untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-17


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SUPERIOR RATING lORM 25c Daily. Mailed 2 Weeks S3. 1 Month SIPERIOR PUBLISHING CO., 333 South Dearborn St. - Chicaio, III FRIDAYS ONE BEST: TAILOR MAID 10-1 WON COMMISSION HORSE: I GALIOT WON THURSDAYS COMMISSION HORSE: ! CAPTAIN HERSHLER ....WON Just Missed Putting Over Another Long Shot !CAPT. BURNS 12-1 2nd SEA COURT 2-1 WON WEDNESDAYS COMMISSION HORSE: SCOURGEMAN 8-5 WON OTHER WINNERS: jINA KAY 5-1 WON COLUMBIA TENN 4 1-2-1 WON ST. ISIDORE 8-1 WON CLAQUER 4-1 WON Were given to win out of the seven races. Note the Ion? prices. Under no consideration fail to get down .strong on TODAYS SPECIAL LONG SHOT This one comes from our docker, marked one to go the limit on. Here is your chanvc. Only 25c at all ne wvt tands. AGENTS: LOUISVILLE. Ky — Eiior and Goodman. 227 4th Ave. CINCINNATI. O— All news-stands. ST. LOUIS. Mo Wm. Laaar, lobby 705 Market St. ST. LOUIS. Mo.— Foster Book Co.. 410 Washington Street. INDIANAPOLIS. Ut MtHllte. lit IUiftoi:! i DAYTON. O.— Enahrnt, 129 fc... Jefferson St. I DETROIT. Mich.— Triniurle News. Griswold and Michigan. The Commissioner 50 CENTS DAILY For sale at all i-Tews-stands everywhere SATURDAYS BIG COMMISSION HORSE: VETO -....2-5 WON WE ALSO GAVE SUCH LONG SHOTS AS: TING-A-LING 10-1 WON NOMINEE 12-1 WON FRIDAYS BIG COMMISSION HORSE: CAPTAIN MAC 4-5 WON LONG SHOT: TAILOR MAID 10-1 WON The COMMISSIONER sure is putting em over. We ask you. can you get any better information for 50 cents?. Todays Big Commission Horse comes from the same source that TING-A-LING. NOMINEE and the above came from. This cne is considered IN by thoro that know. For this one go to your New = -dealer and ask for The Commissioner. Only 50c and is for sale wherever Daily Pacing Form is sold, or mailed two weeks 55.00. Address THE COMMISSIONER 103 WEST FORTY-SECOND ST.. NEW YORK CITY AGENTS: Cincinnati. O. — All news-stands. Louisville. Ky. — Eiler and Goodman. 227 4th Ave. AND ALL OTHER INTERMEDIATE CITIES THE WINNING POST America s Leading Racing Weekly TODAYS FREE CODE. Popcorn -Hadnt -to -Winning -Sort. Friday* Free Cade, ulii.h :i Wyi.inim:. l.«.U like be K in ii s.ft »pot t wj;i.v ;inii are advise to :,.■ hack to him. THE WINNING POST. 101 West Forty-first Street New York City TURF LIGHT Weekly Racing Paper ALL STANDS— 15 CENTS— ALL STANDS. Free Code Mondays and Tuesdays. TODAYS CODE: Five, Twenty-one, Fourteen. Virtue. Htfw Oilcans. 25 West 42d St., New York City. Buy our daily Wire— All Stands — 50 Conls. The American Racing Manual for 1921 IS NOW ON NM K. DAILY RACING FORnTpuBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT ;: gHICAOQ, LLL..

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921011701/drf1921011701_8_4
Local Identifier: drf1921011701_8_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800