Havana Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, January 18, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-17


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HAVANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES ; FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 18 I WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. thim: i;.tkii;s aui; i or TIKSII.Ws MACIMUi o RAC1MG HOSOAT. Saciag starts at 2:12 p. in. Cbicas* time 1:42. ® Superior mud manor. X Good mud runner. : lair mud rutin..]-. M Maidens. "Apprentice allowance, b Blinkem. First Race — 3-1 Mile. 8-year »l*la. Maiden*, dafaning:. . "Tra.-k record: Jan *-. 19" i — 1:11— fi— UC. i Todays Bid Hois. . Wt. B. A.Wt.Han ".P.7 1 open 1 10 1 . l.i *;, lot. . 727. wlala *Julloanne 105 l : 14 ~, 104 x 720 •".1830 Mab.-l Kc.Miolds .. 104.. 718 ..23t 7 Seotty 104 ITS--. 111.71:. ■2:;is Tnanore* 11." 1:1S% Illx71*i .j::27 MiM.-r Jiggx 111. .715 .1217 *.il.nf tin l 17 M, loo .71,, r.t«!W Molin.io l|- l:17*j I0S Tin 0 1 • ,: " 1 !• o • ii. 111. ill. iii j./j 70J 52327 *l • h M 103 1:10% 108.. 70S •■ -•"o; Bi« Bill Hi, ,700 B 32428 Aatoatatic Red . . . . los i:281i 111. .710 Ei Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. j j I I. war-. Ids and upward. Claiming. ■I -k record Jaa. 24. 1017— 1:0SV •• 102. i . •"• ■"••.:iss ijiss Proctei ,183 1*07 .. los.,7..-, ••• 52328 •Huntress Uu 1.07. 10 100X730 ;: 1323481 • Incinerator .10| 1.07-., t 100.. 718 fi; 52247 *Miiif iiH i:0s-- I 102. .715 5: nl •_ ss bCaran Boj n- i:oa « HO X 713 51 022S4--bJuanna III 1011:07--. H102X710 I -.2:4:. 1 Binty Moore . iris 1:88% 1 107. 710 •"•227 •Director Jaatea io: ; :07 -. » Mr*x7US .=.: r»23f«" Prine.-ss Myrtle M 1:88 t in.. 70;. :, , J2183 Munivnn 1 1 r7 I lis 1 . | 1 10x705 El ; ."._I2:. I Pliiioi In; 1 ii-i. 1 112 7|-. -1 I 5*487 N Ictorj Bond lM;. 1 107 Ton 4: 1 , I Third Race— 3-4 Mile. I .-ai olds Mini upward. riaimiiig. Track record: Jan. 8, is»jto — 1:11 — o— 102 33S28 PERIGOCKMNK .109 1:12% 0 11Wa72". "240H bNorfolk Belk- 9s 1:18 , 4 101X718 .i22.7- Marion HoUtna 110 113-. 3 104X7L3 "210:: bLoenat Leave* M7il:lS*£ 4 108x713 "-■:tt;s Praacnelo 104 i:li"-. 7 llix7io 53808 •bKeweaw 109 1:14% 11 100x710 32S88 •bUotd Stone 93 1:11 5 108x708 7.240s bit. B John-Jon IIS 1:12% 8 108x700 "2109 View 188 1:12% ;in..7uy Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 1-year *M* and apward iiaiming. Track record: Jan. I, 1820 — 1:11—8—182. :.2M2!i bQaa Bcbeer 104 1:11% 1111x728 ".2.4s i Mavehona 104 1:14% :t 81x728 152200 Pi- 108 1-24% 4 184X718 51218" tPtank W 112 l:18%m 4 187x713 .".ll.-.s -iiiMatin-.- Idol 188 1:13% 8 107X718 82287* iiltroth.-r Mnefcaa ..118 1:18% 5 111x718 52888" Just Fancy 188 1:13% 4 102. .718 52880 tbBysaat 104 1:13 3 S9..71 t 52828 bBedlaad 112 1:18% » lo7®710 528MP bOweep lean 4 107.. 710 .".234!t- Hiioni-i 114 1:14% 8 88X708 ."22iv; Uaaraateed 18511:15% -1 182-**703 52888 •ldlaran Mi 106 1:14% 1 107. .788 51288 Bedatart 10si:17»r, 8 107X788 f.. L. Austin and K. . Griffith entry. M U slab la M entry. Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles,. 4 year -olds and apwnrd. Claiming. Track record: Feu. :i. H|l 1 11%. . 8 9J .Ji-a. *Zoi- H.1 1-08% 8 1W. 725 52413 aPlaJrtareda MB 1:47% ".110x720 52372 »Hoinani 101 1:47-. 7 »9x715 52332 bCanstaatlaa 188 1:40% 8 lio. .715 52387 •bWhlppoorwill 101 1:48 fi 105x715 32413 *bOai*asa 106 l :47- s* Hi8x7lo ."2351 bTruant 1 lo 1 :4S% 3 1 10 .. 710 ."2372 CadOJae llti 1:47 7 110X705 "1VI77 Donna Grafton ...l0 1:81% »• 87.. 788 52872 Frank Keogrh lot 1.17-„ 8 110:700 Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 50 Yards. 4-year-oada and apward. tlaiming. Tmck record: March ♦:. 1018— 1-41— 8— 117 J S241S*bAMarney Mol* ...108 1-48% 8 187X728 32881 •Ithym.r Ill 1:44 7 108X720 .Vj3.-.2-*liSol Gilsey 100 1 : 4.". 7 1oo 718 52882 *bMlaaeaway IIS 1:47k 8 110X713 52382 *K-y Funis 108 1:48% 7 111X7L"! 52280 Laughing Lyes II... .". 1W..710 :.-:ti;s "*"■*-a*— a t 10:1. .710 :.L:tli2 *Bi.-rmaii 10H 1 :42% 7 100*k70B 62882 I.War Tux lOK 1:4S% 7, 1M.X7 5 "214." bDoke of Sh-lt.y ...107 1:44% 10 1WX7QC* :.23ii2 *l oiph 10-1 1:48 1 108X700 ."C-:t.i2 •Napthalius .". 107. 700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921011701/drf1921011701_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1921011701_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800