughter lu3*-l«0 53808 Bob Baker 113 I- C Qroaa 1180-101 1 58338 Shorl Stop Wl B" B dcCrann 1300-100 1 51041 - I 1 :- .| Callahan :• u-lb-. 1 53384 Rasola .•; 7 t; Veargla WC-Iob mntucha pud. Vaucssti Welles straight .20 place. .40 show; Sturdee .40 place, .t0 i show : clear Laki . 00 shuu . I Equivalent hocking odds— Vanessa Wellea, 308 U« 1 h» straight, 60 Io 100 plan. 20 Io 108 show. ; Sturdee. 7n to Km pine, in to Kin show . Chair Lnk . nn |o Kmi smoU Time. 1:13. Track last. Winner W. C. W easts rh. m, •;. by Kick Welles Vanessa, bj Berridere Itraiaed bj W. . | 1 , •" * j , 1 9 i I ." i 1 1 1 i I ; | Weant; bred by Mr. Thomas Piatt 1. Went to post at 1:01. At post 1 ininuie. Start good and alow. Won handily; second and Ihild dri injr. s ratched -52304sJohn Jr.. 107; 52400 Mez, 102; ."Lis; Don .i,,se. no; 52404Myrtle A., llo. Overweights Bharl Stop, 1 pounds. 52427 seventh Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1816— 1:05V5— 3— 118. Purse 60. ?-vcr.r-olds and upward. Clcimi.ig. Net value to -A-inner 5350; second, 00: third. 0. EqUiv. Odds led. Borse. Wi. Fin. Jockey. Straight, 51018 An Region hM l, C Qroaa 320-100 52300 R. L. Chven !1« 2=1 .l Matthews .7 -P«i 32388 Pizarro lb; :;i u Curler 1390-1*8 52201 Apple Jack no .. w Binphy iMO-lOtl 52302 Blanchita "• G 11: Tuyior HO-109 52 300* Walter Mack 113 •■ C Whittgton :pi-P»i ."•i:.!;: : ukon 110 7 P Martinea tM-MB •2 mntueis paid. Anna Reglmi. 10.40 straight. 84.40 place. 84.00 show; Bobert L. Owen. .20 place. SL.n -law: Iizarre s;Al show. Equivalent booking odd* Anna Regkaa, .tjii to loo straight, 120 to lno place. |80 to 108 show: Robert L. Owen, 110 to Km puce, IB* to loo show: Plaarro, 320 to |00 -how. Time. 1:0745 . Trick fast. Winner c. IDderhiDs in. r. 1. i Vou Tiwp Genua, by Balgowah traiaed hy L Belter, bud bj Mr. G. W. rnderhill. Went to post at 4:25. At pool 1 minute. Start rood .ind shn Wmi driving; second and thirl the .niie. Scratched 32310sLewia It.; 11:.; 59080 IhMancey, 110; 12002 Barbara Shilling, 105. Overweights Apple .lack. 1 pound: Anna Ue rina, 1.